Whats the name of this dish?

>The largest portion the average Russian has ever seen on a plate post-1917. That woman had to work her whole life just to hold that plate, though in reality she is only transporting it to a Kremlin official.

I know you think you're joking, but ever since the oil bust and US sanctions and Ruble dropping by 60%, most of us are living a very bad life.

Not quite soviet era starvation bad, but we're on our way...

>he says as he posts from a computer with internet access

Communism. Best served lukewarm


>pictured here
>not pictured: the kerosene generator in the corner powering the PC, the exposed wiring running along the walls, and the large antenna built onto the roof providing dial-up nternet access at 10 Kb/s.

lol... the picture is not that far off...

Tell putin to stop fucking around and we'll lift the sanctions and you can become a part of the global community again. Get imported foods and wealth. Can't do much bout the oil thing tho.

b-but we won the cold war
t. butrhurt ruskie

Your fault for being born a Russian. You people are savage, soulless, monsters. And you know that.

Stop being a dick, this is a board of peace.