I don't feel comfortable ordering vegan/talking to vegans/going to vegan places because I'm not really vegan.
I don't fit into the vegan definition or vegetarian and neither community is easy to interact with. (I don't eat beef or pork at all, ever, because I just think its pretty gross & scary. I avoid eggs because cholesterol and milk because I'm a chick and hormones n shit.)
Any opinions on this? Its a weird world kids, IDK what to think of it.
>Some fucked up reasons for not eating meat, egg, milk. Get an education ffs! Learn what a human body actually consists of and how digestion/nutrition really works. (And not how it works in the Vegan La-La Land of Astrology based star peeking.)
You may need to throw that vegan diet to hell before getting an education, since it may prevent your brain from working properly. (If your fear of chemicals stresses you out - you can always buy truly organic food.)
Eli Hall
I'm not a true vegetarian or vegan but I order vegetarian dishes and go to vegetarian/vegan places a lot. They're not going to know unless you just tell them out of the blue, and even if you do tell them, they're probably not going to care too much, as long as you're not an asshole. Even just cutting down on animal product consumption and creating more of a demand for vegetarian/vegan products is a positive.
Honestly people talk about vegetarians/vegans being judgmental assholes a lot more than it actually happens.
Joseph Kelly
>meat is gross and scary No, that's... That's about the same as the nutcases you're condemning.
Connor Ward
Just eat whatever food you want and hang out with people you like. It's not fucking rocket science. Most vegans are assholes, don't be an asshole and noone will care what you do or don't eat.
Have fun with your colon cancer. It's real great that veganism literally is a death sentence because vegans are so insufferable that they 100% deserve the slow death their diet will give them.
Benjamin Gonzalez
This. Im the Pac Man to the Ghosts of the animal kingdom.
Adrian Cook
did a vegan fuck your crush or something?
Ryan Watson
This is what I'm talking about. I'll eat a steak in your memory after you die slowly and painfully.
Camden Allen
Do you have a link? I can find one major study when I google "vegan colon cancer" and it says "CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Vegetarian diets are associated with an overall lower incidence of colorectal cancers. Pescovegetarians in particular have a much lower risk compared with nonvegetarians. If such associations are causal, they may be important for primary prevention of colorectal cancers."
Christopher Johnson
Instead I suggest googling b12 deficiency and colon cancer.
Robert Baker
I'm gonna order a cheeseburger just because you posted this. How does it feel knowing you contributed to another burger being sold and eaten? bovine blood is on your hands now Vegan scum.
Joseph Watson
But that's misrepresenting what you said. There are B12-fortified vegan foods as well as supplements.
Luke Russell
These dichotomies are hilarious. People preaching death and hate on either side of a dietary debate is as laughable as any other polarity between groups of idiots. How bored do you have to be to reach the point of losing sleep over a stranger's dietary preference? The world is doomed, holy shit.
Mason Clark
Isaac Gomez
You do not metabolize b12 as well with a vegan diet. No matter what, unless your b12 is from an animal protein source, less of the b12 will be metabolized by your body. It's just how our bodies work.
>shitposting on the internet equates literal fixation and psychotic brooding on the subject
You, sir, are the insane one.
Julian Reyes
vegetarian is alright, but vegan is too much
Andrew Rivera
>You do not metabolize b12 as well with a vegan diet ok can you provide a source for that, since you're so well read
Kayden Martin
Just stop being a pussy
Cameron Brown
>No matter what, unless your b12 is from an animal protein source, less of the b12 will be metabolized by your body Which doesn't automatically imply a deficiency, and if it did, wouldn't the studies conducted be finding a higher incidence of colon cancer among vegetarian/vegan diets compared to omnivorous diets?
>I avoid eggs because cholesterol and milk because I'm a chick and hormones n shit
fucking retard lmao
Andrew Butler
>because I'm a chick and hormones n shit.) Any opinions on this? Its a weird world kids, IDK what to think of it.
Holy shit roastie, what part of the moon cycle are you in? This post sounds so much like a ragamuffin.
Daniel Murphy
I came here this board to find vegan recipes as well OP but im finding these autistic "sip boys" (cant believe this is a fucking thing here) dont know jack shit about anything
Evan Thompson
Kill yourself. Vegans don't belong on a food and cooking board, try