>no high fructose corn syrup
>first ingredient listed is corn syrup
>ingredients list no maple syrup
Deceptive Labels
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe it's low-fructose corn syrup :^)
Bliss is such a qt
Where do you see the word Maple?
>Imitation crab meat
>Contains crab
>advertise No HFCS
>product still contains mostly corn syrup
Fucking hilarious if it weren't so sad. Keep in mind this is the kind of shit taking up 90% of our grocery shelf space.
Imagine living in a country where such practices are acceptable. Here in Oz, we have either 'maple syrup' or 'maple flavoured syrup' to avoid confusion.
On a related note, Captain Morgan is labelled 'spiced gold' down here as it doesn't meet the legal requirements to be labelled 'rum'.
Slightly OT, but do you upside down people have the radio commercials with like 10-15 seconds of really fast talking at the end? In the US you have to provide disclaimers in order to avoid false advertising trouble. But there doesn't seem to be a restriction regarding how fast you say it.
In the USA it is illegal to call something "Maple Syrup" or "Honey" if it isn't. Thus, you end up with "Maple flavored syrup" and "Honey blend" both have HFCS. Even "spring water" is a protected name and the water must never be filtered or adulterated.
Of course, there's big money in strait up fraud. Like honey that gets filtered of all pollen and still called "honey" when it is no longer honey once it has been filtered. Maple syrup fraud is nearly as bad, but honey fraud takes the cake.
>tfw i own 6 bee hives
The odor emanates from 2 of those hives is enough to give you a hardon.
every country with a modern legal system has 'fine print'
and yes there is a limit to how fast they can talk at the end of commercials
i don't know the exact limit, try google
HFCS and corn syrup are different things.
Just means it passed through an enzyme film to increase the ratio of fructose to glucose, still sugar
>live in eastern Europe
>Like spicy food
>Tried wasabi once when I was abroad in an "authentic" Jap restaurant
>Fall in love with the stuff
>Finally, after years of searching, I see a tube of wasabi in a supermarket
>Buy it without thinking even though it's crazy expensive
>Get home, take a look at the label
>Horse radish, mustard, green food colouring
Why is life so cruel?
Nah, we have pretty strict truth in advertising laws. No caveats, no excuses. The only time you get a verbal blurb is when the federal election is on and they have to announce who authorised each ad. It's so people have someone to hold legally responsible if an unfounded claim is made, ie 'Malcolm Turnbull loves Muslims because Australia's grand mufti supplies him with 14 year old girls".
Under the Trades Practices Act, you can't even legally advertise, say, "cola brand X in the big 2-litre bottle" because it Amy imply that your 2-litre bottle is bigger than others'.
I'm conflicted about it because I'm a libertarian at heart but my interests have been protected by the TPA on many occasions.
Hey user, I live in Tasmania and we grow actual real wasabi. Shima wasabi dot com dot au.
By we I mean Tasmanians, I am actually a real estate developer.
Terrible post. I'd assume you don't understand why this is a stupid practice. Also, I'd assume your parents don't know you're up this late.
In Slavlands like Russia and Ukraine we have a shitload of cheap food subsitutes for real food, like 'chese product' or 'product containing cheese' instead of cheese. So you always need to be aware when purchasing semi-finished products like sausages, cheese, packed juice and so on.
Gotta love the homemade taste of rat poison and salmonella.
*source required
Pretty sure in your shitskin culture it's a sin to waste bread
Pretty sure it's a health violation to make stuff to either
1. Claim a restaurant as your domicile.
2. Prepare commercial food in a residential kitchen.
Just stop
You high abdul?
Dude can't decide if it's homemade or home made.
No wonder he lives in his restaurant.
That cheese must be part of an STD.
Lame. Is it time for morning prayer for you yet?
What or who hurt you? Did leddit ban you?
Reported for food violations.
Anons, I'm scared. Is this what non-meme autism looks like?
Nice one.
I'm a FIFO offshore rig technician.
Can't stop, won't stop.
Soon. Peace be upon him.
It is unacceptable to use such similar, yet completely words. Why can they not capitalize the first letter? Why is there no punctuation? What does this say of the food?
>chocolate pudding
>1% cocoa
>3 types of coagulants
100% authentic American cheese flavored food prydyct, made from genetically modified ingredients. Now melts!*
*Not for human consumption.
>sugar with homemade chocolate icing ... $1.25
Really? Really? You Americans make me sick.
Gotta love these butthurt 3rd world shitskins
>$125 for an omelet.
Whatever these diarrhea-tier posts are supposed to accomplish is clearly not happening. Unless you really do just want to show how socially handicapped you are. In that case then great job!
Imagine going anywhere to eat with that fucking sperg
Anyone unable to use a better adjective should be stoned.
>synonyms: handmade
definition: made at home, rather than in a store or factory.
If it's on the menu, it's presumed they're making it. Why tout you're slapping all but one precooked item together?
>Duuuuuur. Precooked chicken. Premade pasta. I made the sauce though from a can! Woooo! Homemade!!
back from another account.
You want the world's best wasabi, email taswasabi at protonmail.com
I will send you wasabi senpai
Is that from a Tasmanian horseradish farm ?
Is this a codeword for steroids or something?
is it homemade though?
>mfw watching a movie and someone smokes only half of a cigareette before putting it on a french roll
Is it the French movie about a food inspector? I remember seeing it but I can't remember the name.
It was a fantastic documentary detailing the importance of making food at home before you come to work.
The terroir can really be to die for!
Damn... I go away for a bit to take care of some stuff and I come back to the most aggressive advertising I've seen ever since the last presidential election
>humane-raised X
not that deceptive when there's written in huge letters that it contains no butter
>t. vegan cuck
>look at me mom i posted
My sides.
Only on the back i bet you two yuros it only says butter at the front
>Butter flavored butter
>Contains no butter
And people give the us shit about what's allowed in labels, that shit's blatantly contradictory
lol no queso
They do call the kitchen in the restaurant "back of the house"
It's better than some nasty fake crab with NO crab and mostly sugar and other weird stuffs.
>still sugar
it's fucking syrup, what do you expect?
Someone get this homemade spammer outta here
This shit right here
>Check nutritional facts label
>0% Daily value of Vitamin C
Lying cunt detected.
Raw materials
Sugars (fructose glucose syrup, sugar), lemon juice, flavoring, vitamin C, acidulant, safflower dye, calcium pantothenate, vitamin B6, carotene pigment
Components and characteristics
Energy (per 100ml) 40kcal
Protein (per 100ml) 0g
Lipid (per 100ml) 0g
Carbohydrates (per 100ml) 10.1g
Sodium (per 100ml) 19mg
Vitamin B6 (per 100ml) 0.3mg
Vitamin C (per 100ml) 200mg
Pantothenic acid (per 100ml) 0.1 ~ 1.4mg
Potassium (per 100ml) Less than 10mg
Phosphorus (per 100ml) Less than 1mg
You probably have to go to like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods to get the kind of syrup you're looking for
at some point you have to wonder about the stuff that isn't explicitly labeled as homemade
here just let me whip out my checkbook to pay for my burger
i haven't ordered checks in ten years, shit
>butter flavored butter
>corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, water
>contains less than 2% of natural butter flavor(milk)
What the fuck? So it's corn syrup and water with a tiny drop of milk and that's enough to call it 'butter flavored butter'?
>Log Cabin? No! High fructose corn syrup.
>mfw user just gets green cum
Cheese, honey. Pffft.
it's fake retard. holy shit some of you are gullible
perfect, just watched this today
Holy crap. What said.
You do realize the whole hubub about HFCS is that fructose may be metabolized differently resulting in even higher incidences of metabolic disorders, right?
Corn syrup is mostly glucose. Not saying it is healthy but it is VERY different from HFCS.
It's not really that different. The process of fructolysis is pretty analogous to glycolosis. It hasn't really been shown that fructose is worse for you except in some study of already overweight patients using fructose sweetened beverages. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to worsen digestion already bad diets.
Honey has a similar makeup to HFCS anyway. HFCS is similar to table sugar (HFCS 55/45 fru/glu versus 50/50 cane sugar). Fructose is used more often because it is sweeter you need less of it.
It's all fucking sugar, get your WebMD momscience out of here.
underrated post
>you can't even legally advertise, say, "cola brand X in the big 2-litre bottle" because it Amy imply that your 2-litre bottle is bigger than others'.
That's pretty stupid.
Balsamic vinegar...
>first ingredient
>wine vinegar
>cooked grape semen
Precisely. If the menu advertises they actually made one component of the dish, you're in the wrong restaurant.
If the mozzarella is assembled in the store, does that imply the potato skins, fries, and wings are all just freezed crap?
It is pretty dumb.
>Trips of truth.
Won't deny.
Can't deny.
Contains: Milk Ingredient
Yeah, I agree with you
the fuck is with that
You can call it "The Vegan" even if it isn't vegan.
anything labeled as 'natural'
>"american cheese"
>is not cheese
No, people are stupid. Puffery is still allowed but qualitative or quantitative claims need to be legally defensible. Nothing wrong with that.
>Live in Canada.
>Went to grocery store.
>Picked up maple syrup.
>Read label.
Ingredients: (1)
Contains maple syrup.