Is there a better cut?

I hate winter but look forward to the colder months simply for the chance at cooking oxtails. Soups, stews, braises.

How do y'all like 'em?

For the winter, definitely soup. It keeps me warm and cozy and for me, almost any kind of soup goes perfectly well in the winter. I just like to cook a big batch and keep it going through weeks.

I love stews and soups. I was actually thinking about making rabbit stew this weekend.

>How do y'all like 'em?
i liked them before they became expensive as fuck

>oxtail is now the most expensive cut in the butcher section
Why did this happen

cooking newfags found out about them and started buying them to make stock and soup. Stores noticed the increased sales and decided to jack up prices to take advantage of the trend.

fucking food hipsters
on the bright side chicken is mega cheap now and I can do so much with it compared to ox tail

same with pork feet, it's too gross looking for the food hipsters to cling to so the lack of demand make them cheap as well

beef cheek is one of those good pieces of meat that's still relatively cheap. braised/slow cooked are all good. texture is a bit odd at first.

>mfw beef tongue will never be acceptable to all but the most adventurous hipsters
feels good, they still practically through them away

In all honesty, I use it to make stock, something which is verboten where I live with this cut.

>fuck gnawing on some fucking bone and eating 50% cartilege.

>eating 50% cartilege.
But that's the best part, especially if cooked in a pressure cooker (or cooked for hours) where that cartilage becomes soft and gooey.

>not enjoying having your lips and fingers sticking together afterwards
why live?

dominican stewed oxtails (rabo guisado maybe?). had them at a little hole in the wall dominican place and had to stop myself from licking the plate clean.

shanks aren't too costly! they have the same great effect as oxtails where their cartilage becomes a sticky delicious mess, and more meat too. i do this thing where i blast them in a hot oven for twenty minutes first, to act as an all-over sear, then take them out and put the oven down to a lower temp, and wrap the shanks in foil with whatever i'm seasoning them with (sauces, whole herbs, etc) and bake them for a good two hours at least. they come out delicious

Made stew in my slow cooker with them a few times, always turned out fantastic, all the connective tissue and marrow makes for an amazing stock. Holy hell have they gotten expensive though, saw them at Winco the other day frozen for something like ten bucks for a few pieces. Hopefully the foodies find some other fad to seize onto and the price gets back down to something reasonable.

Not for long. Mexicans drive the price up like none other.

neck bones are better

the Jamie Oliver one is very tasty, would recommend

Got a recipe you can share? I'd like to make rabbit stew too, but I've never made it before.

Where are you getting your bunny? I shoot them in the winter but they're a bit tough/stringy. Even stewed, they need some kind of tenderizing. Unless store bunny is softer?

Buying from a local butcher/meat shop. I haven't asked them about it before, but I'm being they're farm raised and frozen.

I've heard beef tongue is really tasty, never tried it but was curious. Haven't seen it in stores locally at all. Guess it's just a butcher shop or rare occasions at decent stores?

i really enjoy eating soups and stews but i kinda suck at making them. i have a few that i make, carelian stew,tomato&goatcheese soup,chicken&noodlesoup,potato&leek soup, but that's pretty much it.
need to up my game on that front

Tacos man. Lengua tacos are something you need to make at home at least once.

this reminds me of a funny story. i know someone who's dog ran away (some sort of greyhound i suppose), a few hours later they found him at like the entrance to their lot with a rabbit in his mouth, she had apparently caught the scent, caught it and snapped the rabbits neck.
so the owner of the dog googled "how to prepare rabbit" or something and got a nice meal

Beef tongue is one strange area of overlap between Jewish delis and taco trucks. Try either

>fuck hipsters, I liked it before it was cool
Do you fucks ever think about what you are writing?

Yes, and you clearly don't understand what they're talking about.

They've been sold on the idea there's an amorphous entity running around trying to jack up demand because they're hipsters, when it's actually trade restrictions recently imposed by muh MAGA cheetohs causing the sky rocketing inflation. Nugget prices drenched jn HFCS seem to be going down, though, so there aren't any problems.

>dumb libcuck crying that she lost
He won. get over it.

>actually supporting the retard in chief
oh, sweetie (:
