Would you eat human meat if you had the opportunity?
Would you eat human meat if you had the opportunity?
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why not, with some sriracha everything tastes the same.
>hasn't been drained of blood
>hasn't been de-boned
>butcher even forgot to remove the clothes
No way I can find space for him in my freezer.
This. It'd be like someone just tucking a whole uncleaned pig into some vacuum pack and selling it. Disgusting.
I've read that cannibals in Papa New Guinea call human meat "Long Pig" since apparently the closest meat to humans is pork. I'd be willing to try human ribs if smoked.
I already eat hotdogs.
> $2.04
Also you retards really need to learn what prion diseases are
ye id try it if i could
No, I wouldn't want to get The Hunger.
If I was assured it was voluntarily provided, sure
Don't want to eat a slave
Reminder that Idi Amin, His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular", Uncrowned King of Scotland considered human meat too salty for his liking
It is unethical and inhumane to throw away aborted fetuses when people are starving. We should eat that human veal.
only if you eat the brains, ananon
Brains of other animals, you'll get prion diseases from any human flesh unless I'm mixing something up
Prawn brain is just especially-fishy cream
Just don't eat brains you'll be fine.
The brains are a lot worse but muscle is still dangerous
Yeah, for sure I'd try it given it was collected under the right circumstances. Say immediately after someone died in a car crash.
Would you eat human sashimi?
You can but it's dramatically less likely.
Catching other diseases is a big risk though if you don't pick your prey carefully, stuff like hepatitis could be transmitted through cannibalism.
id like to eat a white girl. i wouldnt like the thought of eating a minority and theres something gay about eating male meat
>something gay about eating male meat
Ya no shit
>something gay about eating male meat
You didn't say that last night, did you?
They call it the same in Hawai'i.
I'd make pozole.
That Japanese cannibal said it was like eating tuna IIRC
Abso-fuckin-lutely.I seriously think about this daily. I bet it tastes amazing.
Well if you made that shit look like cheesesteak I'd be all over that fucking shit
I eat the little fleshy things from next to my fingernails when they stick out,
>already a cannibal
Only gay if you swallow
If had a girlfriend to eat it with
That might sound weird but that way it might be kinda a hot activity especially if we caught the meat together
hell no, just think of what kind of people would be used for meat.
poor people or an inferior race
Prions are cool.
No because it is a sin and literally says not to in the Bible. Also, it is generally toxic for consumption. Hence why nigger tribes who eat each other tend to die before 35.
> No because it is a sin
> literally says not to in the Bible
I'd probably taste pretty good.
I've been marinading myself with beer for over 20 years and I don't get much exercise so my meat would be nicely marbled and tender.
If it was already prepared an the human didn't have any diseases then sure.
Fucking milinials
>muh skydaddy
With all the corned beef from Mexico, I could get a hint of rival cartel ears
i read this and thought it was fucked up but then i realized i feel the same way
i then began to think of the people i would/wouldn't eat, and came to the conclusion that i would only eat people i would fuck
like, only cute, non-overweight white or asian girls
i then wanted to know if asian girls and white girls taste different
what does this mean
why did those thoughts never cross your mind when you were a teenager?
>no halal sign
Depends on the cut. I'd assume that for most humans, lats would make a really good cut.
Most of the anglosphere uses metric as well as dollars.
Vegan manlet detected
cooking wouldn't kill the viruses?
Not unless that human was vegan who didn't use beauty products. Probably the reason why people don't eat carnivorous animals is because they taste bad. I had friends who offered me dog and I declined because of principles, but to them it's just meat.
i only eat human veal
I would eat a Taylor swift. That shit probably tastes good.
>After the Conquest, when cannibalism was banned, pork became the staple meat as it "tasted very similar" [to human flesh], according to a Spanish priest.
if you ever had pozole in México you probably have and you wouldn't even know
chink detected
Nah man, viruses can be pretty tough, that's why mad cow is always a threat, cooking just isn't hot/high pressure enough
I only eat stupid animals, so yes as long as it was politically right in life.