anyone do this? how often? do you leave the waiter a tip?
Ditching the check
Did it once when i was a kid, felt bad about it
Never. Is it possible to wash dishes or something to work off your tab anymore or is that something they only did in old movies?
i dont think anyone ever stops you, ,or if theyre even allowed to
Yes but I don't leave tips for the druggies and I only do it in places I'm just visiting
do you run or just walk out suavely
I left without paying by accident once. Just forgot to pay. No one stopped me.
When I was a server if somebody did this it came out of our pocket. Kinda shitty thing to do to somebody you don't know.
I don't know if it's the same as ditching a check, but I've gone into motels dressed decently and carrying a brief case and casually eaten the free breakfast just like I was a guest. Never been questioned even once.
>Kinda shitty thing to do to somebody you don't know.
I agree, your boss was an asshole, shouldn't make his workers pay for things that aren't their responsibility
Same. I won't do it ever again.
Can't do that now in most places in this area. You must pay before you eat, when you are ordering. That includes sit-down places too where a waitress takes your order. Evidently, skipping out on the bill became a big thing once out of state/out of country workers started arriving for their land rape jobs in oil & gas.
where do u live
All the time when poor service or food is presented.
These cucks need to learn that you can't stiff every customer.
Only time I did was when the waiter took my card back to run it and I guess forgot to run it. He brought back my card without a receipt to sign. I didn't say anything and just left. I assume he took it back to the kitchen and got distracted and set it down somewhere. I was never billed for the meal.
You life intrigues me user
know your place goy, the owner's money IS your responsibility
let me guess, you have a lot of blacks there
Very white redneck area, but when all the temp workers started showing up that started happening. Like 80% of the temp workers are black or Mexican it seems. Crime has fucking skyrocketed in only 2 years and keeps getting worse. I'm just glad this is temporary. None of them are staying, they rent for a few months then leave when the job moves.
no, because I am a white flyover, so I have never needed to
I think corporate wont go through the effort and liability to hire some poorfag for a few hours. Real talk you could probably own it up to the manager and come in the next day to pay it off or get your photo taken from security cams and get permabanned
no its because of niggers
i dont tip
it will eventually kill minimum wage and in some places already did
you're a fucking retard and a pleb. I mean honestly if you are so poor that extra 20% on your food bill is going to break your bank or is something that gives you any sort of pause then your broke ass needs to stay home.
I never bounced. The cook is doing his job and he needs to get paid. Most of the restaurant in my area are owned by the cook, so ditching the check would hurt them.
The 20% part always seemed to be insanely high. Then again, I am not an American. If we tip here, we normally just round up to the next payable amount. 33.45 EUR would come out to 35.00 EUR, for example.
it won't kill my bank you mong
tipping is harmful to waiters in a way that some shitty bourgouise owning the play will think its okay to underpay people working on agreement on order or whatever you ameritards call it and eventually will lead to extinction of minimum wage in food sector.
Only once and I don't feel bad about it at all. The service was absolutely horrible. 20 minutes to take our order, dropped the food off which wasn't correct and never came back. We had to flag another waiter down to get drinks and silverware, They only brought drinks so we had to flag yet another waiter to get silverware. We waited a while after we were done and even tried to flag down another server to pay. No one wanted to take our money and we'd already been sitting a while so we just left.
how long do you think you should wait before going back to a place after ditching? 12 months? (to do it again of course)
Never go back desu. If you're going to do it, only do it somewhere you're visiting and never plan on returning.
the risk is the fun part man. i run just for the shits
Just because I can afford something doesn't make you entitled to my money
Most of us could afford to pay several hundred percent tip, but that doesn't mean we should
I did it once by accident. They give people a card to keep track of your purchases. Waitress took my order and card, but ended up bringing the wrong order. Didn't give a fuck since I was hungry and just ate it. Then went to the counter and had coffe. Gave the cashier the card and a bill, didn't even listen for the price. Gave me a bunch of coins, only after leaving the restaurant I realize there are way too many large coins. Didn't do the math, but probably only paid for the coffe.
The closest I came to this was when I was at a restaurant waiting for a bus that came once every 90 minutes. The waitress was literally just gossiping with a customer and she took fucking forever to get me my bill, when she decided to also take forever in taking my payment I just left a $20 for a $19.50 meal, she deserved the 50 cent tip for at least walking my order to the kitchen on time, if nothing else.
No, you're just poor. Like those retards who think they're rich because they have a big screen TV and enjoy a bottle of Hennessy VS once every payday. "Could afford to" doesn't mean what you think it means, 20% is standard and the fact that you're willing to embarrass yourself in public to "save" 20% means your beliefs about your own socioeconomic status are wrong.
Perfectly illegal too. Treble damages awarded. (
>what business expenses
>7 years ago
>be 17 year old shitkid
>go with 5 or 6 friends to Denny's at 2am
>ordered a single cup of coffee among all of us
>tfw they have free refills
>a friend dared me to drink as many cups as I can
>ended up refilling 12 cups
>waitress was pissed as fuck
>told us to fuck off and pay
>we didn't
>she threatened to call the cops on us
>we flipped her off and left
>went home and slept
>woke up 2 days later in a hospital
>sister told me that I didn't wake up the day after the Denny's run and got worried
>she checked up on me and found that apparently my breathing/heart stopped for a while and she called the ambulance
Better luck next time!
do you tip people in McDonalds?
>20% is standard
No it is not, 15-18% is standard
I am not going to throw away extra money just because of your feelings no matter how much disposable income I have. this tip creep is getting kind of annoying, every year you people are telling us that "actually you are supposed to tip even more than we told you last year, and more different types of workers too". 20% is a tip for great service, you are not entitled to it and no one deserves it by default
> 15-18% is standard
You either live in a Mississippi Delta town, population less than 100, or you're out of touch.
In normal part of America, 20% has been non-controversially the default amount for at least 10 years.
It's also amusing how you have this little conversation in your head with the invisible waiter every time you wrestle with this concept. The person you need to worry about is your dining companion, they can't stand going out to eat with you.
But why am I telling you this. You haven't eaten with other people in as long as you can remember and you tell yourself it's because of the liberals, or something. The reality is people got sick of having to throw in extra to cover your bad tipping habits.
I've been tempted due to badly prepared food and terrible service, but I am too much of a baby.
I'm a coward.
I usually take 15% of the pretax bill and round up to the next dollar
It seems women usually tip a little more, but no man who doesn't work in the service industry defaults to 20% or higher, and not many women do either
I live in a major city and 10% is the standard for good service. No one gives 20% unless they are feeling really generous. I usually only give 5% if it's not a teenager because I don't give a single fuck about someone older than me not being able to get a real job.
This is some prime bait here. I actually almost thought that you legitimately believe what you're typing. You got the "entitled prick that works at Chili's part time" role down pat, you should be an actor honestly.
>overdosed on caffeine from just 12 cups
Lad, try drinking one of each of those Java Monster things. You will wish for the good old days of coffee.
>no man who doesn't work in the service industry defaults to 20% or higher, and not many women do either
I am a man, I work in the tech industry, and I default to 20%, so does everyone I know
Biloxi is not a major city
Do they have a Chili's in your town or do you have to drive a couple of hours to get to one?
no one believes you
"Everyone is a NEET just like me" is like, 2009-era Veeky Forums arguing. Normies with jobs are the default here now. Just as 20% is the default tip amount. Do try to keep up, Cleetus.
Hahaha keep going, this is good stuff. I think I'll copy and paste this into a notepad file so I can use them later. How about this one?
>If you can afford to eat out, you can afford to tip you fucking losers! Next time I see you in my restaurant I'm going to punch you square in the jaw. You'd better watch out, punks!
Or maybe we can start ramping up the percentage amount with every new thread? Like, you started with the 20%, maybe next time it'll be 25%, then 30%, then suddenly spike it up to 50%.
>If you can't afford an extra 75% tip on your food then you don't deserve to eat out at all!
>threatening violence over a petty squabble
Not very convincing, that may pass as normal talk in Biloxi but here in the real world people don't actually do this.
Try "I will give you a dirty look", that's pretty much as far as things go in normal places, then people move on and forget about it because social standing in the community is not based on barbaric acts of machismo.
I don't think you are NEET. I think your entire stance pretty obviously isn't what you actually believe or have experienced and you are just trying to troll
Also, the idea that NEET people time less is kinda funny. Its usually low class white people that tip the best if any demographic
Ah yes classic, "if someone has a different opinion than me they must be trolling or insane". Literally flyoverland: the post.
Oh yes keep pretending to be such a big tough man on the internet, I love big tough guys like you! More!
NEET here. I usually tip whatever is left in my wallet after eating out depending on the quality of food and service. Sometimes it can be as much as 200%.
wtf is with this forced jewish meme? tipping was dead the day business owners started stiffing their staff what they made in tips. it's a gratuity for good service, not something you're expected to shell out every time you leave the house.
I am not Jewish, and I get the feeling you think that's some kind of insult. I know many Jews and their tipping habits are not much different from anyone else. Sure you get the elderly cantankerous Jews who think that a $1 tip on a $50 meal is ok, but that's an old people thing, not a Jew thing.
Its not a matter of opinion. You are saying factually incorrect things
Tipping in general is fucking retarded. I'm not your employer, I'm there to pay an agreed price for an agreed service. It's just an excuse so that the bosses can pay their staff sweet fuck all and foot some of the bill onto customers. Typical American foolishness, which for some reason became an excepted norm.
it was a sad day when pricks like you started thinking you were superior to people who could murder you with their cocks.
Americans are too fucking polite, we should have never allowed this to happen
The dinosaurs roamed the earth 4,000 years ago alongside Noah and his brides. Happy now?
You don't have to tip. Some of the restaurants I frequent are no-tipping restaurants. It's more of a novelty and a political statement than anything, really. The final price of the meal ends up being more or less the same. And I suppose the staff end up not being able to cheat on their income tax as easily, which I suppose is ok by me although I don't really feel strongly about people making only 5 figures trying to beat a system that's rigged against them by people making 7 or 8 figures.
this bait sucks. mods! get me a new one!
>The dinosaurs roamed the earth 4,000 years ago alongside Noah and his brides. Happy now?
This is what service industry employees actually believe
Tipping essentially is institutionalized tax fraud, none of us should support it, it just means a higher tax burden on the rest of us
Please remember to always tip via credit card to prevent fraud
I'm just trying to speak to you in terms you might understand, Cleetus.
And I suppose, in a sense, most jobs are "service jobs". The "products" just get a lot more abstract and there are more acronyms and the job just gets harder and harder to describe to people outside of your immediate functional area.
>And I suppose, in a sense, most jobs are "service jobs"
not by the actual definition of the term service industry
I mostly tip on my credit card because I like the points. Which reminds me this quarter's 5% cashback bonus ends today for Chase Freedom and Discover customers. Next month is garbage, it's like Walmart and Target or something no one actually gives a shit about.
If you are not serving external individuals directly, it is not the service industry
Providing a service is the very goal of most if not all companies.
Thats another good point. I don't understand why anyone ever pays for anything with anything besides a credit card for those bonuses
Especially elderly people, those fuckers are always using cash or checks
ok, but thats not how that term is used
Credit cards aren't as secure as having a set amount of money on you for the day. It keeps them from overspending, and it protects against theft and fraud.
Jesus fucking christ, I hope this is a troll
You cannot just take two words with set meanings, smash them together, and then say it means somethimg totally different. That is not how language works.
>It keeps them from overspending
So does just acting like a normal ass adult. How is this even a concern?
>and it protects against theft and fraud
While technically true, the value added here is super tiny, much less than the gain from that free cash back you get using a credit card
I don't tip the wait staff. I tip the delivery people. Fedex, UPS, but not the US Postal service.
Fuck the wait staff. Every si ngle one had been an entitled fucktard.
"Service job" and "service industry" mean two different things. Function vs sector. You can be an accountant at White & Case. You can be in-house counsel at Facebook. Your understanding of language needs revision.
>You cannot just take two words with set meanings, smash them together, and then say it means somethimg totally different. That is not how language works.
Actually, thats pretty common with language. Also not that it is not me personally doing this, I am not in charge of defining common phrases
You live in rural Pennsylvania don't you, because you just described the surrounding area I live in
>You cannot just take two words with set meanings, smash them together, and then say it means somethimg totally different
What about the Holy Roman Empire?
They were not holy, Roman, or an Empire yet that is what they are called
Get an education. Stealing card numbers is far easier than stealing money, and takes quite a bit longer to notice provided it isn't used for retarded shit like a new television eight states away. You can cancel it, sure. But contrary to your high school educated belief, you likely won't get the charge removed unless you can actually prove it isn't you. Most credit card companies just don't care.
When it comes to the elderly, chances are they have a system set by themselves or their families to protect them from credit card or debit card theft and fraud, as well as a way of protecting them from overspending.
Having say 50 dollars on you for the day rather than a credit card means you do not go around charging an invisible balance that you will be shocked at later on in the month. Elders likely don't have ess to the internet and thus cannot readily check their bill.
Get your head out of your ass.
Because bringing me 1 glass of soda and picking up my dishes is somehow worth 2 dollars? Your "good demeanor" and "excellent service" ain't worth shit to me. I don't go around giving walmart employees an extra 2 bucks for putting shit on shelves or a burger joint nobody for running a cash register.
Fuck that, I went to public school too. I can take my fucking plates to the counter where the old lady sprays that shit off.
Clearly you have no idea what it means to be over the age of 70. There is a regression in common sense, and memory problems. It is called dementia. More people than you think suffer from it.
and alzheimers*
Phone posting is worst posting.
What should be embarrassing is the fucks who think picking up someones dirty dishes and bringing them a cup of water is worth 20% of their bill
>hey everyone look how insecure I am about my education
Also, I've been using credit cards for almost 20 years, literally every time there is a problem (except once), I've found out about it through fraud prevention well before I saw it personally. The one exception showed up on my app in the middle of the night, I rolled over and went back to sleep, and by the time I called them the next day, they had already cancelled the card, the pending transaction was gone, and there was a new card on the way.
My brother works as a head cook and manager for a small chain. Apparently they split tips up between the cook and server at his place.
It depends on the location.
If your old people brain problems are bad enough that a credit card is a problem, how in the hell are you going to manage the dozens of other recurring financial obligations that have to be taken care of every month without going bankrupt? This has nothing to do with credit cards specifically, if you can't manage a credit card statement you're not going to be able to balance a checkbook either.
>if you can't manage a credit card statement you're not going to be able to balance a checkbook either
Honestly, if you have a credit card and cannot just put it to autopay 100% every month and then not have to worry about it, you have pretty fucking serious issues
It is called family centered care. Everyone in the family pitches in to help.
In the case of my grandmother, great aunts, and now mother, it has always fallen to the next of kin to help out. Responsibility was split between anyone who lived close enough.
t. Someone who probably never dealt with someone with alzheimers or dementia.
It can get painful.
>It is called family centered care. Everyone in the family pitches in to help.
But that's what I'm trying to get through your skull. If your grandma isn't managing her books anymore, then you're way past the point of whether a credit card is the right payment method. The same problem would apply to checks, cash, bitcoin, or whatever. She's not in charge anymore if she's depending on you to make sure she doesn't empty her bank account on Franklin Mint figurines.
Yeah, I think alzheimers and dementia qualify as "pretty fucking serious issues"
I was hanging around the dumbster at Wendy's for a rape but no one came. I probably would have chickened out though idk
Is Wendy's dumpster rape a common occurrence where you're at?
theyre just gonna throw the uneaten food away afterwards so its not like you 'stole' food
In don't think so but I go over there jus saying
Yes keep blaming the jews, proletariat. That's what we want. The peasan- I mean the people ought not think we're the ones fooling people.