I have a bunch of sage left over from when I made gnocchi. What are some good recipes to use it with?
I have a bunch of sage left over from when I made gnocchi. What are some good recipes to use it with?
put an anchovy between two of them, batter and deep fry them for a snack
Sage is nice with pork or poultry, maybe some dry-rubbed chicken? What else do you have?
Is this real? That sounds good.
Asking for "muh recipes" should be bannable on Veeky Forums
Adds better quality discussion than 70% of the other threads here. First bans should go to non-cooking related threads
I have got some chicken thighs laying around, so I might just do them with some butter and sage, and maybe garlic
I know its lazy, but I am honestly at a loss what to do with it
Iive got my copy of the flavour thesaurus out and will dictate the entries for sage into my phone.
Sage and apple
Sage is rich and domineering slamming of the tank are down and the man in the company of waiting meat dishes you might think brisk fruity apple with so some freshness on the partnership but it doesn't say just so doggedly Seiji the fruit apples efforts are mostly darkness prevails still it's a lovely cold weather combination use it to furnish poultry with a deep and satisfying stuffing or make a pork stew with sage and apple dumplings to make the dumplings put 175 g of self raising flour in a bowl with 75 g of suet 8 to 10 finely chopped sage leaves and one peeled cord and finely diced cooking apple gradually mix in enough cold water to make a sticky but still workable though she put into dumplings with a pair of serving spoons as you would kennels drop them onto a stew cover and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes eating a tank dining room silence before the tick-tock of a grandfather clock
Sage and bacon
A friend was holding a cook off on the night the competitors assembled in her kitchen we chopped blended blanched initially and sometime later we were joined by Harry and Mann has moved out to scribble recipe visit him self for about five minutes sleep addition to the oven and disappearing to the party with a glass of wine of course he won and I peeled his recipe of the worksurface as a consolation prize it turned out to be an adapted version of Delia Smith space pancetta leak and sage risotto the other method may not result in total textual authenticity but it does mean you get to hang out with your guests all the clearest wearable charges as an informal cookery competition it's only supposed to be a bit of fun. Here is how he made it find a pound it's big enough to hold all the ingredients and go straight from the hospital the oven warm some Olive Oyl on it and cook it can cook at 200 g packet of smoked bacon lardons with a flat very finely chopped onion until soft add 175 g of risotto rice and stir to coat the Grange in the oil then add 75 mL of white wine 500 mL of stock 2 teaspoons of chopped sage and some seasoning bring to a simmer and transfer it to a 150°C oven bake for 20 minutes remove from the oven stove stir in 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan and put back in the oven for 15 minutes sprinkle over 50 g of grated Parmesan and serve
Sage and butternut squash
Try butternut squash raw it's like French kissing a scarecrow Strawtown down vegetables cooking brings out of sweeter softer nature unless it's part of the sage sage is a certain flavour rubs off on the squash revealing its meaty virucide so much so that the Swan carnival might be one round to the sparing the shape of his cafe combined someone a pizza with asiago cheese one Ross Parsons gets a recipe for a butternut squash risotto garnish with fried sage leaves and toasted walnuts
>don't ask for suggestions or recipes on a cooking and food board
>not your personal cookbook
People like you should be banned on Veeky Forums. Don't you have a /sip/ thread or a "which fast food restaurant has the best fries" thread to spam in? Fuck off.
Sage and eggs
Sages happy in the company of all the classic English breakfast ingredients but is Turkish inspired recipe from the Australian chef Neil Perry put an exciting twist on the pairing of egg and sage cross one clove of garlic with 1 teaspoon of salt and mix into 90 g Greek yoghurt with some freshly ground pepper set aside and put four eggs on to poach while the eggs are cooking heat 100 g on salted butter in a pan and 16 sage leaves and cook until the same just press on the button brown and spoon a dollop of yoghurt on each plate top with a poached egg season with salt pepper and a pinch of chilli powder and finish by drizzling over the butter Perry suggest some chopped fresh chilli on the side you can always fry the eggs if you prefer
Sage and liver
A legend dairy flavour filiation liver gives the fresh pine and see the notes on Sage statue of setting the sanguinary flavour shared by both ingredients but Paul's a moment to consider the textures I can't make a chicken liver and sage scatter without first brushing the moleskin leaves against my cheek cooked liver sometimes takes on a similarly suede light quality and together the ingredients make me think of rented country clothing dam families or taking a bite of Ted Hughes
Sage and pork
Elizabeth David dislikes age describing it as having an overpowering dried blood flavour the English she claimed to have become accustomed to the hub through the common pairing with goose and duck especially in the form of Sage and onion stuffing these days most English people are more likely to associate the flavour of sage with pork as it so often used in sausages in Italy pork loin might be cooked slowly inside and lemon scented milk I've made it home before for my flavour memory transporting me to the rusty red roof tops and shadowy porticoes of Alinia the ineradicable sausages so see Asian Yanks me straight back to the children's breakfast room of the Lochside BMB in Scotland scraping at my place in the deafening silence
Sage and prosciutto
Salty prosecutor is one of the few ingredients capable of teasing out the fun side of Syria sage in Salton Bocker Italian for jumps in the mouth as little prosecutor was laid over a flower didn't ask about the veal turkey pork chicken or even a fillet of flatfoot such as placed an approach of sagest pin through both with a cocktail stick cook quickly on both sides side side 1st to flavour the batter keep warm what are you deglaze the pan with something to match the meat masala reveal chicken fish stock or white wine with place et cetera
Sage and tomato
In Italy so you just use the season tomato base dishes like for you Orley I'll walk to L Bemes little bird style cannellini beans simply cooked with tomato and sage according to Pellegrino at to see the same ingredients were traditionally used to cook for your polymers little birds Zunie cafe in San Francisco makes a sage pesto giving the horrible little time in warm Olive Oyl before pounding it with more Olive Oyl garlic walnuts and Parmesan they strongly recommend serving it with grilled or roasted tomato dishes
Sage and anchovy
Italian is cool this combination of the 240 Pescatori the Fishermans truffle or they should individually they land a meaty character to dishes together that out of this world and don't need fancy ingredients to prove that Hannah glass combine them with beef suet breadcrumbs and parsley to make a stuffing for pigs ears
make a sage and butter sauce for your pastas
Sage and blue cheese
Salty sweet blue cheese craves bitterness and seeds can provide it melts 25 g of butter and three large sage leaves and stuff for 30 seconds overload medium heat add 75 g of crumbles Gorgonzola and 150 mils of double cream starring Walla melt melt remove the sage adjust the seasoning and serve and pasta or gnocchi
Sage and chicken
Sage usually paired with onion and stuffing or sauce bolsters the savoury quality of chicken although Danea turkey is better able to roll with the punches pads punches sage is also good with goose as the bird has more fat something with that stage as a particular affinity as Harold McGee points out to stuffed with sage and onion served with apple sauce was the classic Christmas dish in the UK from the reign of Elizabeth the 1st to the Second World War although by the end of the Victorian era most people particularly in the south of England at switch to Turkey Victoria has health and care of either bad preferring beef or a bit of roasts one if you're curious Peter Gladwin one shaft of Elizabeth the second compare swans dark tough meat to and undernourished Bruce
Sage and hard cheese
Derby is oppressed cows milk cheese softer and more delicately flavoured and cheddar sage Debbie is the flavoured variant avoid delivery to green blocks found on some deli counters and go for the sort of quality cheese made by Fowlers forest dairy with scatters chopped sage leaves through the centre of the studies slice thin and pear with prosciutto and a sandwich or use for cheese on toast topped with a fried egg and a good sage cheese isn't available you can always pass strong hard cheese with sage and scorns I need them warm with butter
Sage and juniper
Juniper has a hint of that evergreen aroma oily but fresh the class your sinuses when walking through conifers forests the Juniperberry is in fact the only edible spice from the conifer sage also has a note of pine cedar pepper and eucalyptus paired with juniper it makes an excellent stuffing for dark try 125 g fresh breadcrumbs mixed with 2 tablespoons of chopped sage 10 crushed Juniper berries and some cooked chopped onion season and add a little lemon or orange zest
Sage and onion
Sage and onion is the classic staffing for a reason sweet herbal deep and Mulchi onto a crunchy crust perhaps mainly for associate of reasons the combination is redolent of meat that is a knockout with cannellini beans in this but scatter sort of Tuscan beans on toast softener finely chopped onion in Olive Oyl then add the drained 400 g tin of cannellini beans and a couple of finely chopped sage leaves cook over a low heat for 5 to 10 minutes then semi mash season and serve on rounds of toast and French bread
Sage and pineapple
Pineapple sage salvia elegans is used to flavour drinks fruit salads Dolph the Riviera senior rights that it taste like pineapple or piña colada imagine dancing on to one strip club Tropicana and white stilettos with a bunch of pineapple sage one hand George would've loved it and rude I thought you are weird
Yep common in Italian fritti courses at weddings and shit
Burn it while shitposting on /x/