What you call this?

I call this an Eggplant Grinder, what do you lot call it?

Eggplant parmigiana in a sub roll

and where are you from?

is that an eggplant sammich?
hmm, I like the concept

Eggplant Parm Sub

yeah, pretty common in northeast US. I mean most pizza shops will sell these.

Eggplant parm hero

I do not like eggplant but that looks pretty decent, I'd try it if the flavour is not so intense.

Best eggplant parm I ever had was at Franklin Giant Grinder in Hartford, CT. Had it with meatballs. Mmmm.

Quints have spoken

oh, boy

I call it an eggplant Parmesan sub, though I'd only say the sub part if differentiating it from the other version of the dish where the eggplant is served on a bed of spaghetti. I'm from the South.


sandwich is the most superior form of food eating

Eggplant medallion ensemble with cheese.

Eggplant sub. There's a couple of places that call them grinders around here, but usually they're "subs".

where is here?

eggplant parm poboy

what is it exactly?

eggplant parmesan hoagie


Whatever happened to that one fat guy that worked at Quiznos with his dad and went by the nickname "Stumpgrinder"? That guy was hilarious.


i bet you say wudder

>pizza shop
>sells sandwiches

Are Americans really this stupid?

>call it a chip shop
>sells chazz wozzers and bing bong pies in addition to chips


>call it a retard
>it's also obese

Wew lad
