America has the best cheese in the world. Micro-cheese is only getting better. Urofags just can't deal with it


don't forget the hundreds of bags of preshredded plastic cheese

Is that different for you? It isn't but you need to travel to see that little boy.

in American supermarkets that don't have a "fancy cheese" section, the standard cheese section is 50% bags and bottles of cheese shreds, since one of these wouldn't work on a Kraft single

OP, I'm (like you also) a eurofag and I can't deny the fact that that cheese has made it to shelves on supermarkets all across the world. And even one in my own fridge.

That's not black pudding, dumbo.

People always shit on American Cheese but I rather like it if you use it right. It's good for sandwiches, grilled cheese and the like.

Real cheese is better.


it doesn't even say cheese "product", surely nobody buys this and it's only served in places like taco bell