>Pink Lemonade
Any difference? Is Pink Lemonade just a meme drink?
Actual pink lemonade has some kind of berry in it, usually strawberry
Pink Lemonade is a drink for someone who wants Lemonade but doesn't want just lemon, sugar and water. It shouldn't even exist.
This and it's fucking amazing.
>Has berries in it
Why not just call it (Strawberry/Raspberry) Lemonade? It's just Lemonade with food coloring for people who want to feel special.
while better than plain lemonade or pink lemonade. Its fucking ridiculous to call berry lemonade "actual pink lemonade" when that is not at all how the terminology is used.
What do do you think flavors it?
I've had Pink Lemonade at places with Strawberry Lemonade and Raspberry Lemonade on the menu. What's the point of it being listed? It's just lemonade but pink. Pathetic excuse for a drink.
>that is not at all how the terminology is used.
Enlighten me to the complex world of lemonade then, you faggot
Pink dye is cheaper than yellow
That's what I've been thinking. If it has a berry in it, shouldn't it be called [berry name] lemonade. Unless pink lemonade is a mix of unused berries...
There's not a particularly set definition for Pink Lemonade so it can be anything from lemonade just dyed pink to actual different fruits/flavors added.
A portion of proceeds for pink lemonade go to breast cancer research.
Usually more citric acid and pink food coloring are added. They do make pink lemons by crissbreeding with grapefruit. They are pretty good but super expensive.
There is a difference between pink lemonade and berry lemonade, but pink lemonade does tend to have some minor additional artificial fruit flavor
We use sumac berries.
You have issues, user.
>worked in fast food
>lady asked for pink lemonade
>I tell her our lemonade is yellow
>she gets a root beer instead
some places only serve pink lemonade for some reason. whenever regular is around, i always get it. it seems like a meme drink to me desu
I like the pink better but no idea what it’s supposed to imitate.
colors can be flavors