I don't like dealing with these things...

I don't like dealing with these things, it'd be easier if they had a person there to punch my order into the screen for me.

yes it would be easier,
they will still offload this process onto you, because it costs them less money

enjoy the future, where you do the store's job for them, and pay them the same rate as before

I would refuse.
Imagine all the fat, sweaty sharts and their equally shitty kids that have smeared their ass grease all over these.

i like not having to deal with braindead teenagers

The entire point is to not need a person there.
Eventually they won't need a person in the kitchen, either.
You will punch your order into the screen and a robot will make it for you.

In addition to this, there's almost always an open screen so you can get your order in quick and you don't get stuck in line behind someone who doesn't know what the fuck they want.

>enjoy the future, where you do the store's job for them, and pay them the same rate as before
alternatively you can stop consuming junk food and cook at home

I like the idea though I haven't yet used one myself. The more efficient the ordering process is, the cheaper it is for the consumer.

hopefully the savings on labour costs will get the mcdouble back to being $1

This. These screens are great.

I don't understand how you people have issues with these machines? I've used them a good number of times and never had an issue.

Yeah right.
It will be 2$ before you know it.

It's lost my business since then.

I only use self checkout and like always, my belief that I am more competent than monkeys working a cash register proved to be true.

I have a credit card, I dont use it much so I never set up online banking for it and I always end up just going in and paying it down every month anyway

this one time I let it float
>buy something the end of july
>go in august with $20 due
>pay $20
>go in 2 weeks ago
>$40 due with $20 past due payment
retarded bitch ass fucking teller monkey can't even make a credit card payment? where the fuck did my money go? you take my money and click a fucking button saying I paid, how did you fuck that shit up?

I'm so fuming angry about it because it's not even the fact I have a phantom $20 now, but that shit puts MY credit on the line because these retards can't do a simple fucking job

moral of the story: avoid interacting with any people who do a "profession" that didn't require any education beyond highschool

>enjoy the future, where you do the store's job for them, and pay them the same rate as before
better than raising the price... think about the future when considering the actions businesses take to save money.

yeah but you know, americans are lazy lardasses with little brains for most of them so if they had the chance to get feed directly by the waitress like "mouth-to-mouth baby birds style" they'll do, fuck these mongoloïds.

our one country is more powerful than the entire continent of europe
it's always cute when a loser shouts insults at a winner, doesn't make you look desperate and insecure at all.

Is there anyway I can put my expensive order through as water/cheap items, the same way I put expensive groceries through as bananas?

>one country is more powerful than the entire continent of europe
It's a shame you do nothing to contribute to it though, you fucking waster.

I bet you can't even find europe on a map you mong

Lol he's such a speccy twat

maps are usually used for finding places you want to go


>t. Shart Simpson

nice story

>they will still offload this process onto you, because it costs them less money
Its a win for them. they get to save money whilst you do their job for them.

Millennials push buttons for free on their iTards all day but are too lazy to push three more for lunch?

You don't pickup the items yourself then pay, you press the picture(s) that corresponds to what you want. The McUniversity Professional then gets the order for you

100% they think Europe is a country

America finally catching up to 1970s Japan, except with a more expensive and less reliable machine so it can play advertising videos at you and let you make your extra-ketchup no-pickles well-done tendies-under-the-patty special snowflake abomination.

It probably doesn't even take cash.

>having options is too confusing for my autistic manchild brain

Time to raise the eligible age for Medicare and Social Security.

Its 66 and probably wont change for a long time. As it hasnt. But differed intresrt has slowly gone up so you get 8% every extra year you work up to age 70

>this is a price raise

they make you do the work and they save money, but you dont see cheaper prices

I don't get why so many people are complaining about these things. Especially on here. The less people I have to talk to the better.

Adapt or die, faggot. More McChickens for us.

Never used one of these, how do you pay if you want to pay with cash?

Why do you think a business is obligated to pass their savings on to you?

There is an option to order on the machine and then choose to pay at the register. You'll get a receipt from the kiosk with a barcode that gets scanned by the cashier at the register. For the most part, you're better off going straight to the cashier to do both steps.

I went to mcdicks and they had one of the cashiers "helping" people order stuff.
It's just so damn slow to use, everything is it's own menu, it's too big and everything's too clunky.
I would rather just drag icons to a shopping cart and press a little icon on the food picture if I want to customize it.
Plus, I still had to wait in line to pay cash so there's no fucking point.
Also, they brought the food to my table, i'm not used to this kind of service from a sleazy fast food place where I just want to eat my shit and get out.

>using cash

You grandpas need to die already

chip card transactions take at least 1 whole minute as opposed to 20 seconds while the cashier makes change.
They don't even have to think, the machine tells them how many coins to give back, it's truly a mindless job.

I use EMV tap and pay almost every day and on most machines it approves and completes within about 10 seconds of asking for payment.

>letting the botnet know your every purchase

>I don't understand how you people have issues with these machines? I've used them a good number of times and never had an issue.

Most people don't have an issue with using these machines they just have certain orders or payment methods that are too complicated for these machines to currently handle.

Single mom at checkout wants to use her WIC, then her EBT, then split 20$ to each gift card. Gotta get rid of that change too so here $7.38 all in change and finally pay the remaining 60% with a check for some stupid fucking reason.

Can you make a custom (plain) order on one of these machines? Do you get to chose which toppings you do and don't want?

Yes, it gives you all the customization options.

Quick turnarounds or oblivious people that take forever?

>be me
>fucking autistic as fuck
>traveling in russia
>don't speak much russian
>always end up feeling like a retard when i order food
>eventually figure out that the self order kiosks have an english setting

these things can really save your ass in those kinds of situations

why are you in russia if you don't know the local language?

Studying Russian actually, wtf am I supposed to do, spend 2 years taking language classes if I want to go on vacation overseas?

No, but you should be able to order food if they don't speak english.
Pointing and hand gestures are better than starving.

Accidentally signed up to be a mail-order husband to a russian qt when I decided to try out internet dating

The machine does not accept cash. If you can't pay with a card, then it'll print out a small receipt that you can bring to the cashier. The cashier scans it and you just pay them.

In other words, they're not made for niggers.

Idk about shitty amerifat machines here they accept cards and cash its easy as fuck to use and its faster than cashier. If you have a problem with these machines seek medical help (altrough if youre amerifat you cant afford it) as you most likely are intelectually disabled

>chip card transactions take at least 1 whole minute

Do you have serious mobility issues that mean it takes you 60 seconds to move your card to the reader? And why does this issue only manifest itself when you're holding a card, and not when you're handling cash?

Oh wait, I see now: you're talking total fucking bollocks m8.

What shithole do you come from where it takes a minute to process a card payment

Do you only travel to countries where you can comfortably speak their language?

Love these machines because they have a condiments section, every condiment is free, you can add up to 10 of each, and the workers just fill whatever the machine order says. Got a ten piece nuggets over the weekend with over 20 packets of different sauces.


Similar to self checkout lanes. I hate it when I just used one successfully a few days ago with no problem but now it's not working right. The attendant then treats me as if I'm the retard using one for the first time when it's the fucking machine not responding.

>I don't like dealing with these things, it'd be easier if......
you killed yourself

that's contactless emv, contactless emv is nice

contactless emv also works almost nowhere, especially outside of major cities. you honestly have better odds with a Tokyo subway pass all the way in rural Kyushu than you do with a BoA or Amex contactless card 45 minutes out of Manhattan on I-87.

the actual american credit payment process, for the convenience and edification of the euros and shut-ins in the thread:
- tap contactless EMV card/tag/phone on the point with a hand-drawn Apple Pay/Android logo sign, wait 5 seconds
- tap contactless EMV card/tag/phone again, wait 5 seconds
- clerk notices you tapping, if you're lucky you get a quick "doesn't work anymore" but if his manager is watching you get a 45-second description of the single-store GPS-tracking notification-ad-spamming deposit-required iPhone-only app that his employer has replaced standard contactless with. he will not let you interrupt him and move on because he will be fired if he does.
- insert card
here it forks:
a1) insert card
a1.5) ten seconds later, clerk notices that you've inserted card before confirming total, this kills the piece of shit point of sale and now your entire order must be rerung (this actually happens at my closest liquor store, which is especially bad because half of the time i'm in there for round 2)
a2) wait 10 seconds for the garbage terminal made from a factory-reconditioned Atari Lynx to even recognize that the card's inserted
a3) wait 30 seconds for it to do the crypto math on that blazing 3.6MHz processor


b1) insert card
b2) ten seconds later, clerk notices and mumbles "not working yet"
b3) swipe card, wait 5 seconds for terminal to realize
b3) press "credit", wait 5
b4) confirm total, wait 5
b5) key in your postcode, waiting 1 or 2 after each digit (foreign cards not allowed), then wait 5 after entering.
b6) wait 10-15s for processing. sometimes you can hear the modem noise.

>scan item
>correctly identifies
>place item in bagging area
>machine shits itself
>look around like a mongo to get attention of minimum waged minimal skilled fuck nugget
>they look at you like you couldn't operate a whistle
>don't even bother to check if item in bag is correct or not, just smugly assume you can't operate a checkout machine
>in reality you've probably taken the only job they could do

>want to cook my own food
>go to grocery store
>forced to bag my own groceries while armed guards watch over my shoulder
>it takes forever because the machine's sensors bug out constantly
>scan the wine
>have to show my ID despite being in my late twenties and almost never getting carded at bars

Yeah, that's so much easier.

How are you so bad at using credit cards?

At least learn basic phrases or practice before going into the restaurant.

Haha wow, do Americans really do this?

What? Learn basic customs, general phrases, etc. before traveling abroad as to avoid looking like a fucking cretin? How fucking awful.

Why even respond to him?

sometimes the opposite happens. I once waited about 10 minutes in line behind 2 families who took fucking forever until each one of their shit kids decided exactly what they wanted. If a person had been there instead of a screen they probably would have had them hurry the fuck up.

The Carl's Jr near my house that has one of these gives you a 15% discount for using it, may just be a temporary thing though

What about ordering it with your phone and having it delivered to your door?