

It appears to be powdered garlic.

I use it when I'm out of real garlic and don't feel like going to the store and/or am already balls deep cooking something.

It's powdered garlic, as far as I can tell.

this looks like garlic powder from McCormick

Seems dry.

McCormick is bad because it is popular. If you don't use garlic swiftly harvested and shipped by ramjet from the Nepalese foothills by Buddhist garlic monks, you're basically wasting your time

I've seen some people here say that all garlic powder is an abomination, which is confusing to me because it just seems like another tool.

>McCormick is bad because it is popular

No, it's bad because they use shit quality ingredients so they can sell it cheap to 'murricans who can't tell the difference between sawdust and cheese, which makes it popular.

>another tool

The only barely acceptable use for it would be in a dry rub, although I've started using raw garlic in my rubs and they're better. Use it for anything else and you are the tool.

It's good if you want to impart a very strong garlic flavor without using a whole head or two of garlic.

>garlic powder

>he doesn't powder his own garlic

Doesn't have as strong a flavor as fresh garlic, but it does have its uses. Mainly dry rubs and saving time/letting me be lazy sometimes.

These re my thoughts: The 2am chilli memer uses garlic powder.

I've only ever used it for garlic bread.

Yes, it does impart a strong garlic flavor.
Nothing will ever be more reddit than this, no matter how long reddit lasts.

What he said Used to think his nose was his mouth.


>strong garlic flavor

The amount of powder needed to make the taste of garlic prominent is less than the amount of fresh garlic you would need to use to achieve the same thing. A lower-quality garlic taste, but a garlic taste nonetheless.

I usually use both fresh and powdered garlic.

>The amount of powder needed to make the taste of garlic prominent is less than the amount of fresh garlic you would need to use to achieve the same thing
It is literally the opposite.


it's worthless, are you black or something?

That is easily the worst infographic I have ever seen.

time to look up more infographics dickshit. That chili is the best and fuck you for doubting it.

That chili is fucking awful.

But that's pretty typical. Most infograpic recipes are shit.

>Most infograpic recipes are shit.
I've literally never seen a good one.

Personally I hate those faggot facebook videos that make it look like an entire meal takes 45 seconds. Holy shit that pisses me off.
>Add diced onion
Well you need to dice the fucking onion first. Every time I see one I just get enraged.

Do you not know how powdered vs fresh spices work?
What do people even use it for? My parents have it on them sometimes, but they hardly even cook.
This particular one has a special history. ~5 or 6 years ago, just as reddit was beginning to become a popular website, somebody posted this recipe. It exploded in popularity and became an ultra-popular meme that spawned a bunch of other embarrassing BADASS RECIPES! Around the same time, another stupid DIY meme called 'ice soap' was making the rounds, and somebody combined the two into '2am chili soap', which compelled a bunch of people to get fed up and quit reddit.
It was a more innocent time.

Try eating a clove of garlic and then eat a spoon of powder. Come back and tell me which is stronger when you're done.


Confirmed for buying sat-on-the-flyover-Walmart-shelf-for-forty-months McCormick's garlic powder.

PROTIP: Buy real seasonings. You'll thank me later.

So did you do it or no? I'm guessing no.

The fact that you even need to consider such a test is proof you have no good seasonings. Feel free to post a picture of your spice rack and the garlic powder you buy if you disagree.

Yeah, that's a no. Thought so.

Just because everclear is a shitty product doesn't mean it isn't stronger in alcohol than some other spirit.

I like garlic

Look senpai I tagged everyone in the thread and said the word "autism" for no reason! Notice me! (◠‿◠)

Yeah that's right, except I wasn't talking about everclear. Thanks for the pointless observation, though.

garlic powder is more convenient and tastes exactly the same

Not exactly, but it can be convenient in a pinch.

it literally tastes exactly the same in literally any recipe



I've done both. You don't understand the point of powdered spice, do you?

>You don't understand the point of powdered spice, do you?
Tell me then. I never said there was no point to it. All I said is that fresh garlic is stronger.

Stop giving this guy (you)s. Damn fool

Meh, I usually keep some around. Not as good as fresh by far, but great when you're feeling lazy.

I'll throw some in my eggs in the morning. Will also sprinkle some on fish/chicken/etc when I'm in a lazy "throw it in the oven for awhile, steam some veggies and eat" kinda mood.

Not as good as fresh garlic

...but it'll do in a pinch.

Powdered spices exist in part because you need less of them to impart the same flavor. Garlic may taste stronger when you're eating a fresh clove, but it gets lost in the dish more easily. I don't know why, but that's how it is


Why's everybody acting like you use either garlic powder or whole garlic? I use both in the same dish all the time. Powder is useful for seasoning meats, whole garlic imparts flavor to the rest of the dish.

Useful to season breading.


Love garlic powder!