ITT: People with weird food obsessions/hobbies.
Meet Don Gorske if you haven't already.
He has eaten over 25,000 Big Macs in his lifetime.
ITT: People with weird food obsessions/hobbies.
Meet Don Gorske if you haven't already.
He has eaten over 25,000 Big Macs in his lifetime.
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Does he have mental health issues?
>He has eaten over 25,000 Big Macs in his lifetime.
>mental health issues
thats it. thats his 15 minutes. his whole life was geared towards this what
The face of true autism.
Howard Helmer, the World's Fastest Omelette Cooker! Yes he is!
Seems like the type of guy you'd see on American Pickers.
As corny as it is, I love people who collect american corporate memorabilia.
Hobbyism and collections are cool with me as long as it doesn't absolutely consume their lives.
/g/ here, we have macfags on out board too
>that guy fawkes mask
Fucking wisconsin
You're not a REAL collector unless you're a little autistic about it.
>Fucking wisconsin
Explain wisconsin to a non-flyover person.
Why are you so offended?
This man is the greatest representation of this board. An ultra nerd pounding down fast food with reckless abandon.
I knew a kid who could only eat stuff that was yellow and countable. Like chicken nuggets or fries.
If it was too small for counting, even if it's yellow, like curry rice or sweet corn, he wouldn't eat it.
"kys" or "neck yourself" is just the new shitpost response from people who have nothing to contribute.
It generates butthurt with zero effort, which is all they want.
Seeing shit like that in the cafeteria in elementary school made me want to take their food away and stomp on it. Never did anything though, just quietly sat there seething with hatred.
He was autistic, he served his autistic purpose. As a likely lonely virgin autist he has affected more people's lives than you ever will.
Millions of people know the fat John Lennon impersonator who ate 25,000 big macs. Nobody gives a shit about almost anyone on Veeky Forums.
The thing is it was probably some mental disorder. I said I knew the kid but in reality I only met him once, he was a friend's little brother.
I slept over there and we went to eat out, me, her family and another friend, but they were very specific when ordering his food and layer my friend explained me his eating habits.
When I was in HS, I worked at taco bell and there was some super vegan girl customer that pissed me the fuck off.
She would demand that you take the refried beans, seasoned rice, and potato bits, and mash them together into some sort of "meat substitute" mixture
Weird enough to start, but it got worse because she was very rude about it and very adamant at the same time.
>Yeah I want a [X] burrito, but I want NO MEAT on it, and I want you to substitute the meat for beans, rice, and potatoes for no extra charge and mix them together well. VERY. WELL. and put them on in place of the meat and make sure that there is ABSOLUTELY. NO. MEAT. touching my food.
I realize now that they had mental problems, but when I was a kid, I thought they were little sissy bitch, spoiled, retarded brats. I sort of still have that mentality, I think the parents are enablers because I had some issues with food. What cured my issues was when the kitchen was filled with foods I hated, but I hadn't eaten in 3 days and was desperate. Repeat this situation a few times, especially after I moved out and had limited resources, and now I'll eat anything.
I have the anti-cilantro gene, but after a few days of not eating, if someone offered me a shake made of blended food with a handful of cilantro, I'd down that shit like an athlete in a Gatorade commercial.
I don't see how corn is too small for counting.
>Collects and sorts receipts
>Collects and sorts boxes
>Schedules bigmacs on a calendar
He demonstrated every known symptom of autism in that 5 minute video.
I don't know what's wrong with this guy but he clearly has mental issues, possibly also autism going from the last half
Things like this only exist when they're allowed to develop during childhood. Yes, he had a mental disorder but he was passively encouraged by friends and family to live that way
>cant call people niggers anymore
>cant call people fatties anymore
>cant call people faggots anymore
>only thing left you can do is tell them to kill themselves in code speak so that you arent held legally liable incase they actually do
what a time to be alive.
He's been happily married since 1973 and has grandkids. He also held down a job as a prison guard until he retired in 2011.
If he's autistic then he's very good at passing as normal.
So everyone who isn't bland and one dimensional like you is autistic?
With your mentality, you probably would have been better off as a farm animal instead of a human.
>food autism
Well this is a first that I seen.
....Mat? Is that Uncle Clifford's collection?
Wisconsinfag here. Suburb areas are generally full of nice people who keep to themselves. There's a lot of Cambodian and Mexican immigrants though. Bigger cities like Madison have a lot of cool shit, but they're crime magnets and Madison in particular is the biggest libtard concentration in the country apart from Portland and San Francisco.
Hows Milwaukee?
It's full of hicks who yell about muh beer muh cheese muh sports all day.
Beautiful state though.
You still charged her extra, right?
They're going to put the Internet on trial if someone does kill themselves.
Depends. One part is a typical large city, the other part is Detroit tier. Easily one of the worst parts of the state crime/cost wise. The best cities are small places like Edgerton that have one supermarket and less than 10k people.
I guess that makes sense.
Mike and Jay are from Milwaukee so it seems like it's the white liberal / hipster /millennial epicenter of Wisconsin.
That's the South side of Milwaukee, where it's a bunch of liberals that claim they love diversity while living in a majority white area. The North side of Milwaukee is the most "diverse" part of the state and it's no surprise it's where most of the crime in the state happens. That and Beloit.
What is going on in this image and why was /g/ so excited for a Macfag?
I don't get it, he didn't own that much Apple stuff. I know dudes running mac-mini labs in their homes worth tens of thousands of dollars, this guy has way less stuff they do.
It was a running joke on /g/ for a few years, then one day out of nowhere he posted in a general thread.
Thank you for permission
Literally, unironically and definitely /ourguy/
>Collects and sorts receipts
>Collects and sorts boxes
>Schedules bigmacs on a calendar
Wow, so everyone with a job has autism too
so you're saying he is a fruitcake just because he isn't morbidly obese from all those bigmacs?
go divert your projection elsewhere, fattie
nothing wrong with that. he seems like a nice and friendly person.
I could eat more but I won't.
Milwaukee born and raised.
It's one of the most self segregated cities in the country.
Don't like blacks? Don't go to the North-NW side. Mexicans annoy you? Stay off the south side. North and south are divided by a valley and a freeway.
Back when the southside was Polish they called the 13 street viaduct the longest bridge in the world because it went from Africa to Poland.
I'm not a racist and wish the black community would better itself for the sake of Milwaukee. It's really on them at this point. I used to feel comfortable going to the northside. Not anymore. Too many stray bullets and they openly target whites for carjackings because whites are less likely to have a gun. The education system is probably fucked. Something is wrong that they can't do shit to help their own communities.
MKE is comfy as fuck and in a gorgeous state, just wish it wasn't getting worse and worse.
A lot of people are weird in some way, I guess this guys kinda lucky that his eccentricity is socially acceptable and more or less harmless. Other people murder cats and fuck children.
>throws cash on counter instead of handing it to cashier
Do americans really do this?
They gave this guy a short interview in Supersize Me, seems like he's moderately autistic at least. He basically just talked about how big macs have gotten smaller over the years for a few minutes. Odd guy.
Looking at the thumbnail I thought it was an old picture of bill gates for a second.
It could just be the destructive culture that is the black community. Few survive.
Why are they like that though?
Might have been the years of selective breeding, picking brawn over brains. Could be the feeling of exclusion they experience in the US, causing them to lash out irrationally at anyone and everyone. Maybe its the idolatry of criminals in their community.
You'd have to ask an actual black person though.
That's the kind of customer that you can afford to lose..
That self segregation deal is really common dude.
Banging a thicccc blue eyed cutie in a baggy sweatshirt while your bass-boat-mounted deep fryer bubbles gently in the background, frying you up a new batch of cheese curds to be washed down with a couple lakes worth of decent beer. In short Wisconsin can be extremely comfy.
Not gonna lie, I loved that guy's dorky enthusiasm. It's great to see people genuinely enjoy what they do.
Who the hell was that one bearded fat guy that thought he was a good cook but was actually complete shit?
I know he ended up on an episode of some TV show but that's all I can remember.
pic unrelated
haha this is literally my life right now. god bless wisconsin. even work in a brewery, so get to have amazing beer all the time.
No his weight is irrelevant, I asked cause most of his diet is Big Macs, that's not normal.
I would've never guessed in 1000 years the Big Mac guy was a prison guard. He beats so many odds for someonr in that field. His obsession must've kept him stable.
Well I'm saying it's moreso there.
>Among cities with over 250,000 people, the FBI says that Detroit has the highest violent-crime rate, followed by Memphis, Oakland, St. Louis, and Milwaukee. According to analysis of the latest census, Milwaukee is the most segregated city, followed by Detroit, Cleveland, New York City, Buffalo, and St. Louis coming in sixth.
The same guy probably made the drawing
It blows my mind what an excellent photo that is
cooking with jack's own jack scalfani
was on west texas investors club
3 parts
1. Indian Wisconsin. High north and mostly west. Everything has some fucked up native american name that's impossible to pronounce. That's country wisconsin. Flannel, guts, sports, cheese. This is good Wisconsin.
2. The Bay, or Tourist Wisconsin. Lot of waterfront so this is where all the jews set up their clip joint shops to rip off tourists who want to spend "autumn with the leaves." Insufferable cunts and non natives for the most part. This is meh Wisconsin.
3. Madison and Milwaukee. Madison is the Capital and full of college students and niggers. Milwaukee is our "city" and also full of college students and niggers. This is the worst of wisconsin.
Also this.
Why does xhe have a PS3?
Can't xhe just game on xhe's Mac?
yes, "other people"
only something very minor, he is sociable, he has a waifu, he has his shit together, he got a TV spot and probably got paid by McD's under the table for proving big macs aren't unhealthy and snubbing BK