Mcdonalds brings back Szechuan sauce!

wubalbaduddub! Will you be trying some, Veeky Forums?

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Most embarrassing fan base in possibly forever.





PICKLE RICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>Formerly Chuck's


what does it taste like?

>tfw Roiland and Harmon have been ripping off the character designs for their show from an unknown and they'll continue to get away with it

No but this happens on my birthday and i'll be sure to go get some of the sauce to sell on ebay after it's discontinued. Might buy myself some new lenses if they go for enough.


I still dont understand the recent rise of Christianity on Veeky Forums.

Definitely. My life has become pretty sad and r&m is pretty funny and kinda makes me not want to die so trying this will be a cool experience.

Pendulum swings. 4chans contrarian more than anything else. As society gets more secular, Veeky Forums and the people attracted to it get religious.

It's been a long process. Briefly:

>anons being user
>feminists/sjws/normies/etc begin to encroach in increasing amounts on user's safe spaces
>this comes to a head during gamergate
>user is forced to take an interest in social trends in an attempt to preserve the few hobbies that make him happy
>some anons realize that christianity helped to stem the tide of various social forces which they believe to be at the root of the groups which are now attacking them
>these anons start promoting christianity as a framework to move society back where they believe it should be

Something like that.

Isn't it all /pol/ related? Fundies flocked to it because conservative board and such? And as soon as the elections were over, they scurried out of /pol/ into the rest of Veeky Forums, but now extra vigorous about promoting their shit.

well meaning but ultimately foolish.

Nah, /pol/ has always hated conservatives. The kind of Christians you find on /pol/ are the sort who think that the conservative evangelical stereotypes are 100% heretics going straight to hell. As far as the rest of it goes, I don't know why people try to pretend that there's some kind of hard divider between boards. Is this the only board you visit? People visit multiple boards and bring ideas with them as they go.


I will buy a bunch of this when it comes out.

Rick and Morty basically started out as a short parody of Doc Brown and Marty from Back to the Future called "Doc and Mharti", long before the show was ever made.

Veeky Forums is always attempting to go against the grain. Back when I first came here it was constant shilling for Zeitgeist. Now it's constant shilling for Trump.

I actually wouldn't mind having any of the posters that got made for all of the sauces.

Yes and Roiland made that short as a parody

>/pol/ has always hated conservatives
/pol/ is all nazi, all the time.

so basically people changed their beliefs because a feminist on the internet hurt their feelings

Justin Roiland made the original short you dipshit, not an "unknown"

Roiland made that, retard.

more like apolitical people started searching for beliefs

or even more likely they are just being contrarian trolls

How fucking dumb do you have to be to get your beliefs from Veeky Forums?

Is it 2012 again?

Where do you get your beliefs?

What if I told you Roiland has been lifting from another artist for over a decade?

i bet you don't even unironically worship an ancient Egyptian space frog

Had it before. It just tastes like teriyaki and some other shit mixed together.
Might buy some for my sister, she likes that show.

How much do you think containers will get on ebay?

We all belong to a similar age group. Going from zeitgeist to here has been the natural evolution of anons outlook on philosophy, politics etc;

Back in 2009 we were mostly libertarian. Being an English language site most of the people here are Western and to some degree have a vested interest in preserving western tradition and culture.


>conservative board
/pol/ is not a conservative board, it's an open board free for anyone with any opinion to post and discuss what ever they want
problem is leftist ideas get blown the fuck out because since everyone is anonymous, the usual name calling and shit flinging instead of making a sound argument doesn't work

this is why leftypols exist as a safe space where conservative thought is not allowed. because leftist ideals cant stand against right wing ideals when viewed through an objective anonymous lens

the userbase makes the board

Did they have to make the packaging so Reddit?

Oh...did-did you guys want this? :P

>be on /pol/
>call differing opinion jewish shill
>win argument

/pol/ is as much guilty of being a safespace as /leftypol/ is, and you are deluding yourself for believing otherwise.

>name calling doesn't work on pol
I can't tell if you don't browse the board of you're so unaware it's like a fish in water.

But we're way past July

This is directed at countries who put men on the moon.

There are some highly intelligent people on /pol/ capable of having great discussions and making legitimate points that people can agree with even if they're not on the same political side. But that's a minority.

"Veeky Forums pol" is the most searched term on Google after "Veeky Forums". It's full of newfags who need to lurk more.

/pol/ gave Veeky Forums something like an Eternal September.

Coincidentally, countries that laugh at people turning themselves into pickles.

I looked up the ingredients and it just sounds like sweet & sour sauce with red pepper and soy sauce.

Can't speak for others, but I'm a lapsed Catholic so a whole bunch of that morality is still ingrained into me and I feel compelled to defend the religion even if I'm agnostic in belief.

Like if some 10/10 woman started grinding her wet pussy on me and showed me proof that she was 100% clean, I still might chicken out of sex because I was raised on no sex before marriage.

From personal experience, I was the last one to really give a shit about religion in my family. My brother never did First Communion or cared to do so and my sister wasn't even baptized or cares to be.

>Veeky Forums is the most searched for term on Google

nice reading comprehension

Veeky Forums is contrarian. The majority of the site was atheists shitting on religion but the second it became cool to bash on religion (mainly christianity) anons took up the mantle and started posting fedora shit

/pol/ is just too fast and overcrowded, full of kids of the smartphone era. No one has the time or attention span for long thought-out posts, they just want to post ebin memes for the screencap or their (You) fix. Or to just be edgy and try to claim heritage to an ideology where half the board is nonwhite.

>but the second it became cool to bash on religion
mainstream libtard religion bashing didn't start in 2005 retard.

What is current year's name for them?



You keep using that picture, but that woman looks excited, she's not laughing at anyone or anything.


It probably won't be available here in krautland

Once the Kekistanis have thoroughly ruined /pol/ culture it'll swing back the other way

That's a teacher from Sandy Hook you fucking asshole

No need to get so upset, just use a better reaction image next time.


You forgot your image.

There is no god
There is no god
There is no god and I'm going to try some sechuan sauce
There is no god Veeky Forums

as long as you realize it was a marketing ploy I don't believe it is a crime for Veeky Forums connoisseurs to sample it, we have to stay "in touch" with the normies

No, I don't eat McDonald's.

> Give me, give me, chicken tendies
Be they crispy, or from Wendy's
Spend my hard-earned good boy points
On Kid's Meal ball pit burger joints
Mommy lifts me to the car
To find me tendies near and far
Enjoy my tasty tendie treats
In comfy big boy booster seats
McDonald's, Hardee's, Popeye's, Cane's
But of my tendies none remains
She tries to make me take a nappy
But sleeping doesn't make me happy
Tendies are the only food
That puts me in the napping mood
I'll scream, I'll shout, I'll make a fuss
I'll scratch, I'll bite, I'll even cuss!
Tendies are my heart's desire
Fueled by raging, hungry fire
Mommy sobs, and wails, and cries
But tears aren't tendies, nugs or fries
My good boy points were fairly earned
To buy the tendies that I've yearned
But there's no tendies on my plate
Did mommy think that I'd just ate?!
Tendies, tendies, get them now!
You fat, ungrateful, sluggish sow!
I screech while hurling into her eyes
My foul-smell bowel-dwelling diaper surprise
For she who is unpooped on is she who remembers:
Never forget my chicken tenders

I like the posters and would probably buy a couple if they were selling them. Unfortunately McDonalds is autistic and only giving a very limited number of them away in some sort of contest, and I'm not about to fight Rick and Morty fans over a poster.

Wasn't there a 90's Mulan movie cross-promotion with an asian soy dipping sauce for nuggets? I don't remember what it was called but this seems similar.

It leaked as I recall that the sauce gets its kick from... Marmite of all things.

They even have nu male chefs


Fuck, you managed to bring the retarded in a thread that started out 100% retarded.

Well have you ever *seen* /pol/?

morty, corpo- *burp* corporations *burp* are your f *burp* friends morty, you can *burp* rely on *burp* corporations morty *burp* fuck *burp* ass mo *burp* assfuck *burp* shit *burp**burp**burp*

Or maybe you're just a sad cynical loser who wants to bash on something people like to make himself feel better about having accomplished literally nothing in life

>as long as you realize it was a marketing ploy

Fuck, really? Shit, I thought a business was doing something as a tie in to a popular television show purely by coincidence, and entirely out their own pocket as a charitable act! You've shattered my entire world view here.

He looks like a slightly fatter binging with babish dude.

I just can't believe such things would happen in a communist country.

Can anyone answer me?

come on man
literally the first search result for "mulan sauce"

you spelled undertale or minecraft wrong.


t. faggot

No because I am not a gay liberal atheist and don't watch shows or eat foods that atheist liberal gays consume.

Big Bang Theory for people who hate Big Bang Theory.

>Super Limited Run
So like... just because it's a one-day thing or because they only made enough for a handful of areas? It's just going to bring a lot of dumb things like people choosing not to eat there because they didn't get the sauce or a bunch of idiots hoarding and scalping dipping sauce of all things on eBay.

Of course I'll try some. I'll probably try to take a few extra home so I can give some to my brother who's gonna be out of town. I'm at least intrigued as to how it tastes after all the hype.

It's not unusual for children to do cringy things, so for those two, it's not not that embarassing.

>Eating at McDonalds

Damn now I want some ChicFilA.

>only two restaurants serving sauce in the greater metropolitan area of the city I live in
>out of 40 McDonald’s
>available one day only

Am I expected to wait in line 4 hours for a meme?