>Fridge thread
How you holding up senpai?
>Fridge thread
How you holding up senpai?
Bout the same but add beer
Do you even need a fridge?
OP here
If you had to guess how much I make whats your guess?
I'd guess you spend a lot on takeout
fucker either finish or throw away those sriracha bottles
>he fell for the sriracha meme twice
let it sit out and smell it just once
clean your fridge op, shit's nasty
This was the point that the thread turned into blogposting garbage. Saged
I'd rather post freezer
Clean your fridge.
What's in the plastic bags, user?
Looks like portions of meat.
I'm actually very successful and doing this as a social experiment
I have money, I can go and buy food right now. I want to see how I do without having a full fridge for a few days
You have rotting food in your fridge user. I get the feeling this is a normal thing for you.
I cleaned out the fridge already
Mostly cooking oatmeal, rice and some frozen meats
Don't really have anything else left/
>that green onion that fell through each grate
my guess is order in way more often than you should
I'll be fine
Egg fort man?
Imagine these in the fridge
Yep, I buy chicken/ground beef in bulk and then portion it myself. It's cheaper and I can but better quality for the money.
Is that black bottle on the top vanilla?
>Is that black bottle on the top vanilla?
no. it's a bottle of homebrewed kölsch
>53 dollars for that
immigration and multiculturalism was a giant mistake.
Joe Rogan?
That's a big bag of limes
it was all i could afford with my ebt
I do this from time to time as well, so I make sure I eat what I have and don't spend unnecessary amounts of money that I could be saving. Right now I am waiting until my next pay day until I shop again and my fridge looks pretty bare.
Well I have to do it, my cars in the fucking shop so I have no ride right now....
So... Do americans really put the sriracha bottles inside the fridge ?
if you derive entertainment from this "social experiment" I suggest you open your wrists tonight.
Having a sparse fridge for a few days is liberating. This is how mine usually looks and I make over six figures. I just go out and buy whatever I feel like eating that moment.
Anyone got any of that insulin?
You have many chicken?