Dominos is sh-

Dominos is sh-

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Yes, we get it, companies hire 15 year old reddit memelords to run their social media.

They really couldn't have found a better looking pizza?

>no pineapple

Dominos has stepped it up the last few years IMO. I would honest eat there over Little Caesar's or Pizza Hut.

Theres nothing wrong with dominos now. I thought they sucked in the late 90s and early 2000s but in the last few years they have been much better. Its the only pizza i get now, and not only does it taste fine but the price honestly cant be beat

a slice of that pizza

Unironic shills out

I dont know, probably a thing in the united states, but down here in my third world country domino's is the best fast food pizza brand, pizza hut on the other hand is disgusting, such a poor quality on the overwall product.

just exercise more or eat less to compensate

>only 330 calories

Seems fine to me. I only need 1-2.

Not gonna lie, former Pizza Hut patron here. This is fucking hilarious watching Pizza Hut crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the pepperonis.

>eat less that day to compensate for pizza dinner

wow that was hard!

for the price it aint bad, its not like I expect I perfect high quality pizza for how much they charge. they still doing that 2 medium pizzas for 5.99 each deal? that was pretty good shit

Does your mommy know you're posting on an age restricted site? Get the fuck out of here you underage/manlet faggot or I'll cut your fuckig eyes out

Lose some weight tubby.

This, that pizza looks like the greasy disproportionate piece of shit you actually get from Domino's.

Why not just show a good marketing image

dominos tastes like shit. i prefer a little ceasars hot n ready for 5 bucks


Hmm doesnt make me feel guilty about eating a whole box in one sitting

It's shit. Convenient mass produced shit that people order from time to time either because they forget it's shit and buy in desperation or get so used to subpar food that they forget how easy home cooked food is to make and that it tastes over 9000x better.

They have stepped up their dough game, I'll give them that.

It's much better than it used to be.

But there's no excuse for the shit quality of ingredients they use.

They bring their cheese in, not only already shredded and coated with cellulose, which is a cardinal sin in and of itself, but they bring it in FROZEN.

Yes that's right, friends. Frozen cheese. You literally might as well be eating a DiGiorno.

The cheese I get, since prepping the amount of cheese they would use in a regular day would be a goddamn nightmare. They would have to hire someone whose sole job would be to shred cheese like some kind of fucking grater goblin.

Their paper-thin dried the fuck out mushrooms are way worse.


How much do they get paid?

Mines better but id take dominoes over my other nearby choices.

>grater goblin

Dominos pan pizza is dope.

I get that shit with ham and pineapple, and douse in Louisiana hot sauce

The single most underratted post here have a (((you)))

the 18-25 year old male they've recruited to run their twitter should understand from his clearly extensive experience on the Veeky Forums that the meme he's quoting to promote their brand requires two hyphens at the end of it rather than an elipsis

You're getting mad at the wrong thing dipshit

>people actually get hired to post memes on corporate Twitter feeds now
>like that is an actual job that you could apply for

The internet was a mistake

about the same the janitors at your average anime image board makes a year

Sponsor Darrell Wallace Jr!

Screw Domino's. I had them deliver to me during a snowstorm once and this is what I got.


if corporate social media accounts want to appeal to me as a consumer they need to start using the nigger word.

>"Why does my pizza look like shit when I had it delivered in inclement weather and they most assuredly had a high volume of orders??"

Anyone else find Dominos crust disgusting?
I'm typically a fan of crust but theirs is very unappealing.

so nothing?

I can understand bringing it in pre-shredded (not really desu), but bringing it in frozen is unforgivable.

Once cheese has been frozen, it doesn't return to its fresh texture after it thaws.

There are plenty of chain pizza places that grate their own cheese (Jet's comes to mind).

If it means you have to bring in an extra opening employee, or have your morning folks come in an hour earlier than they would otherwise, it's worth it.

Hungry Howie's is still GOAT, but Dominoes will do.

Throw in some coupons, and there's no better chaser to a drunken night of harpooning fat chicks.


Pound a six pack first. it's literally the best

Everyone knows that Dominos exist in this weird place where its definitely not as good as most chains however its cheaper, but still feels like a rip off compared to bottom of the barrel LC

Did it for a while about five years ago. $10 an hour with no benefits (no joke).

>Dominos is sh-
-illing on imageboards now.

>i prefer a little ceasars hot n ready for 5 bucks
Your mom is hot n ready for 5 bucks.

costco pizza > dominos

Alice a shit A SHIT


I wonder if he felt ashamed to be typing that

boy if i was your mother and you said some dumbass shit like that and i found out i would time travel back to when you were born and drop you on your head to justify that autistic statement you just said you fucking autistic pepperoni dick lord

I work at mazzios


>He's never been a sou chef in a high class italian pizzeria

O I am laffin

Just smoked some weed.
Now I'm watching family Guy and shit posting on this board.

Sup w/you buddy

But what if he uttered his autistic statement BECAUSE you went back in time and dropped him on his noggin?!

Sorry meant for

that's cool, just had some mac and cheese while shitposting, gonna take a shower soon then maybe watch a movie

Blood diamond is on Netflix now, was watching it earlier but it was too intense desu

I watched that a while ago, it's good but like you said pretty intense. Thinking of watching Lost Boys.

That's not the Pan Pizza, literally the only good pie they have

Not at domino's

Dominos is basically "go-to work function" fodder. The real best chain pizza is Father Jonathan's. Shits good af.

>"go-to work function" fodder
What the fuck does this mean?

840mg of sodium in 1 slice of pizza? Mamamia

It's worded oddly but I think he means what you get for a little party at your job

Yeah, sorry mango, missing a comma in there, but what I was implying was that dominos is just shit bosses order in bulk for their employees during celebrations because it's cheap and gets the job done.

Do americans really know how many mg of sodium is in a daily healthy diet or are they confused because it's not in ounces?

They're actually fresh mushrooms though.

As a SlutHut employee, the Dominos here in town (that I also used to work for and run) operates on our fucking scraps. It's still shit pizza, but we churn out better product than they do.


Stop using this as a default response. It just shows that you can't take bants and it reflects badly on us. Either come up with an original response or don't respond.

about tree-fiddy

Doesn't matter, we get so much salt from non-Americans that we became immune to any negative health effects from too much.


Everyone knows best loli is Nanachi

Agree, but the 3 of you still didn't answer my question. Do you really realise how much 840mg of sodium is?


>Spending top dollar on a shitty pizza when it's piiss easy to just make your own for loose change

I will answer truthfully and say no, I would have to look that up. I don't focus on that stuff much, and am effectively trying to overdose on salt, though.

The whole point of ordering pizza delivery is for those days when you can't be bothered. And if domino's is "top dollar", you need to rethink your life.

>Do you really realise how much 840mg of sodium is?

This is my first post in the thread. Yeah, 840 mg is a lot of sodium. But sodium is far from the big bogeyman that a lot of people seem to think it is. Unless you have been diagnosed with a medical condition by your doctor and instructed to go on a low-sodium diet you don't need to worry anywhere near as much as you think you do.

I certainly wouldn't eat something like this every day. But do more research and panic less.

For fuck sake lad.
>you're supposed to be mad at the fact that they used memes on social media just like everyone else because echo chambers make me feel safe
Never post again

1st thing I thought too, a nice Mediterranean job with spinach/chorizo/sundried tomatoes would have made it at least seem like they tried to make their statement believeable, saying that about a pepperoni and shit nugget pizza is just insulting.

It raises your blood pressure, which is not good regardless if you have been diagnosed with a medical condition or not. Too much of it isn't good for anyone.

Yes, that's what is commonly parroted because people have been telling us that for years. But it turns out that's not exactly true.

A normal person would have to eat a comically abusurd amount of salt to have any effect--far far more than we are talking about here. Do some research on it. Unless your doc told you to cut salt then you are worrying about nothing.

There's an excellent discussion about this in Modernist Cuisine, complete with many citations to peer-reviewed journals.

Dominoes = best pizza chain, period.