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Soft toilet paper > garbage Italian Bidets

Look buddy I don't want to call you a retard but dry toilet paper is absolute last on the list of ways to clean your ass, aside from not cleaning at all.

I prefer wet wipes myself but anything which uses liquid is obviously going to be better than dry paper. You wipe dry paper on your dry ass and you're not going to clean anything.

So soaking your ass then wiping is better? You still have to wipe no matter what so why do you water board your asshole to get it a tiny bit cleaner?

Stop embarrassing yourself and come back to what is right

Holy fuck are Americans really this far stuck up their own ass?

How the fuck is sandpaper supposed to effectively remove shit crusted into ass hair?

>Not having cottonelle Ultra comfort toilet paper
Go buy you some of this shit and you'll see the light, you'll never have the urge to use a garden hose to get a prostate orgasm ever again, it's like fucking magic.
And I don't have to spray water on my ass to get it clean, cottonelle works on actual miracles to clean your ass, angels make sure every shit particle is gone when you wipe

Yes, it's better. And it saves toilet paper, since you'll only need a little to wipe after washing.

A combination of bidet AND toilet paper for the truly enlightened.

>Food & Cooking

Imagine being so obsessed you look at any post that's stupid and immediately throw a tantrum about Americans

If toilet paper is so good at cleaning you why don't you shower in it you fucking idiot

I have a bidet attachment but it sprays so hard it stings. The STEM otter bf wants to try adding a resistor inline with the pump.

I clean my butt in front of a mirror with cheap rough stuff, wetted cheap rough stuff, and a $0.02 wet wipe and only shower when it's time to shave the distracting tickly butt hair.



wet wipes > bidets > toilet paper


and you have a massive garbage filled with wet asswipe. You flush wet wipes and you're calling roto fucking rooter.

You can't NOT use toilet paper.. EVER. What fuck up told you Bidet == no toilet paper?

Get a bidet that's just a simple bloody valve. A dial keeps you from making your anus bleed.

This is somehow rocket science to you fucking people.

> Drinking all of your calories so you don't even need to shit

You silly simple sad sacks

I've never shit so much as an alcoholic. That's just the dumbest thing I've ever read. It's water, it's brown, it burns and I'm gonna die soon.

For me it's Scott.

Costco sells Cottonelle cheap. Still, get an ass-hose.

I don't like soft tp.

ehh ?? there are degradable wet wipes if you are that retarded.

Not really. All "flushable" wipes don't degrade and just clog up sewer systems.


You're the reason armies of polish dudes have jobs.