Hi, I'm a Veeky Forumsizen who needs to eat insane amounts of protein...

Hi, I'm a Veeky Forumsizen who needs to eat insane amounts of protein. Each day I have to eat 10 egg whites and 250ml of whipped cheese (well, technically its cheese but tastes and has the texture of youghourt).

Currently I'm eating them separately, but do you know if I could make something tastier with these two ingredients? A recipe or something

just drink jizz my man

>10 egg whites
Not gonna make it.


dumb frogposter

Eat 2 lbs of tofu per meal.

Maybe some kind of cheese souffle? Those use a lot of egg whites.

>Veeky Forumstard

Faggot confirmed.

What result would produce mixing those egg whites with the cheese, adding sweetener and microwaving it?

You might as well eat mcdonald

soufflé ?

quiche is an option, but will make you look like a loser nerd.

Greek yogurt and whey powder.

Skip all that shit and just eat like 1/2 lb of chicken breast. With all the calories you save you can eat some nutritious food instead of a cup of fucking cheese.

You can't process that amount of protein my dude if your not getting enough gains just drop 20mins from your cardio
Also eat less eggs and cheese add some meat beans veg and rice to your diet
Your probs not leaving enough space for carbs which you need to gain mass you wanna run off fat and carbs and store excess protein as muscle mass not teach your body to burn protein it's gonna hurt your gains and permanently fuck your metabolism

I don't know if you guys even have this shit across the ocean, but quark (no, not the particles) seems like a great choice. If you get the light variant it barely has any fat and consists of mostly protein. Like your whipped cheese it's almost identical to yogurt except it's not. You can mix fruits or berries in there and it's gets pretty good.

Assuming OP is American, we definitely have quark here. I used some in a cheesecake recipe, turned out pretty good.

Bro, I'm on a PSMF; Im only eating 150g of protein, 10 of fat and 15 of carbs a day.

Mine is very similar, except it has one gram less of protein.

Im an spaniardcuck

Quark is the GOAT product for getting swole, I used to have a 50/50 mix of quark and fat free milk daily after working out when I used to lift.

1) he didn't say he wants to gain mass
2) your body can, in fact, process that amount of protein, please show me a study that proves otherwise

Make yourself some navy beans & ham, user. Beans are pretty much all protein and carbs, plus it's cheap, tasty, and easy to make. Just cook some beans with a ham shank, then pull out the ham shank, strip off any meat you can get from it, toss the meat back in the pot with more ham diced into bite-sized pieces, and let 'em finish cooking. Garnish it with some green onions for more flavor. Boom, high-protein muscle fuel.

Yeah, that is a damn good soup even if you're not a Veeky Forumsfag. A good amount of mirepoix, garlic and hot pepper of choice added will always be a winter staple of mine.