Is anyone else disgusted at the caffeine addiction (as this man describes it) of college students...

Is anyone else disgusted at the caffeine addiction (as this man describes it) of college students? The lack of healthy living among Americans is disgusting, but I can't help but feel it is even worse in universities. What is your opinion on the matter?

No talkie until my coffee

NEET here. I limit caffeinated drinks to one in the morning.

coffee people are bad

college student here. i take tablets, cant bother myself with having to DRINK

caffine is what you do when you havent got a drug habit (either yet or you have fucked up and quit)

thats why its on every corner like crack dealers.

I will LITERALLY die without my coffee

How do people drink caffeinated beverages? It gives me none of the energy and all of the crash.

This. I'll take my drugs like a fiend even if they're legal.

I really find it hard to give any fucks about the choices others make when they have no impact on me. If I'm gona waste my time judging people it won't be about lifestyle. It'll more likely be for being idiots and having bad taste. I really don't care what you're addicted to as long as it doesn't bother me.

You may have vitamin B problems. Most people function fine with vitB deficiency but caffeine can drain your reserves dry.

>Addicted to nicotine and caffeine
>Not yet addiction, but enjoy kush and booze too much

im psychologically dependent on weed and im about to drop acid regularly
get fucked

Got a source or any more info on that? Also, I take a vitamin b tablet every day, I wonder if that affects anything to do with caffeine.

I agree. I love coffee but I limit myself to one mug a day. People who "need" coffee in the morning are pathetic. Stupid drug addicts.

>limiting yourself

Kill yourself addict.

Try going without coffee, see how you do.One mug a day is more than enough to get you addicted.

Same (on both counts)

I go for days without coffee. If coffee was banned tomorrow I would only think "damn that really sucks" whereas you would have to check into rehab you miserable failure


I don't have my old medical text book to take a pic. But I found plenty of info on a quick search so have at.

>Not yet addiction
yeah, right

I love coffee, but I have to limit how much I drink. My problem is that I don't need it to function, and I actually function better without it, but I get a massive headache in the evening if I don't drink it.

I drink one monster ultra a day. Sometimes I'll have 2 or just a cup of coffee. I am hopelessly addicted

>our generation
So fucking hip!

Hey, I foreign exchanged at Imperial College for a few months. ~2000. Fuck you I'm old so what. Ordered pints of Guiness between classes at the commissary on ground level. And, yeah they looked at me funny when I ordered 3 pints before they closed between classes. Fuck you. I need to be drunk for my poetry class.

What I really wonder about is why you go on the internet and pretend to actually care about this stuff.

I think it's terrible. Next thing you know, they'll even be staying up all night reading science textbooks.

I don't give a shit what college babbies do

I'm in college and I literally despise caffeine the only time you will see me drinking caffeine is with a Jagerbomb or if I get a free frappe from events sometime in the union. Honestly students who have to have coffee every morning are only making themselves more broke. I get about 6 hours of sleep every night and I wake up just fine if I extend that to 7 or 8 I feel so refreshed and energized. They just don't know how to manage their sleep schedule and prioritize their work so they blame a lack of a substance for their sub par energy and work ethic.

You people are fucking nuts. It's useful and healthy.

You sound like a cunt

I am advanced trash and drink diet cola for some caffeine when I wake up instead.

I am you are correct sir

I drink 2 tall mugs of strong coffee every day and I thought I would fucking die when I went to basic training and had no access to caffeine for three months. It bothered me for like half a day, from then on I got better sleep than ever before (though it was cut short most of the time cause basic) because I was dead tired at the end of every day.
The moral here being I think caffeine addiction isn't so much the problem as lack of an active lifestyle.