So i've been experimenting with acidic drinks recently, but I've noticed benefits rather than problems. I feel "cleaner" and healthier.
I've been drinking 4L of lemon water a day and 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
Can anyone explain how i'm not dying? Thanks.
I'm drinking acid
Why do reditors always start their posts with "so"? It's completely unnecessary and makes you sound like a faggot. Please fuck off back there
so it sounds like someone's had a bad day :^^)
wow um like someones grumpy!!
Why are most people on Veeky Forums so obsessed with Reddit? It's completely unnecessary and makes you sound like a faggot. Please fuck off back there.
You redit fags gonna answer the question or just keep being retarded?
Your not drinking acid. Your drinking acidic substances mixed with something else. ACV and Lemon are both great... but you already know that don't you, fag.
Apple Cider Vinegar is full of enzymes and good bacteria. It contains acetic acid, which has been shown to lower blood pressure up to 6 percent. It can also help eat up the starches if you do eat grains in your diet. ... Lemon juice helps balance blood sugar and has an alkaline effect on your body helping to regulate PH. Pickle juice is really good for muscle recovery as well
Keep being retarded.
still acidic if it's with water
Your body has adapted to acidic things thanks to your weeks of building up tolerance. I would assume that you could drink some of the less corrosive acids right now and your body would adapt to it. This is backed by science btw.
literally below neutral pH senpai
so rude
although the bronsted acids are able to donate hydrogen, which is how theyd react with water forming a hydronium ion, in these solutions usually the acid is in excess.
because you body can handle a rather wide pH range of stuff ingested with almost no effect good or bad on your body. You blood is buffered to the point where this stuff just doesn't matter
phosphate buffers. without being basic itself, neutralizes acids. Its why drinking a soda doesn't give you blood acidosis.
>Lemon juice has an alkaline effect on your body helping to regulate PH
um, what?
Lemon juice is loaded with citric acid, and has a rather low pH. Also your body doesn't need help regulating pH by what you drink, thats not how it works
This. Fuck off OP and anyone disagreeing with this user.
You're a basic bitch
The pH of this shit is nothing compared with the pH of your stomach.
>implying it's a reddit thing
So. Next thing you're going to say is, that "reddit spacing" is a thing.
>Lemon juice helps balance blood sugar and has an alkaline effect on your body helping to regulate PH.
I came here to post the same thing. It may seem counter intuitive, but all citrus fruits have a net effect of making your blood more alkaline even though they themselves are acidic.
So, what you are saying is that you are a colossal faggot, right? Got it.
Those drinks are literally killing all the bad bacteria in your stomach. So yeah. It feels weird to have your body cleansed of shitty doesn't it!