This should not be legal

This should not be legal.

big boy bites

If you ask, they add even more. On my dad's birthday, I took my brother and him to eat 7-stackers. My brother can't into it at all and dad broke it down to get through it, but the memory of attacking a fucking ridiculous hamburger and nearly unhinging my jaw doing so is going to stick with me.

When I was a kid I used to make quadruple decker sandwiches and thought I was a food genius.

Why hasnt mcdonalds sued the shit out of BK for this?

for what reason would they sue?
for burger king having the superior version of their big mac?

Please explain to me what about that sandwich you believe makes McDonald's civilly liable to Burger King.

It is clearly a rip off of a big mac which mcdonalds has had a legal trademark on since 1967.

Even the name has big in it.

What? It looks like pic related here

>there are people who don't make homemade burgers that you can throw whatever the fuck toppings you like with the sauce you like
for what purpose?

In the U.S. it has that extra bun piece. You know, for maximum carbs.

At least Carls Jr is subtle


not really enough for a lawsuit to have the word "big" and similar style burger.
well, it might be in usa since the legal system there is fucking retarded

Americans are so lucky.

if i go to a bk and ask for a big mac do u think that theyll give me this

If the person taking your order is white. yes.

black person will get confused.


Whenever i get served by a black person they get my order wrong or take a long time to place the order.

anecdotal """evidence"""

>order a meal that doesn't exist
>its becuase he's black

They did sue. They lost.

are you kidding me? how did the get a lawsuit out of that?
or can anyone sue anyone for anything without a shred of evidence?

That's a hamburger

This is on the midnight menu at steak & shake

You can sue anyone, for any reason.

If the suit is frivolous enough it can backfire, the plaintiff would be liable for defendant attorney's fees and damages, and the plaintiff's attorney can get censured.

you can't trademark the word "big", dummy

>Why hasnt mcdonalds sued the shit out of BK for this?
Because the word big is used. And chesse is under a patent


thats a big hamburger

u u
u u

This is America, we are free to kill ourselves with burgers if we want. Freedom is a beautiful thing, eurocucks wouldn't know

>maga americuck thinks he's free

Good goy, very good goy!

If this is illegal then lock me up officers

i'm sure you can do statistical evidence and find the same results.

You're right, meat should be banned

It should and you should die

... for.. you

empirical evidence

I thought my buddy was just fucking with me. That's funny.