My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good.
My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good
Was it seasoned at all? Salt, pepper? Make her some breakfast as an example
Looks like shit. She's too sensitive but you should have known that and just lied to spare her feelings.
It sounds like you two have issues that go beyond the quality of her breakfast.
It's ok. Season it yourself ungrateful fuck you don't deserve her. I would treat her like the queen she is
>wife makes shitty breakfast
>not shoving the plate of food in her face as punishment
You should beat her. She's obviously trying to mock you and belittle your hard work to provide for the family with that piece of shit breakfast.
Sounds like a working mans breakfast. She probably cried because you wanted goji berries and wheatgrass before your day of posting on the internet while she works all day
this. maybe even a murder-suicide
your wife is a faggot
I remember legitimately telling my ex-fiance that I didn't want to eat because I wasn't hungry and breakfast didn't seem that appealing and the look she gave me was like I slapped her and the nearest puppy in my proximity after she told me she cooked it for me. I don't know why it is but there's some untold law where if you don't eat a woman's cooking it's like spitting in their face.
Implying you didn't just make it yourself and that you have a wife.
It's literally all women are good for.
Actually, you are overthinking things.
If someone makes a meal for you, you thank them. It doesn't matter how it tastes. They took the time to do something they thought would be nice.
Don't be a terrible person by insulting their food. Thank them for trying, and at least clean your plate.
I cook regularly for my grandmother, and it hurts when she says she doesn't like or want certain things. Even if it is just a side dish I made.
*tips fedora*
Those potatoes look terrible, and since they are the bulk of the meal I think you were in the right.
The correct response was to help her with it next time and give gentle hints as to how to cook better.
Insulting her after she tried to do something thoughtful and sweet for you is just mean spirited, user.
Your wife just wanted to make you happy.
I don't think many people in this thread are good people.
>What do you guys think? It wasn't very good.
I think you're retarded for telling your wife you didn't like her cooking.
No. Don't tell someone who does something wrong that they did a good job. They will continue to do things wrong.
True altruism comes from being honest and telling the truth, even when the hard. This doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it.
Letting someone continue to fail and telling them they are doing great is cruel, and helps them in no way.
You don't have to be blunt about it though. If you advocate transparency as a form of teaching someone, you are doing it wrong.
has it right. Gentle hints and assisting with cooking later on. Not scoffing at the food and insulting it right then and there.
>implying I didn't do that
Convo was something like
>"Hey babe good morning I made you breakfast"
>"Oh thanks but I'm not really hungry and I'm still waking up"
>"Well eat it when you're not hungry"
>"I don't know if I want to eat in the next couple of hours I'm not really hungry"
>had already eaten a fuck ton of Vietnamese food the other day with her
>still fucking full
>she literally presents the fucking meal to me after I said this
>pushes several more times
>thank her and tell her I love her
>"Geez user you need to stop worrying about your weight and just eat"
>literally nothing is wrong with my weight
>I am thin and 6 feet fucking tall to stretch it all out
>Am shot with passive aggressive insults throughout the morning until we have passionate I'm sorry for not eating your food sex on her uncles family couch
>Still feel guilty to this day having sex on her Uncles couch who I became friends with
I feel guilty about so many things when I think about that relationship my ex fiance was a Veeky Forums shitpost
>literally first week of knowing each other she makes me tea cookies
>they're really good
>she mentions they're safe for dogs to eat
>my dog is the size of a small horse
>give him 3
>he goes absolutely apeshit about them
>I love them
>3 months later
>"You didn't even appreciate the cookies user you fed them to your dog"
A lot of times though that relationship made me want to shoot myself in the face. Why do women think it's okay to tear out a young man's heart?
Maybe you are overthinking things. If someone doesn't like something you made it's probably their shit taste unless you really fucked up.
If you feel yourself a competent cook, don't be hurt when someone doesn't like your food. It's bound to happen
I put in a legit response here
but the OP in this thread is old copypasta
This pasta is getting stale. Anyway, does anyone else get banned from the kitchen on holidays because his wife/girlfriend gets pissed at you for being a better cook in front of the other female relatives? I fucking love watching the female big dick contests.
I would be more hurt to find out my grandmother ate my dishes when she disliked the food.
...what you said was actually pretty narcissistic.
You ought to put others joy before your own, the hurt you feel should be irrelevant when making a choice.
Using my grandmother as an example, she has dementia and often judges foods based on some arbitrary experience she thinks she had.
I made her tortellini one day and she pushed it away. She used to love it. Same goes for all sorts of things. When asked why she isn't eating, she will say something like "I don't know what that is", "it's grisly", or "I don't like this." despite it being cooked exactly the way she always loved. Give it to her any other day and she enthuses about it.
If I can get her to take a bite, she ends up liking it. Then a few bites later, the process repeats because she forgot.
Even knowing this, it hurts to hear over and over.
It isn't even me thinking my cooking is good. It's that she had dementia and doesn't remember if she likes something or not. She is like a picky toddler.
I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.
We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.
But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.
Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."
All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.
Do with this information what you will.
Even if this is a shitpost this isn't funny.
It's called a divorce, user.
Don't abuse people just because you're incompatible.
The fuck is wrong with you?
its pasta m9
Do you have no one else to cook for? No reason you should be hurt by your fucking grandma with DEMENTIA saying she doesn't like your cooking
I have a full cohesive reply in copy+paste.
But you sound like a victim now.
Cool broy. What kind of meatloaf? Recipe?
Why would someone turn that into a pasta? The whole point of pastas is to make it into an ironic funny may may. There's nothing to mock here. it's just distressing.
>acting like it's normal to cook for multiple people
I am not a line chef, user. I cook for her because she asks for me.
Oh LOL I knew this thread was pasta but I dont remember the grandma thing. Let this shit thread die now
you don't even know her you fucking cuckboi
This is some stanky, old, BAIT.
GTFO until you come up with something new.
>the only posts on Veeky Forums are shitposts
Please don't plant that idea in my head.
Poe's law, user.
I swear to god I was good until she started crying on her keyboard.
I didn't imply you were a line chef. Only that someone who cooks for their babushka might have someone else to cook for
come for a drive with me user, I'll buy you dinner
Yeah, you're a douchebag.
If you didn't thank her for making you breakfast, and you didn't even taste it, and you weren't appreciative, then you deserve to be alone. It's called appreciation and love.
t.guy who's been married for over a decade and we both cook, and we both still thank each other for it, even if we don't necessarily like or want it.
Veeky Forums is a shitpost haven the kind of special shitposting place where you can have large sum of shitposts so full of shit it baffles you and not a single shitpost ever puts the bar too low all high quality no BLACKED or racebaiting shitposts but the kind of shitposts to turn entire nations against eachother with food and irony. This place is 24/7 shitposts the shitpost machine never turns off only submits more and more shitposts. By the end of your visit you will have drown in shit user.
but it's true.
i've regularly lurked here for 2 years, it's shitposs all the way down.
this pasta will never not get me.
I did thank her you clearly did not read the thread just saw the post and spewed your shitty opinions. I loved my ex very much and made sure to show my appreciation for everything she did. Good for you for being married ten years your wife also didn't literally cheat on you with your best friend then steal your possessions and dog in the haze of a disgusting drug binge. I gave up my freedom to provide and at one point was doing 3 hour commutes so we could live where she wanted. I didn't masturbate for a year it made me so depressed I loved her more than anything.
This is still the worst pasta to ever crawl from the sewer that is Veeky Forums.
Dude, you've got issues.
it's an 8/10
>nobody uses it enough to be recognized unless you shitpost hourly
>its shock factor will always provide (you)s
>actually upsets posters
it's great pasta
>you've got issues
not anymore I don't
Salt, pepper, and some good hot sauce could've salvaged it.
Obviously, yes you do, otherwise you wouldn't be here whining about it.
Enjoy your divorce.
A real man doesnt bitch about what his wife makes him. You either eat it or make your own damn food.
>You wouldn't be here whining about it
Hey man sometimes I like to vent through Veeky Forums it doesn't mean I have issues that whole thing was two years ago and it's over I'm more upset at the fact that my ex took the dog I adopted in my name and basically told me "fuck you my mom's a cop what are you going to do about it". Why can't I shitpost my valid life frustrations without being judged? Sometimes I don't want to eat and sometimes I do. It doesn't mean I'm not thankful for what is and isn't in my life.
>ITT: newfags
Show me your dick
It's not feminine enough yet
You sound like a bitch, even though the dog thing is understandable. Bitch slap her mom.
>bitchslap a well respected LAPD officer
My ex's father was a homicide detective who'd show her pictures of the crime scenes. Both parents we were well connected and alcoholics. I was shit out of luck you don't even get how fucked up the situation actually was and how badly disturbed my ex was from the years of neglect,emotional abuse, and physical abuse of her early years. It put a lot of strain on our relationship. I'm not surprised she chimped out and did a bunch of drugs before it happened. All I'm saying is there is a lot to the situation that you wouldn't get unless I told you man. I got fucked.
Come on user post that cock so I can see it get milked.
>why can't I vent here
Because you're on fucking Veeky Forums, you pussy bitch! Go somewhere else if you want sympathy.
I don't want sympathy why are you so angry? Just relax and go grab a McChicken.
Holy shit just post your fucking cock already do I have to bully you into it you sub IQ cockslut? Show me your fucking penis now.
You sound like an insufferable sperg. Enjoy being alone forever.
Girls aren't a problem though. You're telling me you've never done something spergy?
t. numale
This isn't your blog faggot
>Veeky Forums isn't a blogging board
I beg to differ nigger
jam up that toast and hot sauce those eggs you fucking lazy faggot