WEBM Thread

Now with 90% less Jack Posting

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why are you raiding my mom's facebook for webms


Go home Etsy, you're drunk

Why did you not link the much superior non-muted version?


It's cool to watch but I can only imagine how pissed off his antics makes his co-workers


maybe cause it's a webm thread not a youtube link thread, broseph

>webm thread
>linking to youtube

I was all ready to shit on this webm but he does literally everything right

>hand tats
>american cheese
>doing everything right

except for his faggot watch and tattoos, yeah

That shit pisses me the fuck off on like half a thread can be nothing but YT links.

What does he put between the burgers, is it onion? Also, the burger needs mustard.

I have a hand cranked Universal food chopper that I use to grind up steak for making burgers.

>American cheese
>tiny burger patties
>watery tasteless lettuce

What a waste. At least the buns are toasted. Too bad they look squashed and greasy.

Yes, onion. Just a white onion, no red onion.

>white onion
>shitty lettuce
>american cheese

He doesn't like flavor.

This looked great until the shit tier cheese and lettuce appeared. Why go through the trouble of making your own burger meat and everything and then throw plastic cheese and tasteless iceberg lettuce on it?

whats his name again?

dancing is forbidden under sharia law

I agree with the onion, but gimme that shitty american cheese and iceberg lettuce anyday!

>all these anons don't know the so called "shitty" american cheese is low key the best cheese for burgers

Also by christian fundamentalists.

It really is. I mean, I love swiss and shit on my burgers, but American cheese was quite literally made for burgers.

Cheddar, swiss, pepper jack, and havarti are all better.


To piss off MuhGourmets like you by dangling freedom of preference in your face

Ignorance is not the same as freedom of preference.

Your logic comes undone once someone simply says "Yes I have tried all those cheeses you mentioned, but I prefer my choice knowing them" because they are technically no longer ignorant

No, it isn't. Ignorance is thinking taste is objective.

Jesus Mehmet calm the fuck down.


That's what the beef is for

>pissed off
I'm sure his boss absolutely loves him. Those antics attract costumers.


I honestly hope that killed her.




Garlic and Thyme? not terrible, but just salt and pepper is better in my opinion. Also why the oil in the skillet? A smoking hot dry pan is better. Squishing the burgers like that seems wrong as well. Still, it's a decent burger.

well they consume plenty of semen so...

chinks are sub-human

That has to be a joke.

Smash burgers are legit man, produces a crispy browned outside and juicy medium rare center very quickly.

Mehmet please Mahmoud has the shift right after you and he can't follow you up because he only listens to country. Have you seen how many people leave when he starts line dancing to trap?

>not wanting a cute girl who is an adventurous eater

I mean yeah the octopus is a bit much but you could take her to literally any restaurant and she'd be okay with it because new food


You faggots bitch the same way than in /v/-

spotted the guy with faggy tattoos

I don't have a single tatto not I want one, I'm just pointing out the obvious to these faggots who think they're better than the "normies" just because a lot of people have tatoos these days.

Make up your mind on which way you are going to spell it wrong.


people who have knickknacks on their wrists or fingers while cooking should be stoned

people who have knickknacks on their wrists or fingers while cooking deserve a good guillotining

maybe you just forgot to delete your first post, but i agree with both. fuck it, stone em while chopping their heads off


Why use webm ?

Better quality, longer playtimes, smaller file sizes. It's better in every way.


>it's okay to cause unnecessary suffering and stress to a living creature because it's "adventurous" and you're cute


Get with the times, gramps.

This is sad because they're small and kind of cute but it seems like the best way to kill them if it's going to be done, doesn't seem like it took longer than it had to. Better than that other webm where the guy starts hacking one up and it's still squirming and trying to stop what's happening like 20 seconds after it's started.

>Smash Burger
Holy hell what the fuck are you doing in Veeky Forums kid?

I'm only posting this because it's better with the sound on





I hope we get cultured meat in stores soon so we can stop killing things for food. I know eating animals is natural and meat is good for us and all that but it doesn't mean you can't feel pity for them at the same time.


it wouldn't be so bad if only those fucking soulless gooks didn't insist on making it suffer as much as physically possible

bruh holy shit

I find the lack of respect he has unsettling.
It's all most like he wants to expunge the most suffering out of the situation as possible.
Karma's a bitch, fool.


You know what I meant. The opposite of that ha

Yeah I'm not sure why it's more common among Asians. Maybe it's because they usually do it to fish and fish don't react in the same way that livestock animals do by kicking and screaming? So they think it's not really suffering. Or it could just go along with poverty and having such a massive population making them have less sympathy.

He's the fucking owner retards wow just wow with the AUTISMO

Some people do actually think that stressing out the animal makes it taste better. IIRC there was a practice of literally beating the animal while it's alive to bruise it all over before slaughter because they thought the bruises made it taste better. Really sad. But like I said here I think it's also partially because it doesn't react in the typical way that we would think of something reacting to pain, like kicking and screaming and trying to get away with it, they just see it pretty much doing the same thing it always did with its tentacles just wriggling around.

It's mostly the latter part. A fish doesn't screech and scream in pain and you don't see any real emotion in it. It doesn't register as being "as alive" as other animals or people do, the same way people don't bat an eye at squashing a bug.

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>tiny meat grinder
I had no idea this was a thing

Or it could be that fish don't actually feel pain.

>Covering a Styrofoam cup

As people moved in land into Asia it became a lot harder to have genuinely fresh fish. Eventually eating live seafood was a sign of nobility, because only the powerful could afford to bring quality seafood inland. These days people just do it because muh culture and because its an easy excuse to be barbaric and violent. China is the country where beating your food before killing it became common, despite science showing that flooding meat with stress hormones before eating it makes it undeniably worse. Asians are some disgusting people.

Karma isn't real

>implying american cheese isn't one of the best cheeses for a burger

>better in every way
It's lossy unlike gif which is lossless and as far as I know it doesn't have proper transparency.
Take that webmfag.

It's an attachment for a stand mixer.

I got that, I'm just shocked in the 30+ years I've been alive that I haven't ever seen one

"Fish do not feel pain the way humans do" doesn't mean it's not being stressed and feeling something bad.

You're a faggot, a leftist, and a commie. Do you feel pain the same way humans do?

Kitchenaid makes a bazillion different attachments for their stand mixer. If you don't have one they are a worthwhile purchase.

>when you get into politics to deal with a mental illness

Lack of empathy is a leftist, commie and faggot trait you disgusting shill.

It was hard to watch indeed. And that is a very good point

I mean, I am not a vegan or shit. I love my BBQ'd steaks and burgers. But man, that is animal cruelty, just kill the poor thing already.

fuck both of you

veganism is a mental disease

>korean bbq dangerous.webm
that's in china idiot don't make me worry about my waifu again

t. sheltered limp wrist beta faggot

>Dog on the bed
Are muritards really this degenerate..?

Veeky Forums is a right board. Despite the shilling

Most of the time I would agree. I couldn't give a fuck if someone were to be kicking a dog right next to me. But I felt bad for that little fella :/