Picky eaters should be locked in a room and served everything under the sun except for the retarded shit they like until they either learn to stop being faggots or starve to death.

i'll never understand how some adults are more weird and picky than i was when i was six

When i saw the episode, i could mot believe that it was real and that the two "psychologists" were actually certified. Really thought it was a mockumentary


She had a traumatic experience with food when she was young. It's easy to make fun of people when you see things like this, but this lady is mentally ill. That's why she starts crying after trying to eat something other than the cheese and potatoes like she's been doing for most of her life, that's what someone with PTSD or something similar would do.

She is clearly mentally ill, this is true.

What I don't understand is the overabundance of picky eaters. Everyone has something they don't really care for, but it used to be that if it was on your plate, you fucking ate it. But now we're two generations into a phase where if a child doesn't like something, the parents just go get him McDonald's or they make him whatever he wants. And that's a fucking crime. A child does not know how to feed itself. That's why parents exist. Why aren't parents doing their jobs?

America,fuck yeah!

Hi, Matt, there's nothing wrong with having preferences as an adult. Like how you prefer your food be bathed in Chinese sewer oil.

>gfs a picky eater
What do?

>Why aren't parents doing their jobs?
Because it's a cycle of shitty eating and the children who are affected by it most either don't know better or don't give a shit.

Probably just too tired from work and don't want to deal with their kid screaming because they want McDonald's, so they just buy it. Some kids just learn that it'll work to get them what they want so they see no point in stopping.

I know my sister was picky for a while, she wouldn't eat anything other than bagels with cream cheese and a bowl of lettuce with dressing for a while. But that was after she got some kind of meat lunch from school and saw maggots in it. Kind of understandable if that happens to a kid, but I don't think that's the majority of cases.

Kids taste buds also get warped from eating junk food so often too. Obviously a salad and grilled chicken breast won't be as "exciting" as scarfing down soda, chips, candy, and pizza or fast food burgers. So then they overreact to normal foods as if it's the worst thing ever.

As funny as the video is, brussels sprouts are garbage

>she wouldn't eat anything other than bagels with cream cheese and a bowl of lettuce with dressing for a while.
Gonna be honest: that's a picky diet I could get behind. Throw some capers, onions, and smoked salmon on that bagel, and maybe some cucumbers and mushrooms in the salad, and I could eat that every day.

I definitely have different tastes than when I was a kid. I loved ketchup back then. Can't stand it now. But that's why I had parents to make sure I didn't OD on sugary sauces.

Nah fuck you they're good roasted or stir fried in pan

They're actually fucking delicious if prepared correctly. I used to hate them when I had them when I was younger, steamed/boiled maybe in some light butter sauce, looking like a deflated gallbladder and smelling/tasting like a hot, wet fart. Roast or grill them, and leave them with a bit of firmness and crunch, they're great.

In fairness to the lady in the vid, if her s.o. wanted to introduce her to a tasty vegetable, a boiled brussel sprout ("steamed flatulence") was a poor choice. There's almost nothing I'm too picky to eat or try, and I'd probably want nothing to do with the sad, discolored blob on that plate.

Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite vegetables. They're bite-sized nuggets of savory cabbage flavor.

They're good just boiled as is too.

I'm a parent who started off young. I was eating junk food, so they are junk food too. As I grow older and wiser, I changed my eating habits, but it was harder for them to change. So I did it gradually.

I slowly added more vegetables and less salt, and then stopped frying so much and moved on to baking and boiling.

Now, their idea of junk food is the occasional banquet pot pie or ramen noodles.

Boiled and canned vegetables are the reason no kid likes vegetables. They should be outlawed.

I love myself some veggies, especially peppers and carrots, and I was completely willing to give brussel sprouts a chance. My campus served us grilled brussel-sprouts with bacon, salt, and pepper. Sounded delicious, but when I took a bite it was the most acridly bitter, fart-smelling thing I'd ever tasted.

gf wont eat any condiments (mustard, ketchup, mayo etc) what do

dump her