Confess your food related sins
Confess your food related sins
I enjoy the occasional McDonald's QPC meal.
Sometimes I'll order something from a fast food place and immediately get a craving for another one after I've finished it, so I go to the same chain but the one that's across town rather than shamefully going back to the same one
I only ever shit in the shower and smoosh it through the grate with my heel so I can see which food Ive eaten haven't digested properly.
Been doing it for as long as I remember.
Sometimes I eat a kraft single as a snack. I take very small bites so I can enjoy it longer.
Sometimes I stick cucumbers up my ass before I serve them to people at my job
That's a good way to get a fungal infection user
Back in 2011 when I was living in Florida I (legally) shot and killed a man in self defense. I initially was in shock a bit but to this day I just feel numb about it and I've had a hard time feeling any remorse even though I found out he was a father of 2. I've come to the conclusion that I dislike humans. On the contrary, I love animals. Dogs, cats, chickens, cows, sheep, all of them. They make me happy and I love to pet and hug them. My dog is my best friend and I love to visit cows at the farms. I feel sad, angry and wretched whenever I see people eat meat. Just knowing what these poor fucking animals go through in order for some stupid overweight fucking CUNT to munch down on a burger makes me shake with absolute hatred and makes me feel vile and sick to my stomach. I've been vegan for about a decade and I honestly wish I could make eating meat/killing animals for meat illegal or in the very least have people who eat meat exterminated. I know that's a little extreme but whatever. I'm drunk.
Jesus fucking christ
More proof that Florida is a hellhole and only fit to be populated by gators and crazy people.
>I've been vegan for about a decade and I honestly wish I could make eating meat/killing animals for meat illegal or in the very least have people who eat meat exterminated.
Shit like this is why people hate vegans so much. You're a hypocrite. You enjoy the thought of people suffering.
Veganism is going to be pointless once cultured/lab-grown meat is available. Better keep that in mind because it might destroy your entire sense of identity when that happens.
I'm 24 and eat Chef Boyardee on a near daily basis.
If you think cultured meat will replace slaughterhouses you are so fucking stupid. Yes cultured meat will be available.But no it will not replace meat from natural sources. The taste of cultured beef is very different anyway and it has no fat content which is most of the taste.
I am 5'7 and as for 3 days ago passed the 400lbs mark. I've been shit on my whole life and everyone makes fun of me. I'm fucking only 21 years old yet I am fucking BALDING as bad as a 60 year old man. My dick is small, my only friend is my bird and food. I eat 4000-6000 calories a day. I order food twice a day because I am too ashamed to go out. I have my groceries delivered to me often and I won't leave the house for weeks. I will go through what would normally be 2-3 weeks of food for 1 person in a few days. My favorite meals are pepperoni and bacon pizza with ranch, french fries, bacon cheese burgers and chicken strips. I eat this daily and usually one pint of Ben&Jerry's or a full chocolate cake. I want to die. I don't care anymore.I FUCKING LOVE TO EAT.
I don't think they will right away. But the point of being vegan will be obsolete if you can have animal products without death and factory farming. Some people will probably want to keep eating meat from animals because of the taste, but it'll probably end up being cheaper to produce cultured meat that's the same quality as the highest quality meat from an animal.
i work at mcdonalds and spit in every white customers food, fuck those devils that dont recognize our races evil
You filth
The real sign of a good restaurant is how close you come to capping yourself on the way to the car
I brought food into the bedroom with my ex and it gave her some weird infection-girl problem for a little while. Something do with sugar where it shouldn't have been.
I sometimes get excited about frozen dinners.
Home cooking is good, but there's something comfy about food that's just good enough, that uses flavours I don't usually make, in just a few minutes.
I once vomited an enormous pink pile of meat in the parking lot of a Chinese buffet after my bro and I double stacked a toilet with shit blood. I love that place and couldn't wait to go back.
Sometimes I like to eat heavily food dyed snacks like red hot cheetos to see if my poo changes color too.
I will also just end up eating three or more cobs of corn and nothing else so I can have poops made entirely of corn. This also works with most nuts but I recommend macadamia nuts.
I buy aluminum foil for food related reasons, but end up using most of it to smoke heroin.
I use pic related when I fall asleep in lectures
>Kill person
>Feel numb
>See other people kill animals
>Feel angry
At those times I'm really glad shitholes like Florida and California aren't considered Latin America - we already have enough shit to deal with, no need to be known for vegan killers.
Fuck you
I genuinely love sriracha and avacodos
I use the sawdust cheese they sell at the store to season my pasta.
I also don't ground my own black pepper.
I throw stuff away that's probably still good because I'm way too cautious about that stuff and have a poor sense of smell. I put way too much salt on everything. When I use ketchup, I probably use about a third of the mass of the food that I'm eating of ketchup. I overcook every type of meat.
... I'm pretty sure I have more that I can't think of right now, but there you go.
It will take a while, but they should be able to get nearly perfect marbling for steaks
I use to eat steaks well when I was a kid. I mostly blame my mom, since she always cooked them that way. Complete germaphobe and terrified of me getting food poisoning from meat
I fucking hate any stake that isn't well done
First time I had a rare steak it was cold and disgusting and I couldn't stop shifting for 3 days, I legit got sick from some disgusting elitist steak cooking
I sometimes combine seafood with Parmigianino.
I put canned tuna on my pepperoni pizza and give it a generous dusting of parm. I think the flavors go really well together!
>I think grocery store sushi is tasty and eat it regularly
>regardless of the type of cookie i'm making, I ALWAYS add gingerbread spice to the dough
>I can and have drunk an entire 6-pack of la croix in a day
For the last 4 days I've eaten absolutely nothing home cooked. It's been all fast food and restaurants for every meal. I've gained 7 pounds. Thankful I go back to work tomorrow and won't be able to continue this downward spiral
trader joes poptart breakfast
For some reason I find this one of the most upsetting things in this thread. Not only is it unhealthy and actually terrible food. The persistence with which you eat it disturbs me? Why? Do you have fond memories of it and its comfort food for you? Do you like the taste? Is it convient? Is it cheap? Why do you do it to yourself. There are dozens of types of pasta and a million sauces and they are all more delicious than what you are talking about. Gnochi with butter, parmesan, and garlic. Spagetti with bolognese. Fettuchini with alfredo. Aglio e olio. Puttanesca. Fucking ravioli with anythig in it. Anything at all with any sauce. FUCKING VELVEET SHELLS AND CHEESE IS BETTER THAN GODDAMN CHEF BOYARDEE.
You know you eat more food and be healthy if you keeping you nutrition balancdd and burnig the necessary calories. Hafthor bjornsson eats like 10k cals a day just to maintain his body. If i ride my bike for 15 mins there and back to go get a burger I can be pretty confident I burned out at least 100 cals of that 500 cal burger.
y tho
Are you really buying it for food at that point.
Just poop into your hand while you're on the toilet like a normal person.
One is a violent criminal the other is an innocent animal.
I prefer preground pepper to. Freshly ground is too strong.
One time my father bathed me and my brother together, I yanked on my brother's dick and and my dad said "did you just pull on your brother's handle?" and now my brother thinks he's a lady and takes hormones and it might be my fault because I guess technically I molested him
oh, Veeky Forums related. wrong board. one time I put too much red food coloring into my ramen and I thought it looked gross so I threw it away. Knowing full well that Niggers starve in the streets of the countries their ancestors inhabited.
I hate hummer
I have eaten 2 cans of spaghetti-Os in the last 48 hours straight from the can. No heating them up or anything, just popping off the lid of the can and going to town with a spoon.
please do everyone else a favor and sterilize yourself so you can't breed