
Mcdonalds has tendies now, reactions?

How underage are you that you don't remember chicken selects?

Fuck America
Fuck the troops
Fuck veterans

How sad was your childhood that you got taken to shitty fast food instead of being fed good home-cooked food?

I tried 'em yesterday. I was expecting shit. They were mediocre. The chicken was very tender, the breading was thick and crunchy. The "signature sauce" tastes like they took every other sauce (ranch, mustard, ketchup, etc.) and mixed it all together.

They had tendies a while ago too and cancelled them. Mighty wings were still their best chicken outing. There's not that much interesting you can do just slicing chicken breasts into different shapes.

I don't have to have eaten chicken selects to know they existed. project harder

I don't eat poopdonalds anymore, I thought they had tendies since forever ago though?

I love tendies, its the only thing that can make me at least a little bit happy after what my mom did to me in the store. No my mom says, dont even think about taking that "jimmy fallon ice cream" She doesnt even know its called The Tonight Dough starring Jimmy Fallon. I scream at her in the middle of the store cause this was my final straw. So what if im 40, 50, 150 pounds over weight?
Its my body, i can do whatever i want with it. I am 22 years old and my mom thinks she can decide what i eat? I continue to scream "THIS IS GOOD FOR ME" I Know its not good for me, but its the only thing i could think of at the time.
She speeds up to me, pinches my chin and says "drop it now.... Joshua" The pain is numbing my soul, i shed a tear and i drop the Ben and Jerry's. "can we at least have bagel bites mini pizzas tonight" i ask. She just looks at me with the devils eyes. You won this time mom, but never again.



They brought back the chicken selects just in time for that szechuan sauce. Now if only they'd bring back the chicken mcbites and made it a permanent item like BK's chicken fries

>honey mustard

Those are shit tier sauces, but at least they didnt show ranch.

mcdonalds has had chicken selects in the UK since forever. get on our level

*at select McDonalds only

My local one is gonna have it, is it worth going? Does anyone really give a shit? Will there be lines?


you got any better to do at 2pm on a saturday?

didnt they only have those is burgerland? i dont remember seeing them in the canuckistan growing up. i do remember their pizza though

No, I don't.

>tfw I have no life

If I'm going to eat tendies like a child I'll just go to a better restaurant.

Gif related : it's you

Tendies in ireland yet? We have the chicken selects but I want the buttermilk kind I got in north carolina

its ok most of us don't

>kneels at the national anthem

they're shit.

>Mcdonalds has tendies now
say what now?

Mcdonalds has tendies now

They are way better than chicken selects ever were.

>anything better than Mighty Wings at Mc Donald's

It's no chicken selects

what is the signature sauce like? they forgot to put mine in the bag

That still feels like yesterday when they came out with that. Don't think I've ever seen a single person ever order them, no wonder they're discontinued.

I bought some Burger King tendies and they had a strange rubbery texture and were 50% coating. I don't expect McDonald's to be any better.

its actually pretty good. tastes like something between thousand island and italian dressing.

hope it sticks around, i'd use it on mcnuggets.
the tendies are pretty bad themselves though.

yeah you've just described them exactly.

Do it on a saturday if you want to try the R&M meme sauce.

>szechuan sauce and tendies

/r9k/ now rules the world. who knew the beta uprising could be successful.

thoughts Veeky Forums?

finally I can spend all my good boy points on blowy joey

>tendies made popular by /r9k/
I don't think so, Billy. They've been popular for decades.

I don't watch Rick and Morty and don't want to look like a bandwagoning fag.
But I do want to try it.

How do I play it smooth to not get associated with the cancerous fanbase?
Or do I just wait until it inevitably comes back permanently in few months?

Why are those tendies look like regular chicken breasts?

I tried them, they're shit. They are just the frozen Tyson ones you can buy at the grocery store.

its okay user. He's not mad at you. He's mad at himself.

Get one normal sauce and then one meme sauce. You'll look like a patrician without looking like a fag.

They're pretty fire with Maple Syrup.

Gives off a chicken and waffles vibe with the buttermilk breading

Just tried em. I still remember what a chicken select tastes like, and these are much better. Of course, its McDonald's, so immediately after you chew and swallow youll implode with grease, but it does taste pretty good.

If it werent for that horrible feeling of having eaten a radiated corpse that mcd meat gives you afterwards, this would be in my top ten tendies.

holy shit!

its literally the sweet and sour sauce with hoisin added and a tiny bit of heat. Reddit and meme overstayed their shit show

Can't wait to get some yummy tendies. Gotta check the bag though, make sure they don't short me a tendie, haha ;)