How is it so good?

How is it so good?
t. American

Pretty good. Spread a little bit on some toast with butter and enjoy.

t. American living in Australia

>tfw American and want to try this

>can't find it anywhere at my local grocery stores

Amazon dude. Almost anything can be found for sale on amazon. It truly is the modern pantechnion.

I see it all the time in world market if you have one of those. Some grocery store like fresh market might have it too.

Don't waste your money on that swill. Do it right, get Marmite.

>i have an opinion
>explain it to me

I love the stuff. It's great having a spread for my toast that isn't sweet.
You need to get the right amount though. Don't spread thin like a pussy, but don't cake it on like Nutella.
This is pretty much what I do, maybe a little more even.

Marmite is nasty it's like someone dumped a cup of sugar into a jar of Vegemite

American native born Caucasian fat fucker here. I prefer Marmite.


It has that elusive "5th flavor" of umami that satisfies a certain craving


Is this stuff bad for your health?

only if you bathe in it...

marmite and vegemite are yeast based spreads goes better with proper creamy cheese. not american processed cheese

*blocks your path*

What's the difference between marmite and vegemite?

Quoting for answers.

7 letters

Virgins eat marmite chads eat vegemite

Worst food I've ever tasted.

Pic related

Marmite is yeast extract, Vegemite is vegetable extract

Can I use it instead of a stock cube?

Marmite has a sharper flavour and is the consistency of thick syrup. Vegemite is less sharp and is solid and can be spread like butter. Same basic flavour though.

Actually vegemite is also yeast extract, it even says so on the jar of you look in op pic.

>Vegemite is vegetable extract

All these anglo plebs arguing about what comes second to the one true yeast extract spread.

Pure umami

stick it ina stew

Marmite is sweetened and thus awful.

>Try it
>Its not great

I expected this

It's very salty. Has some vitamins so is actually good for you in moderation. But what you have it on is likely not healthy.

get out

>Marmite is sweetened

toast, butter, thin layer of vegemite, kraft single

food of the gods

*blocks your path*

I found Marmite at Whole Foods.

I have.

>Kraft single