You die and wake up at a crossroads

you die and wake up at a crossroads

one post is marked flavortown, the other, heaven

jesus stands under one and guy fieri under the other

which do you choose?

Other urls found in this thread:

turn 360 degrees and bake myself to death


>implying there's a difference

one last trip to flavortown

Jesus never existed:

He was an invention of Jewish tax collectors and the Flavian Roman dynasty to suppress tax revolts and take advantage of openness to pagan and Jewish syncretism among the lower class Jews, military, and slaves.


Go with heaven and then you get flavortown, guy fieri, and jesus.

Flavor town is subjective. What if it's a trick and it's some hindu's idea of flavor town and I'm stuck eating coconut veggie curry and shitting my brains out for eternity? Gotta think about these things..

Why you gotta do this on Veeky Forums?
>A Carpenters son who preached a niche offshoot of a small religion with a grand total of 12 disciples who spread their faith mainly through oral tradition was overlooked by contemporary sources
Color me shocked lad. Do you have any idea how many religious leaders have died in absolute obscurity? There is no evidence backing your alternative theory either.

But wouldn't heaven have its own flavor town?

How do you close the oven door though?

Flavia Domitilla was an early saint. The religion said to pay your taxes, but not to the Jews. It was an excuse for plundering the Jewish temples on behalf of the Roman empire by Jewish tax collectors to pay for the 64 fire of Rome reconstruction. There was tax revolts, they came up with Jesus to quell the masses. Peaceful dude who says render to Caesar, not to the evil Jewish moneychangers. It is pure Roman propaganda and amazing that people still follow it.

Subversions are subversions and you still only have circumstantial assertions for your theory and no way to prove how they would have been able to fabricate and place these oral traditions across so many places in a grassroots fashion. I think Jesus existed but that we will never know a pure record of him or his teachings

If the choice was that simple I would choose Christ over gluttony, however IRL I am a glutton.

I'd go with the Fieri on this one


flavortown is wher you make it

You're a massive fedora wearing faggot, and even if you're 100% right I couldn't give any less of a shit. I bet you're real fun at parties.

Stop encouraging him.

for those who believe, flavor town lives in you.

tfw my shitposting turned into a fedora debate about jesus

Why is denying the existence of a crucified jewish criminal r*ddit since they have loony tunes bible thumping fundamentalists over there too?

Thinking that anyone on Veeky Forums cares

My question is why is Guy Fieri guarding the path to heaven while Jesus is going to flavortown


>tipping your fedora this hard
>on Veeky Forums

prove guy fieri exists and i'll hear you out

Jesus was a dangerous cult leader who laughed in the face of Roman slaves trying to organize a rebellion against the Empire. Of course I'd follow Guy Fieri.

good job user!