Are cupcakes the cutest food?

Are cupcakes the cutest food?

I'll cup your cute cakes ;) ;)

Wrong board FAGGOT

You were saying?

I'm pretty sure no one can dispute this, so yes


Cupcakes vs Muffins
Who wins?




Always the food with the communists.

Is this satire?

Nope, (((they))) are trying to (((push))) anti-cupcake (((ideas))), clearly(((.)))

Well Milk and Pumpkin spiced lattes were unironically considered racist in certain articles recently so who can tell anymore..

Muffins, because muffin tops are the superior baked good and so muffins win by virtue of this logic.

Also christians believe that Starbucks is demonic. There's indeed crazies everywhere.

>the guardian
>taking issues with an infantilized populace
Hey now that's some irony right there

>Also christians believe that Starbucks is demonic
They are though


macaroons, shrimp, wax bottles r cuter

I rest my case.

>the cupcake has always been a gentrifying force

What kind of sick fuck are you?

Enjoy drinking the devils brew in hell

Fuck off demon

What if user is female



user is female

Never liked these weird hamburger looking things

what are they?

whipped egg whites_sugar+wtv baked


Not nearly as qt as cupcakes

have you ever had a genuine one? i.e. not one you'd find at a grocery store or mass produced ones?

They are the most annoying food to eat. I think some sort of dumpling is the cutest. They look so soft.

Forgot image

You are literally a baby if you eat these.

gook trash

Pretty cute, but cupcakes still #1

>commie cucks create contempt for cupcakes, causing conservatives to cook cupcakes to create counter cultural culinary conflict.

Muffins are just ugly cupcakes user.


Came here to post this

What about /gummi/bears?

This is brutally honest.

Entirely forgot about them. They are most certainly cute, but I think cupcakes still rank higher


Cupcakes have the advantage of being dressed up. Is a cupcake without frosting just a muffin?

Gummy bears are cute just by being what they are.

This is true, but muffins in general are also bigger and have more ugly stuff hanging off of the sides.

Petit fours OP.

So is an undressed cupcake cuter than a gummy bear?

What makes a cupcake a cupcake?

You raise good points. I will browse around and look at photos of each, do some science, and get back to you.

But as it stands, I think of cupcakes as the dressed variety, which imo is the cutest thing in this thread as of now.

I'll cup your cake