Why aren't you /fast/ing this weekend user?

Why aren't you /fast/ing this weekend user?

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My current routine is 48 hours water fast followed by 4 days of strict keto followed by a day of eating whatever I want (although it usually isn't very much because my stomach is shrinking).
Losing weight at a nice steady pace and feeling good.

So I am actually, starting tomorrow, eating Taco Bell right now.

I fast every day from 11pm to 7pm the following day.

Because I'm 6'1 and 160 pounds. I'm trying to gain weight, not lose weight.

no reason to

You're not that skinny.

tailgating season

I can barely bench 80 pounds

Thats pretty skinny, im 6'2 and only 180 pounds

Fat ass, I'm 6' 142.

t. Vegan or drug user

t. American

I'm not fast enough

is this a meme? should i do this?

Cause I'm a skinnyfit bastard already
>tfw 5'10", 135lbs, 19.5 bmi
>feels güd boi

It's a meme. Nobody cares if you do this.

Why would it be a meme? I've lost ~40 pounds in the last 3 months and most of it was through keto, but I found that a 48 hour fast was basically effortless and incredibly easy so I started doing that to mitigate a day off from keto each week and have enjoyed it much more and have seen no slow down in my weight loss progress.

If he's anywhere near my muscle mass, which is modest, yes he is

I couldn't imagine being a man the size of a woman

Usually do an IF schedule at maintenance. Had hit a plateau so I did two days deep deficit (550 and 660 calories Wed and Thursday.) Broke the fast today going back to normal 1300 on a 6-18 IF schedule.

Feels good.

t. twink faggot

I've got gains to maintain, fasting is for betas.

This. I'm 5'10, 115 pounds. Fat asses get ye gone.

Because I'm doing HIIT and it lets me eat whatever I want.

Because fuck fasting.

Because I'm hungry as fuck

I'm working in a lab compound and my employer literally monitors the eating habits of all employees. If we don't eat a minimum number of calories per day at meal times, we can be suspended or even fired.

What the fuck, what kind of lab?

Chinese research lab.

i often fast by accident, id be a great monk


Have some damn self control and be able to eat without drinking a 2600 calorie milkshake everyday

For anyone wanting to attempt this: chew chewing gum when you get hungry. If you're hardcore, you will probably call this eating food as well, but I think it's fine. Also, when chewing, the mouth produces saliva, which improves digestion.

Y'all chucklefucks in this thread are full retard for thinking being that underweight is proper. News flash, you don't become fat as soon as your ribs stop showing.

You know Ive actually tried this a few times. I feel so light headed and nauseous when I fast. I think it's a blood sugar thing but idk, I'm one of those people that really needs something to eat when I wake up. Even a small glass of milk or something.

Ramadan was a few months ago

I am.

The jews and the sunni muslims fast this weekend.

Everyone does fasting for different reasons. For me, it's for the benefits of autophagy, where you run out of glycogen and force your self to consume the detritus stored in the body (fat, junky proteins - as Jason Fung puts it, even damaged cells in the brain) and that kicks in after 24-48 hours. So for me the first 2 days of the fast are pre-autophagic, it just gets you to the door. I then when I've opened that door and stepped in to that autophagic state, I want to stay there for about 3 days. This is why I do a 5 day fast, classic water One big difference in my body that I've noticed between doing short fasts (< 48 hours) and extended ones is what happens when I end my fast. When I eat after a 2 day fast, everything ~down there~ works normally. But after 5 days of fasting, the crap that my body shoots out of my ass is a sight to behold. I have to be near a toilet for a 5 hour window. I feel that I haven't truly fasted unless that cleanse happens. But that is my goal in fasting. If I wanted only to shed some pounds, then intermittent fasting is a better option, less disruptive - and less eruptive.

>femanon comparing her anorexic self to men of normal weight

Good on you dude keep it up, you'll feel so much better when you reach the top of the mountain

how do you make sure to not lose muscle when fasting?

Everyone does fasting for different reasons. For me, it's for the benefits of autophagy, where you run out of glycogen and force your self to consume the detritus stored in the body (fat, junky proteins - as Jason Fung puts it, even damaged cells in the brain) and that kicks in after 24-48 hours of fasting. So for me the first 2 days of the fast are write offs, because they are pre-autophagic. 2 days just gets you to the door. Then, after I've opened that door and stepped into that autophagic state, I want to stay there for about 3 days. This is why I do a 5 day fast, classic water only.

A big difference in my body between doing short fasts (< 48 hours) and extended ones is how I break my fast. When I eat after a 2 day fast, everything ~down there~ works normally. But after 5 days of fasting, the crap that my body shoots out of my ass is a sight to behold. I have to be near a toilet for a 5 hour window. Unless I experience that blasting cleanse, I feel that I haven't truly fasted, because I haven't reached and stayed in autophagy. But that is my goal in fasting. If I wanted only to shed some pounds, then intermittent fasting would be a better option, less disruptive - and less eruptive. Which is what I do anyways because I'm a one meal a day guy.

People who fast, do you also do any physical activity? I work as a bike courier and I don't think I'd be able to make it with no food for more than a day

Go back,

I'm (((fasting))) and browsing this board as a test of self control.

So to answer the OP about fasting on a weekend. Weekends are typically when I end my fasts, because I need to be near a washroom for about 4-5 hours, and that would be a massive inconvenience during the work week, impractical and embarrassing to do at the workplace, or too much to endure during a weeknight because I'd lose sleep.

So my 5 day fast goes like: Monday to Friday water only. Wake up Saturday morning, eat a meal, wait for the bowel blast (comes within the hour), and be near the toilet between 11am about 2 pm. Which is fine because I'm usually chilling out at home, cleaning the apartment and doing my laundry.

Fasted for a good 25 hours today. It's a little different though because "fasting" in the common sense tends to mean abstinence solely from eating, whereas spiritual fasting also extends to washing and drinking. With that said, the thirst after 20 hours or so is rather crippling.

It's not good for you to fast like that. I absolutely need it for the amount of work I put in. 48 hours a week (I know that's pretty normal). My arms would ache like hell and I'd go through some pretty bad bouts of fatigue from fasting for two fucking days. That and I'm only 5'2" 100lbs. Steak and chicken are my best friends. That and muh green beans.

because /fast/ing is fucking retarded and provides no actual health benefits

If you suffer from IBS, it actually helps mental health.

This sounds like pseudoscience bullshit. Can you provide any proof of this autophagy business and how it actually works?

Because I'm not a subhuman doss

>fast everyday from 6pm until 1pm the following day
>12:17 pm here - haven't consumed 1 calorie since 6 last night
>already walked my dog 4.5 miles at a quick speed, then did 3 additional intense miles on treadmill
>feel fucking great
>excited to eat my healthy meal I'm about ready to prepare
>yfw you see a 300lb Manlet in the mirror

Fasting ruined my metabolism and did damage to several of my organs. Now I'm twice as fat as I was before and with organ damage to boot. Fuck your shitty meme.

Because Yom Kippur is a shit holiday.

Fasting is a cubicle worker health meme

>not eating
Literally the opposite point of this board. You're looking for

>The observation that laboratory rats not only live longer but also have fewer age-associated diseases when their food intake is restricted dates back to the 1930s.3–7 Numerous subsequent studies have found that when the ad libitum food intake of mice and rats was reduced by 30 to 60 percent, the average life span and the maximal life span (the mean survival of the longest-lived decile) increased by similar amounts.3

from: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2851235/
>Caloric Intake and Aging, Richard Weindruch, Ph.D. and Rajindar S. Sohal, Ph.D.

I only eat during 4 hours a day. During that 4 hours I consume 1200 calories (I'm cutting weight) have dropped from 220 to 169 already. During my eating window I feel so satisfied that I'm good for the next 20 hours and looking forward to my next healthy pigout.


By not fasting. It's a meme idea and almost nobody does for its original purpose.

>We fed some mice a little less and they didn't die of the beetus.
>people should starve themselves for good health.

A+ logic. Such wow.



Eating's shađow, a consuming of time between meals, in a word seasoning

Read that as fisting

Good job not drinking a ton of water while fasting to make sure your body stays healthy and hydrated you fat little retard

Get a fair amount of exercise. Lift weights, some longish (30+ mins) cardio daily.
Try to keep fasts to longer durations without being too close to each other. Most of the loss, as well as the difficulty fighting hunger occurs in the first 2-3 days. After that, your body will preserve muscle because of the hgh and other hormones being produced from exercise. Fat will be the go-to item.
Of course, you are likely going to lose at least some muscle. Recent studies are showing that you will lose less from fasting than a regular reduced caloric diet, however. Though I think this is a perk of ketosis in general, not necessarily fasting specifically.