>"Traditional Recipe"
>Uses New World Crops
"Traditional Recipe"
Other urls found in this thread:
>traditional recipe
>requires use of electric appliances
>traditional recipe
>requires the use of heat
>traditional recipe
>uses domesticated plants
>traditional recipe
>any instruction other than "pick up from the ground"
>"Traditional recipe"
>Written down
Do you want traditional recipes, then?
(I've tried some of those. They turn out quite good to be honest. Kinda funny that tiropatinam is pretty much the same recipe I've learned with my grandma for milk pudding.)
Tomatoes first discovered approx 700 A.D. How fucking new is that?
I stopped eating them after 700 ad, too mainstream.
Ah the old "'traditionalism' is null and void because one tradition always preceded another" conceit. People don't venerate traditions simply because they are old, they do some because some traditions are time tested optimizations. For instance, a traditionally prepared gnocchi in south Italy is a preferable dish to that cooked in an olive garden; it's worth preserving.
Still falling for the post-modern meme, kiddo?
Not everyone on Veeky Forums is descended from apes
But we are though.
>"Traditional Recipe"
>uses noodles, a Chinese invention stolen by Marco Polo
Lizard person? Zeta reticulae?
Some are still apes.
If my dad and mum use to do something and I do it just because of them it's already a tradition. That's all what it takes.
>traditional recipe
>served on plates instead of manchets of bread
Traditional does not mean the same as original.
We are all God's children :^)
Tomatoes have been in Italy for almost five hundred years. Just how long does something have to exist before it counts as traditional to you?
Seriously though, I've been wondering about what food our country (not italian, but them too) was eating before potatoes and tomatoes and other toes got imported here. We didn't have rice, so I get the feeling it was all just bread.
Cereal grains either prepared as poridges or breads, various vegetables (radishes, beans, cabbage, etc), herbs and old world spices as seasonings, meat from game and domestic animals, fish in coastal regions, dairy products, etc.
Kale soup, lots of soups and stews and sausages.
meat and bread
That was for the Aztecs, user. The other continent took about a millennium longer.
>eating pizza
>Not dried fruit and nut on pita with yoghurt
You're the one falling for memes, autist.
Italy was already a country before tomatoes arrived.
Of course it wasn't, would you have preferred if I'd said the Italian peninsula or something? It's perfectly acceptable to refer to the region as Italy.
Italy is not known for its long lasting stable government user. Look at this shit.
>traditional italian recipe
>it tastes bad and uses all kinds of crap that immigrants that have no real connection to the mainland put in it because they were poor
Also sicilians have the worst food culture in italy and are the niggers of italy, stop glorifying them. Not even Italian.
>I've been wondering about what food our country (not italian, but them too) was eating before potatoes and tomatoes
There is an ancient Roman cookbook you know..
>"Traditional Recipe"
>anything other than absorbing nutrients from the opening of an undersea volcanic vent
Potato is the shittiest root vegetable, why do you give it so much credit? it's more cost efficient than most other things, that's why it was capable of integrating itself so well, and it is pretty neutral. But europeans just used other, tastier roots like parsnip. Instead of tomato they just used other acidic products, they're not that amazing. Honestly the stuff in apicius looks a lot better than modern food culture to me
Go away reptilian, don't you have a shadow government to run?
>a traditionally prepared gnocchi in south Italy is a preferable dish to that cooked in an olive garden
preferable to you, maybe. I like my pasta without a side helping of fascism, kid diddlers, and hairy, nasty old women. Italian people are disgusting and so is their food. Neck yourself, mate.
>i can't separate the object from the politics surrounding it so i base my opinion purely on the politics instead
> I can still have an appetite while in the company of child rapists, wife beaters, and generally filthy mongrels
looks like you got me beat there. Why don't you celebrate by playing in traffic.
Fact: nobody with the ability and nads to either back up or enforce their own paradigms has ever directed an opponent to commit suicide or needed to for that matter
Feel free to think I'm the guy you've been talking to and tell me to take a breath of fresh water, but in the end, all you'll have are a few (You)s and a pallete limited by 1980s-era bigotry and/or staunchly defended ignorance
>getting this booty blasted on a Madagascarian SCUBA enthusiast board
>going full internet tough guy
>not even keeping it food related anymore, just getting triggered at someone else's dislike for greasey rats that live in a boot
why don't both you shitlords fuck off back to /pol/
Buy it from White or Asian women.
Common sense senpai.