Times you got free food

I ordered two pizzas drunk online last night and am positive I picked the pay cash option but I just realised the cash is still sitting on my hall bench. I checked my accounts too and I didn't pay via credit card.
Did I just get free pizza? Can they chase this up in anyway?

I pulled up to the Jack In The Box drive thru, drunk as fuck, ordered a couple burgers and about eight tacos. Card was declined because I over drew like seven times already. They felt bad and gave me my order free.

>Did I just get free pizza?
Sounds like it
>Can they chase this up in anyway?
No. Just say you paid. It'll be your word against the delivery boy. I wouldn't order from there for a while though.

>Sleeping over at friends house
>He passes out drunk as fuck
>I'm a little drunk and fucking hungry so check what's in the kitchen
>Fucking tons of great stuff.
>Platter of smoked salmon from costco, stuffed olives, leftover pizza, onion bagels, cream cheese, dill/fresh herbs, lots of organic fruits
>3 bags of Kettle chips
>canned tuna from Italy in Olive oil (aka the good stuff)
>other assorted pastas
>frozen pizza and macaroni and cheese
>I just fucking gorge myself for the next hour.
>Eat his entire platter of smoked salmon with all the onion bagels (4 of them) and herb cream cheese with some dill and red onion
>Eat a bag of chips and the leftover pizza too.
>Put the other 2 bags of chips in my backpack, along with the tuna, frozen pizza, stuffed olives, ravioli and other pastas.
>Text in the morning
>what happened to most of my food bro?
>Move to another state 2 days later for work
>never heard from him again

So you're a uniquely shitty, low quality human being is what you're saying, right? Because thats all I'm getting out of your post.

please don't drink and drive user

Sounds like someone is a little jealous!

Getting food for free isn't the same as blatantly stealing food.

These sorta things happen occasionally for whatever reason. Congrats OP.

I remember one time a place I ordered a pizza from came back the next day and delivered the same pizza because they confused it as an order for the day instead of the night before (1am)

I was just polite and joking around about it with the delivery guy whilee he was on the phone and they just gave me the second pizza for waking me up at 1am.

I've worked in accounting and there's a set amount for mistakes so don't feel bad for either party. Though I'm sure the manager/owner that fucked up used the staff as a scapegoat.


One time I went to Tim Horton's for a coffee during their morning rush. Something went wrong with their cash register and a line was forming behind me but the coffee was already on the counter so the guy just told me it was on the house.

I have become addicted to the Tim Horton's potato wedges and grilled cheese. I eat about 4 orders a day


Don't be such a racist user!

Stop stealing.

One time me and my cousin went to jack in the box and ordered like $25 dollars worth of food. The lady handed him the bag and just shut the window without us even paying. my cousin just looked over at me and started driving lel never looked back

Is it store policy to give food away at Jack in the Box?

I was with a group of friends leaving the cinema at around 10pm just as the Nandos next door was closing. They gave use a shit load of unsold chicken; we had to throw a lot of it away because there was far too much.

>Went to Subway
>Ordered like $16 dollars worth of food
>Go to pay by card
>The Card machine is broke
>Minimumwage girl was like fuck it have it for free
>Never enjoyed a sandwich so much

went to macdonalds drivethru by walking. paid for my meal which was like 8-9€. then found a 10€ note on the floor. picked it up and went home happy

Fuck me is that a score. I love Nandos chicken. Should have just kept it. It reheats relatively well.

Went to Burker King with my co-worker at lunch time, ordered a double whopper combo and had to wait for an unusually long time, went to ask for my burger and when they gave it to me asked if my friend had the bacon and cheese whopper, he already got his order but why would I turn down a free whopper so I just said yes. It was a good day.

i wonder why you didn't fuck his wife and finished in his mouth too.


What should I order tonight?

From where?

I love getting free stuff because cashiers are too busy or retarded

>Go to burger king yesterday
>packed with people but whatever I need my chili cheese nuggets
>Order at the machines
>Waiting for like 15 minutes
>Manager passes behind the cashier says"Has this guy been waiting 20 minutes ? You're gonna get him a free ice cream"
>Get free ice cream
>Get home
>Open the bag
>My order is there plus two double whoppers, a bag of 9 wings, twice as many chili cheese nuggets as I ordered and my free ice cream
>Eat myself into a coma

Feels good man

Any generic take-out place. I'm not sure what I wanna go for tonight. Pizza, thai, sushi, burgers, kebab, indian, etc.

I had Indian and enjoyed it.

I went to get ice cream with my sister once. It’s a trendy place that she likes and the line is always long as fuck.
We waited for at least a good half hour, got our shit and then went to the resgister to pay.
The guy working there said that he liked our faces and that it was free.
I thought he was joking and started trying to hand him money but he refused. How about that.

Do they also offer you a trash bag full of popcorn at the theater?

My [spoiler]vegan[/spoiler] parents like to pry into the private lives of vegan places near us. It's annoying as fuck but they end up getting free food all the time from most of the places they drag me to.

>Implying that would be a bad thing

I know the executive chefs at two Michelin stars so I get a $300 tasting menu for free once a year.

>go to Costa Coffee
>just want some milk, which they sell for 99p
>half the time they don't even charge me, because it's just milk

>Order domino's
>My pizza was ready when I came in, but they also had a fucked up first attempt with the wrong toppings
>get the fuck up for free

If we're not counting the numerous times my family has bitched at restaurant management to get their meal comp'd, that's it.

>order pizza online
>use expired "free large pizza" code
>it works
>and it works again
>and again
>and again

I'm not complaining

Never got an entirely outright free order, but I’m always trying coupon codes found online in ordering websites, and sometimes you’ll hit on something where you’re practically stealing from them.

For a while with Swiss Chalet is order a chicken dinner and end up getting like 5 side items for free. Was also getting large unlimited topping pizzas from Dominoes for a while for $5 each.