Only 50 calories!

>Only 50 calories!
>(Serving size 1/18th of food item)

yeah, there's a famous quote about the corruption of metrics but I'm too lazy to look it up

>ingredient list says sugar is the main ingredient
>nutrition label says it has no sugar

>Made in Canada
Well,there's your problem.

I had a frozen pizza the other day where the serving size was 1/5 of the za. What kind of talented magician would you need to be to cut a square pizza into five equal parts?


Cut it into 5 equal strips. Wala

>what is a circle

If the amount of sugar is below some amount they can write it as 0, they intentionally keep TicTacs at such a size that they can do that

Irrelevant since he said it was square

>measuring a 72 degree angle is magic
Must be an American

>72 degrees
>not 22.22 degrees Celsius
Fake Europoor detected, also the pizza was square.

Not a square.

>frozen pizza
Pizza on its own is disgusting, but why even touch frozen pizza?

honestly if you eat food you should just KYS

>serving size = .49g
>sugar 0g*
>* = less than .5g

So even if one tictac is 98% sugar, that would amount to .48g of sugar, which literally is less than .5g

That's some supreme jewery with the nutrition facts

thats how you cheat

They do the same thing with trans fats

One way to work around is to calculate with calories

>1 serving = 1.9 calories = 0.49 g tictacs
>we assume that 100% of the tictac's calories come from sugar
>1g sugar = 4 calories
>1.9 calories = 0.475g sugar

So one tic-tac is 0.475g of sugar and 0.015g of other shit.

But vitamin water zero has 0 calories.