You will never make rice in a vintage PYREX pot
You will never make rice in a vintage PYREX pot
Like hell I can't
they dont make them anymore?
They're virtually indestructable. If you don't have one, you'll inherit one some day.
Not for stovetop use. Those days are over.
The fuck you talking about? Not only does every mom/grandma own one but you can get them for a song at a flea market.
Fuck leave your room for once Jesus Christ you fucking retard
Cool, you use them on a stove top? Or just for the microwave or oven?
Fuck rice
they sell these on ebay
This. Asian food is trash. Why do you think they're so small and have microdicks
Newer ones will literally shatter after being cooked past a certain temp. Supposed to prevent meth cooking, but instead they just fucked over their fanbase.
I have the exact same glass pot with a pinkish tint, so yes I will.
Yeah, for an arm and a leg.
>$20 for vintage cookware is an arm and a leg
where the fuck do you typically shop?
>Why do you think they're so small and have microdicks
that's all the soy actually
Guess my mother ate a lot of soy when I was gestating then.
its more likely you just lost the genetic lottery, if your own eating habits never offset it
I can attest to this. One night I was drunk, boiled some water in one, passed out, next afternoon it was still sitting on a stovetop set to high, not one crack. Still use it to this day.
My mom still has this, hopefully she wills it to me and I can enjoy vintage-cooked rice is 30 years.
This. I didn't even know they were anything special. I have six of varying sizes.
they haven't made those for decades so they still pretty rare.
your mom has a microdick?
please be in LONDON
>Supposed to prevent meth cooking, but instead they just fucked over their fanbase.
nah, it's just cheaper to make & more impact resistant
If you dont have old relatives that cook and dont frequent thrift stores you could go your whole life without seeing a usable glass stovetop pot.
>Supposed to prevent meth cooking
i thought crack was the canonical illicit use of pyrex cookware
Anyone use the glass fring pans? How do you feel about them?
Cooking rice is my kryptonite. It's sad. That's why I converted my instant pot into a high priced rice cooker.
no, its because the nip nong ching chong chinese factory that makes this shit keeps using cheaper and cheaper materials and now we are finally at the point where its no longer viable to use the product as its intended to be used because chinese producers cant help but fuck over stupid gailo.
How is the heat conduction ? I image its pretty bad, even if they add some weird stuff to the glass. It would be easy to clean though.
that looks meme af but id totally use it
that's not pyrex, that's corning visionware