Give me your best keto recipes!

Give me your best keto recipes!

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Keto doesn't work.

It does really well with CICO

If you want to be like vegans where they replicate regular food, spiralizer noodles. Shrug

Stop making fake foods. It annoys me to no end to see all the recipes for "keto sushi", where the rice has been replaced with cauliflower and cream cheese. Just because it looks a little bit like rice doesn't mean it works flavor wise, unless you just want to take pictures of it to post on Instagram. Same thing with other abominations like zucchini noodles that manage to turn any dish watery to the point of becoming a soup.

The key to becoming redpilled on keto cuisine is disregarding convention as far as looks and texture go and just focusing on which flavors work together. If you're craving for a cheeseburger, there's nothing wrong with just frying up a patty with cheese and eating it with a knife and fork off of a plate. Much better than spending the time and effort to make some kind of shitty almond flour buns that taste terrible and give you 300 extra calories to boot.

>cauliflower doesn't taste like rice
I don't think you have ever had raw cauliflower.

Are you looking for any specific recipe. Like dessert for keto, etc? regular keto recipes are easy. Desserts are harder.

Not him but no, raw cauliflower tastes nothing like rice.

chop up cauliflower real fine, mix it with shredded cheddar and bacon pieces. Cook it like a casserole, it's pretty good

take a dry cheddar or parmesan and shred it up and put it in little piles on a foiled sheet pan. bake it for a while and they come out like little chips. you can do this on a pan too

get good at making salads. buy bags of premade spring mix and make a dressing with egg yolk, olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper.

get good at making frittatas. they're like crustless quiches - you can make quiches with stuff like coconut flour or almond flour but those are fairly expensive

creamy spinache dip - pretty much just cheddar cheese, cream cheese, spinache, artichoke hearts if you want.

lookup "fathead pizza dough", that's the current best low-carb dough recipe for anything dough related, people use it for deserts also. expensive though

French omelette
shirred eggs
grilled steak with mushrooms
roast chicken + sautéed vegetables
coq au vin
Basically. I cook all the classics that don't have a fat carb dump. I cook and eat better than most people. Keto is not hard to do.

I like baked cheese, too. Use parchment paper. Trust me. You ever make creamed spinach? That's the shit.

yea so does any other diet with CICO

Apart from all the studies and millions of people showing it does

It's no better or worse for weight loss than controlled against calorie restriction, but to lessen appetite and thus enable calorie restriction, it's just about the most tested and best legal method we have

That said, keto isn't particularly special compared to many other low carb diets

Also not him but yes it does. Particularly fried jasmine rice when you fry in butter and use soy sauce or cumin

I really don't see why these fucks try to argue against keto for an effective quick weightloss program. Even medfags who argue against it long term admit that it works for obese, otherwise healthy people getting to a reasonable weight relatively rapidly.

No it doesn't you tastebudless faggot.

Cabbage noodles
Take some cabbage leaves. Shred them.
Boil them.

Poached eggs + asparagus + hollandaise + bacon or salmon

I don't know why hipsters insist on calling the Atkin's Diet "Keto".

It’s a matter of technicality. In Keto you try to maintain ketosis from >20g carbs a day. Atkins is less than 100 if memory serves

it's like the stone soup of diets

just eat meat, eggs, vegetables, and cheese you fucking moron

Hey op here sorry for the late reply. Im a college student and was mainly looking for food i could make under 2 hours or less. Specifically something like a stir fry or something.
Thanks an ill look into frittatas. Are shakshukas good as well?
Thanks, how do you make your french omelette? Is there any good bread substitute you've found?
What about nuts

>Thanks, how do you make your french omelette? Is there any good bread substitute you've found?

You can make wraps with large lettuce leaves or low-carb tortillas. You can make crispy taco shells by laying shredded cheese in a round cookie-cutter form, baking them on parchment, then draping them over the handle of a wooden spoon upon cooling. You can make a decent flatbread using the fathead dough recipe (almond flour, cheese, egg).

Let Jacques Pepin show you how to omelette:

I don't think you've ever had cauliflower. Or rice.

Raw cauliflower is my go-to midnight snack. Most of my dinners either have a rice base or have rice on the side.

It is pretty similar.

So wait, you're arguing that a plain raw vegetable taste like a cooked grain that has added ingredients that make no longer taste like the plain cooked grain, tastes the same?

Do you have synesthesia?

Atkins diet isn't typically ketogenic because it's very high in protein.
Keto is specifically designed to encourage more ketones from both dietary and body fat and thus is low protein. It's just that most people are too retarded and don't understand protein ruins ketosis on low carb so they stick with what they're used to and what tastes good, i.e. lots of meat.

So I also have no idea why anyone would call atkins keto, that's retarded.

So Anons, why do you personally do keto?

ITT; heart disease with a side order of erectile dysfunction.

I gave up keto because I was tired of being strict about it but I'm still very low carb. For me it keeps my blood sugars several times more flat and easier to manage. It's also great for composition since anything more than 50g carbs/day has a large visible water retention effect on my body (and anyone elses)

That and it helps keep my appetite low while I'm burning calories in the evening


The idea that protein kicks you out of ketosis is complete broscience with absolutely no evidence behind it. Gluconeogenesis is a demand driven process. Your body will not just automatically turn all excess protein into sugar. Likewise the idea that you need to eat lots of fat is a complete misunderstanding of how ketosis works. You could literally eat nothing but 100 grams of protein per day and nothing else, and that would be a perfectly valid ketogenic diet.

Another example: assuming you spend 2500 kcal of energy per day and consume 100 grams of protein (400 kcal) and 20 grams of carbohydrate (80 kcal), you will produce the remaining 2020 kcal from 225 grams of fat. If you get for example 100 grams of fat from your diet, the remaining 125 g of fat will come from your fat stores. It all produces ketones just the same though, and so even if the amount of fat from your diet is low, you'll still be burning the same overall amount of fat for energy and producing the same amount of ketones. In fact, if you're on keto you're probably trying to lose weight, so you'd rather have as much of that fat come from your fat stores so you lose weight faster.

Also, Atkins is not a high protein diet. The main difference between Atkins compared to other ketogenic diets is that it doesn't impose any caloric restriction.

Right, I do keto and I go to sushi restaurants and just get sashimi and seaweed salad. It’s fucking amazing. I also bring my own organic gluten free soy sauce. I know this sounds like a meme post by I am being 100% genuine.

Sounds like bs. Show me studies that prove that

The same studies which discuss Glcuoneogenesis in the first place. Read them carefully and see what they actually say. Not what some retard think they said.

>The idea that protein kicks you out of ketosis is complete broscience with absolutely no evidence behind it.
There's literally a century of evidence. I read my blood sugars in real time all day long- if protein magically didn't affect your blood sugars then I'd be dead and every other diabetic has been lied to for 70 years.
Don't be retarded on purpose.

>Your body will not just automatically turn all excess protein into sugar.
Glucose, not sugar. Yes it will, just not directly.

>Likewise the idea that you need to eat lots of fat is a complete misunderstanding of how ketosis works.
It does from dietary fat. The reason IF and/or low carb are the constituent point is that they let the liver be more selective.

>You could literally eat nothing but 100 grams of protein per day and nothing else, and that would be a perfectly valid ketogenic diet.
No it couldn't, for the simple fact that protein has and always will affect blood glucose. By adding fat and limiting the amount you eat (literally a requirement of ketogenic diets) you manage that, but it's still possible to knock yourself out by simply eating too much protein.

You're talking nonsense and you need to read some basic medical or nutrition textbooks or literally any study on protein and blood glucose over the last 100 years instead of trying to sound like you know what you're talking about on imageboards.

Don't worry, it's outright made up nonsense

I feel all around better while I do it. Kind of a no brainer to me in that regard.

Not my best keto recipe but one of the few I have a picture of. Chicken crust pizza. Prettt darn tasty I must say

>chicken crust

I'm genuinely intrigued. Is it ground up and molded chicken skin?

Type 1 diabetes. It's the only way I've ever been able to control my blood sugar, so I'll die young if I don't.

but the body doesn't work like that. you burn energy to keep you alive regardless of your eating habits. That's around 2000 calories for a normal weight adult. You are supposed to consume food to replenish the energy that was expended.

Not skin but actual ground chicken breast meat mixed with egg, cheese and seasonings. An alternative to Fathead pizza dough. Very good but Fathead is still the best

Ooh frittata!

I was getting to borderline diabetic a while back, and found out about keto. Bloodwork has been perfect now even with the shit ton of kerrygold and meat I eat. Dropped some weight and feel better than I have in a long time. When you feel physically better (better sleep, depression gone, allergies aren't as severe - things like that) just cutting carbs to 20 or less a day ... it's worth the restriction. Don't deny I miss sushi or fries now and then, but just know I'd feel awful if I had them.

Same here diabetabros, type 1

Government/NHS dietary guidelines for diabetes are borderline criminally negligent. Low carb diet has completely changed my health around

Because everyone calls me fat even though I'm only 140 lbs. I did want to get rid of excess belly fat, though

I'm a gook so the hardest part is cutting out rice. I'll give cauliflower rice a shot, but I know it won't be the same.

Also gonna try making chicken katsu using almond flour and coconut flakes instead of panko. This could either be good or terrible.

> Bloodwork has been perfect now even with the shit ton of kerrygold and meat I eat.

Human body makes no fucking sense at all, most people on a long term ketosis diet see improvements in cholesterol levels despite the massive increase in fat intake.

Afaik, the only major dietary things that are proven to fuck your lipid profiles are shit tons of trans fats and refined sugars. They're what are noticeably lacking in healthier people's diet choices.

Get the fuck out of here with your on-topic useful contributions. Someone mentioned keto, and now we have to shit all over it, so that's what the fuck we're going to do.

simultaneously looks disgusting and delicious.

thank you for sharing.

From my Instagram. Fucking sushi restaurants fucking with my keto


>why can't the vinegared rice restaurant serve me something without rice
you know the vegan who gets offended at a barbecue joint's menu? that's you

Grilled meats are great for keto. I usually grill enough meat for a week then eat it with various low carb sides. Made some egg salad with a touch of curry powder today

>meats are great for keto
No shit.
Next you'll tell us that fat is good for keto too! Whoa!
Oh hey, is protein good too? What about fats? Should I avoid fats on keto?!
Fuck off with the pleb instructions. Give clear and concise directions, post og recipes, or just kys.
"Herp Derp I like eating vegetables" is useless here.

Sorry for your butthurt, user. You must be agape at this point. I guess I should add that grilled meats are especially good for keto because grilling adds a lot of flavor that doesn't involve sauces or seasonings which often contain a lot of carbs.

The truest form of love.
Eat more vegetables.
I don't need someone to tell me that X food tastes good. Tell us something we don't know.

>Tell us something we don't know.
Okay no joiners, here's some shit:
You can eat peanuts, not many
You can add beans to your soups/chilies (keep it low)
You can eat ....
Fuck this, here are some shits:
Your body can handle up to around 40g of carbs DAILY without kicking you out of keto.
You can have a cheat day with carb loads and not get kicked out, once per week (maybe more).
Sugar alcohols don't count for shit. They are carbs, but your body burns them first and foremost and at a high rate.
You can lose weight on this program even if you are an alcoholic like me who eats pasta and/or rice once a week because I am weak.

should i recommend this diet for me fat mam?

>a sushi restaurant doesn't serve sashimi
I don't believe this

Worked (and works) beautifully for me. I've lost 35lbs and reversed my type 2 diabetes.

I pretty much rotate between four meals:
* steak with some broccoli served with butter
* enormous fucking cheese/mushroom omelet with bacon
* chicken caesar salad (yay Costco)
* ma po tofu (using a mix, so sue me)

Random hard boiled eggs and pumpkinseed packets as snacks.

It works. I go out to dinner once in a while, sashimi or whatever. Going to an all-you-can-eat yakiniku place tonight, twelve bucks for more meat than a herd of cows.

Yeah, horse cock tastes exactly like Polish sausage if you add a shit-ton of ketchup, mustard, and relish. Well, except for the sudden splooge finish ofc.

Atkins relaxed the carb limit after the "induction phase". Atkins focused on protein; keto is moderate protein (enough for daily nutritional needs) plus fat to provide energy (eat as little fat as you want, less means faster weight loss, but avoid feeling like you're starving).

>What about nuts
They're high in bro-tein! Go for it.

Joke's on you, my cholesterol levels have dropped 30 points since I went on keto. My blood pressure is down into the normal range again, and my blood glucose is normal again too. My A1C was 5.5 (down from 10.0) as of a month ago. Lost 35lbs now.

So sad that you spread such terrible lies about a diet that works great. You must be heavily invested in Kellogg's and anti-masturbation food.

Diagnosed as holy-shit-level you-gonna-be-insulin-dependent-for-life type 2 diabetes. Keto got me off all medications within five months. Never even once had to inject myself with insulin.

Also dropped my blood pressure by 20 points, but that may be in part because of non-contaminated food. I'm in Taiwan, and the government lets scumbags contaminate the food supply with not-for-human-consumption oils, plasticizers, whatever else they can find that they can substitute for edible ingredients. I goddamn near died from being poisoned by fake oils a couple of years ago.

>I read my blood sugars in real time all day long- if protein magically didn't affect your blood sugars then I'd be dead and every other diabetic has been lied to for 70 years.
There's a difference between (1) "your body generates enough glucose to keep going via gluconeogenesis" and (2) "your body generates so much glucose from gluconeogenesis that it will kick you out of ketosis".

I haven't seen any actual information supporting your position (2), just angry rants like you just gave. People have posted a couple of studies and some good arguments that (1) is the correct situation, the gluconeogenesis process happens as necessary to maintain a reasonable blood glucose level but doesn't happen preferentially.

Since you monitor your glucose levels constantly, what happens if you eat a metric shitload of lean steaks? Does your glucose level shoot up into the danger zone? Or does it hang steady at 90-140 even without insulin? Serious question here, not trolling -- this would be actual evidence for one side or the other.

Paki here rice was a huge part of my diet too. I suggest you season your cauliflower rice. More than you would rice. Eventually id say 3 weeks in you wont really crave rice as much. You can also see if you can get some zucchini alternatives. Theres also miracle rice you may want to give that a shot but ultimately just learn to enjoy meats and cheeses more. You like mongolian beef? Theres low carb versions of it you can have its one of my favorite things or just a bowl of bulgogi. Good luck man i went from 320lbs to 150. Follow cico and be a little active and you'll easily reach your goal

You know i might start doing this as well buy a bunch of grilled meats for the next 2 days at a time and just prep a salad or something with each meal. Thanks guy

Yeah i second this id like to see some evidence as well. I hope it says i can have more protein though not gonna lie. I love meat (no homo)

Probably a disreputable, lower end place.


Owo what's this

This image so sharp

Garlic and rosemary infused oil
1kg Lean casserole steak
200g of celery (6g)
100ml Red wine (2g)
4 teaspoons of Dijon mustard (0.8g)
15g fresh parsley (1g)
Bouquet garni ( Italian mixed herbs)
10g tomato puree (1g)
Salt and pepper to season.
One beef stock cube (0.5g)

Cook slow and low till the meat is tender

11.3g of carbs for 8 servings

Approx 1.5g of carbs per serving

Enjoy with some broccoli and spinach.

Not my image, stolen from instagram

It's a "taco shell" made out of cheese with steak and an egg

Thanks dude
I gave califlower rice a shot and it certainly doesn't taste like Asian rice, but it does feel like I'm eating some sort of grain. I just sauteed it with avocado oil and salt.

I've lost about 5 lbs in the first 4 days, so at least I know I'm on the right track so far.

Anyone got any advice on what to eat when I'm unable to cook, mostly on my lunch breaks during work? So far I've mostly just been eating Poke salads (no rice or krab ;_;), the Cobb Salad from Trader Joe's (8g carbs), and the grilled chicken bacon salad at McDicks (9g without dressing)

>Come off Keto last week
>Still eating low carb, very minimal sugar
>Acne has returned with a vengeance

Daily reminder that Keto ISN'T a meme, it's the cure for Pizzaface.

How many carbs and how much weight have you put on

I've lost 50 lbs just eating one or two meals a day why should I do keto instead?

T1 diabetic here. I'm actually curious about this too. I swear I've broken ketosis before from overeating protein in a shameful meat binge at a buffet. It was several pounds of cooked steak. It takes more than twice as long for the proteins to convert to sugars (so like 6ish hours) and start reading elevated levels. It works out very much like a carb cheat day that normal people do. Those really fuck with my insulin resistance, forcing me to either ride out a few days of highs, or try to adjust my basal insulin dose on the fly for up to a week. This can easily cause over-medication and the need to correct hypoglycemia with carbs (which on days 2 and 3 will definitely ruin your diet). I might try to measure it sometime, but I can tell you it's above the ridiculous 1g/lb (lean) body weight myth bodybuilders perpetuate. Possible, but not plausible without some serious gluttony. My gut feeling is that eating up to 1g protein /1kg lean body mass every day would sustain ketosis. I currently eat about 0.6g/kg.

Are you perpetually hungry and miserable eating only two meals a day? If so, then give keto a try. If not, then good for you, keep doing what you're doing.

From eating just meat/veggies/fruit/dairy I've started having a sandwich for lunch everyday. Every other day I'll have two biscuits with my tea at work.
I haven't gained fat (still weigh around the same), but goddamn my skin looks disgusting.
My friend with type 1 diabeetus he gets similar acne problems if he doesn't keep his shit together with blood sugar.

I've been skipping breafast since the 1st grade so I am used to hunger pains. I had just assumed keto possibly worked faster since so many people vouch for it over regular calorie restriction

Anyone else besidesnoticed improvement to their skin after getting into Keto? I'm already a skinny/otter fag so I'm not terribly interested in the weight loss aspect.

Jam on white bread with a glass of orange juice

Fuck you

When you lower your insulin levels by ditching carbs, you don't really feel intense hunger pangs. You'll still feel hunger in ketosis, but it's not urgent or painful. It's probably a good experience for obese people, helping them to sort out the difference in sensations between adequate nutritional hunger, hormonal hunger and psychological hunger.

Yes, it's been absolutely beneficial. Refined sugars made my skin oily and acne inflammation worse, complex carbs made me gassy, and they both significantly increased the number of cavities I was getting (I haven't had a new one in three years now). Whole industries were built upon covering up the hygiene effects of high-carb diets. The only hygiene con of ketosis is your piss smells terrible sometimes (but your shit doesn't).

I got my friend into keto, but she insists on making all the old shit she used to eat, now with just a bunch of artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. I haven't talked to her about it because I'm hoping she'll stop craving sugars naturally over time, but I suspect that a lot of this sugar replacement bullshit still acts like sugar in the body and it's just a marketing meme. And besides, the whole point is to kick sugar addiction, you can't do that if you refuse to not eat shit that tastes like sugar, even if your body doesn't process it the same.

>inb4 what'd you expect, she's a girl.
Yeah, i know, but even with all that she's had a lot more willpower that I expected actually, so there's hope yet.

Bro make a zucchini lasagna or a stew and portion it out for the next few days or like the other user does with grilled meats and sides. You could take that to work. Chili is also good.
As a snack i like bacon rolled around some cheese you could try that

You guys think i could go to a Genghis grill and get a bunch of meat packed for meals later

no, i get by on one meal quite easily. sometimes i have coffee either black or with a bit of half and half during the day (no sugar), but honestly it's not that bad