Is alcohol a meme?

Is alcohol a meme?

I'm hereby shutting down this shit thread.


>drink this foul tasting overpriced liquid until you like it

'sup there, user. Yes. Alcohol is the oldest human recorded meme. It has been fuckin' shit up since the stone age it seems, so it doesn't appear to be going anywhere. Embrace the meme, figure out what kind of alcohol you like. Trust me, you'll find one.

Personally, good vodka is my favorite, but I'm more slavic than the soviet union.

Everything is a meme. Everything. Nobody actually enjoys anything, they're only too afraid to admit it because they don't want to be ostracized. Life is sadness and misery. It always has been and always will be. Happiness is a lie we tell as a herd.

>Everything is a meme. Everything.
Even Milhouse?

Go back to your containment board.

Fuck off newfag

Seem's like you read one Sagan quote, or watched one episode of RnM. I'm gonna request a re-evaluation of what you just said, as clearly hexagons are not a meme.

I'm pretty sure everyone understands that alcohol is a meme

>milhouse-is-not-a-meme meme from almost a decade ago

What did he mean by this?

Your dad is a meme

>more slavic than the Soviet Union
man that's not that difficult, given the fact that quite a lot of the soviet republics were non-slav

Alcohol keeps the working class at bay.

>cooking board
>no one acknowledges how useful wine is in recipes

Wine is the single most important ingredient in bolognese

P o r t

>extinguisher at the ready

Chicken livers ya doofus.

Well now I feel dumb.

Rather use some liverwurst

Newfags will always be newfags. At least you are not cancer.