Are you "white"? And very proud of being "white"? I'm going to tell you something you will not want to hear...

Are you "white"? And very proud of being "white"? I'm going to tell you something you will not want to hear, but something that will make you better off.

It will hurt, initially, I must warn you of this! Everything you believed in will seem worthless. Then again, believing in things that don't exist is worthless.

If you study the key findings in genetics (or even just biology) over the last decade, you will learn that your pale pink skin is actually a defect.

Its the result of complete failure of the melanin pigment genes to function. You have zero melanocytes.

Your pigment genes are incapable of functioning. The pigment genes did function well in your earliest ancestors, who left the African continent and ended up traveling to Europe.

As far as I can tell from reading related studies, and you can easily too, after quick searches - this defective set of genes was introduced, when your ancestors cross-bred with cave-apes.

Yes. Your pale pink skin is the result of your ancestors mating with higher apes. Cave dwelling higher apes (neanderthals).

The introduction in this study puts it in words, in a nice, politically correct way:

According to archeologists, this took place in the geographic are of the modern Spain, in Europe, estimates varying between 35000 years to just 7 thousand years in the latest studies. (later) (earlier)

There are further dysfunctions in your "pale pink" genome, but you can look into it later yourself, if you are such a superior breed, can't you? (

After "fucking around" with "bunch of cave-apes", the traveling groups then settled down to practice agriculture within Europe. Some later returned towards the Levant, Asia and even back into Africa. (

Other urls found in this thread:

There are further dysfunctions in your "pale pink" genome, but you can look into it later yourself, if you are such a superior breed, can't you? (

After "fucking around" with "bunch of cave-apes", the traveling groups then settled down to practice agriculture within Europe. Some later returned towards the Levant, Asia and even back into Africa. (

It's not fashionable to write this in ordinary, plain english. It is not acceptable within scientific publications to spell this out. Instead its called "an adaptation" or other things :) And thats so much more politically correct, but it remains the same.

But this is what the scientific studies spell out. Its not cool, the european public nor their descendants in North America will ever like to hear this. Or see this written down.

But its the scientific truth from sequenced genes. Something thats hard to blame.

You can easily research this. Its not usually directly proposed, but you can easily find the relevant studies and their pop-sci articles on Nypost or Daily Mail.

You might learn something about yourself.

You are a a mutt, a freak of nature, a mutant: "white".

Its a scientific fact. You cannot refute this. You cannot argue this. You can repeat the studies, and you will end up with the same result.

hey now we finally know what the other side of the 'race scientism' idiot horseshoe looks like

I'm fine with all this, being white is pretty awesome.

It sure is if you think skin cancer, depression and strokes are "pretty awesome"

Blacks actually have more dangerous genetic defects leading to health issues. And being black isn't really that awesome. They also have low IQ's.

People with dark skin in northern climates with less sunshine can develop a vitamin D deficiency.

A defect in something that is a hindrance can be a good thing.

Thats incorrect, as the metabolism of the people who actually do not have genetic melanocyte defects like they europeans do not require the same levels of vitamin D

(as the europeans and their descendants do in order to have a fully functioning immune system)

Of course, you are such a superior being that you already knew this from the recent studies but were just trolling, right? Right.

is that why all darker skinned people in northern climates are midgets?

so I either have a low iq or get cancer?

Some africans have some genetic defects, but the catch is, the europeans do, too.

Try to understand, the europeans are just africans who went to europe, fucked a bunch of cave-apes, and started farming.

so what am i supposed to do with this piece of information ?
will it change my life in any way ?

source on black people not needing as much vitamin D

If you need to ask to see why this is - or pretend that it isn't - important.

Then you are not one of the people who will find this useful.

Of course, once CRISPR can be used to modify the genetic make of a live human, you could use this information to fix your malfunctioning melanin pigment genes.

You'd gain working melanocytes, improved protection from UV, decreased D-vitamin requirements, and some other things.

Then again, there are several other defects that the earliest europeans inherited from the cave-apes, so you might want to look into the genes causing strokes and the depression, too, for example.

This applies to all non-europeans, you know - the people who do not descent from cave-ape-fuckers - not just african-americans or whoever you use your primitive cave-euro color word terminology for.

Google it or perhaps its already on pubmed.

so this is important for me because of vitamin d and stuff ?
cant i just use sun lotion ?

it doesn't matter what you think "should be" considered inferior. the plain fact is that Caucasians and Asians have on average IQ's about 10 points higher than blacks and Hispanics. In today's times that's the only thing that matters.

plus, tannish-pink is objectively the best skin tone. pale people want to be darker and dark people want to be lighter. why else would there be an abundance of skin darkening agents primarily marketed to those who are too pale, and skin lightening agents marked to those who are too dark.

Well if skin cancer and stroke are OK, feel free to use sun lotion

If you had actually looked into it, other than sunscreen ads, you would have learned that
> science has documented the fact that sunscreen doesn't really lower your skin cancer risk that much

enjoy your sickle cell anemia and diabetes

don't forget about the time when they achieved virtually every recorded scientific and cultural achievement to-date.

> denial

I think its normal to experience denial, initially.

Sickle cell anemia is in fact the only disease that separates you from the eastern africa, where its common in limited populations.

Diabetes, more common in euro-cave-fuckers.

i'm not denying anything.

it's fine if you want to believe that the inability to produce a poo-colored skin tone trumps a 10 point higher IQ (on average).

Sure, keep up the good denial!

Why not re-check the claims made. After all, you are so superior it shouldn't pose any challenge...

why are you so passive agressive btw ?
did pol tell you something mean or what gives ?
this is Veeky Forums user we are all friends here
you can chill and stay nice

I never believe in things that haven't been proven in a falsifiable trial. Thus I don't suffer from the same superstitions you peddle here.

Then again, its perfectly ok to spend time on trolling people online (now that theres no more cave-apes to breed with)

are you trying to be like this or are you just naturally bad at forming a coherent argument?

what am i in denial of exactly?

You're assuming there is a concept within evolution of "broken" and "unintentional" and "failure"

It was evolutionarily advantageous for people living at a higher latitude to have paler skin so they have more Vitamin D production to make up for less sunlight, so they evolved it

I think we're looking at an user who is fed up with /pol/ shitting it up here. In his rage, he gave in and sank to the level of fighting the pseudoscience of race with the pseudoscience of race. There is little we can do for him now, short of waiting for his wits to come to him. Then he'll realize that they'll never stop their cancerous cross posting.

I agree, this thread is all about sharing!

I mean, who wouldn't feel sorry and feel deep pity for people whose ancestors mated with apes.

And so I made up hundreds of scientific publications on PubMed as the result, some about 10 years before this thread?

> denial

>thinking that raw aggregated data can be sorted as either falsifiable or non falsifiable

are you just using random words you learned from the Wikipedia article on "the scientific theory" to try and sound smart? the raw data shows that blacks have on average 15 points lower than whites. what's so hard to accept about that?

Thats the old theory.

It is now known the pale skin isn't due to evolution.

The northern latitudes and lower UV levels therein were the only reason evolution didn't "phase out" the individuals with the defective gene.

You know, people like you.

i dont care what my or any other persons ancestor did or did not do. that is not the measure of a person imo. but people are not really racist here user. so if /pol/ was mean to you then this is not the way to handle it coming here and telling a bunch of nerdy white dudes that our ancestors were cave ape fuckers.
maybe that is the case but thats not the way you should communicate it with us if you want to come across as "just sharing info bruh" and not a person of color who is deeply hurt because of Veeky Forums trolls
just a thought

>mated with apes

you understand that all hominids are by definition great apes, right?

>genes are so defectual that you can't even activate the marcocephaly gene.
>tinyhead fags BTFO

Hm, somehow theres ever stronger smell of

> denial

again, denial of what?

why stop at the apes user ?
didnt we all come from the same molecules at some point ?
also you are still being passive agressive user.

You don't care that you have inherited ape genes?

Theres a word that springs to mind, it starts with a D, ends in L, and thers "enia" in the middle

OP is brown & butthurt.
Nobody cares if it's a "defect" by definition. Clearly it hasn't done much in the way of preventing the white race from ascending the racial ladder.

> Those in denial think nobody cares if its a "defect"

I fixed the fact therein.

i dont deny the fact that i inherited ape genes.
as i said it does not bother me at all.
i am in no way control of my ancestors actions thousands of years ago. why and how should it bother me then ?

God I hate everyone in this thread

again, do you not realize that by definition every hominid is a great ape? are you trying to use ape as an insult?

Notice how denial causes people to rationalize that they are not fazed, while people who are not fazed post nothing at all.

People who are rational would post studies that refute this, but since there are none in scientific publications, thats impossible.

im not fazed at all user.
im trying to understand why YOU are however.
you know creating this thread in the first palce and all. are you waiting for some great payoff where the white dudes ITT will accept defeat as ape fuckers and get mad and butthurt ?

I dunno

You're the ape fuckers, you tell me

i don't like being wh*te

your argument:

>the sky is blue therefore oranges are superior to grapes
>can't refute that the sky is blue? haha guess i win then.

the reason nobody's posting direct refutation is because the problem with your argument lies in your logic, not the facts used to support it. your claim is that whites cannot produce melanin and require more vitamin D, because they bred with homo-neanderthalis. you want to rationalize that somehow whites are "worse" because they found a way to produce more vitamin D in higher latitudes, meanwhile the raw data shows that whites have an IQ on average 15 points higher than blacks. I think that any sane person would choose a higher IQ over the ability to produce melanin. alternatively, i'll put it like this.

you are white, and a mad scientist says that he can make you start producing melanin again, but there is a significant probability your IQ will decrease by 15 points. do you take his offer? no. nobody would unless they deluded themselves into thinking that somehow naturally black skin is so valuable that they should obtain it at all costs.

if you deny this you are literally denying raw data.

okay your clearly under a lot of stress for some reason and keep being passive agressive on a board where this is really not warranted.
i hope youll get better and have a nice day nonetheless.

You got it slightly wrong. Maybe you could re-read the OP.

> genetics combined with archeology has found
> that europeans lost their skin pigment function
> when the europeans fucked around with bunch of apes
> and they got other genetic disfunctions from their ape-ancestors, too

Ok, you have a nice day, too, ape-fucker.

genetic dysfunctions like an average IQ that is 15 points higher?

whoops looks like i have a genetic defect because i can't produce the "stupid nigger" gene. darn.

You only get 15 points more after 10 more years in private schools?

> must be the cave-ape genes

>being so assblasted about whites being proud of who they are you come all the way from reddit to do these mental gymnastics

fucking kek

meh, I'll gladly take this "defect" over being a knuckle-dragging, violent moron

> denial

- a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

I am white but I do not associate my pride (or the lack of it) with my skin color.
I am proud of several things, first I am an engineer (or soon qualify as one) and I have already been working on several commercial projects, this is no big deal in a grand scheme of things but it still makes me proud, second I am proud of my family especially kids because I feel that they are doing much better and making better decisions than I did when I was their age.
But dont get me wrong, being white is great, but being proud of having white skin? Not really

We all know what african culture and african society after thousands of year of development is like, the whole 35 years of life expentancy. We also know that taking africans from their scientifically advanced world and putting in shithole places like america and Europe lowers that expectancy by another 5 years.
Africans are kangs and white neanderthal cracka should never forget that.

you have a silly view on evolution. sorry you're wrapped up in hate to ever have true understanding :(

I may have a fetish for black girls but that is not relevant here.

>The nigger stops posting after that

Shame on you for not swinging the tide with your intellects, then

>you can help by expanding this section

>the raw data
Jelte M. Wicherts, Conor V. Dolan, Han L.J. van der Maas, The dangers of unsystematic selection methods and the representativeness of 46 samples of African test-takers, Intelligence, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 30-37, ISSN 0160-2896,
>In light of all the available IQ data of over 37,000 African test-takers, only the use of unsystematic methods to exclude the vast majority of data could result in a mean IQ close to 70.

That's exactly what evolution is, change over time, and change that isn't critically harmful might not be chosen against. Considering the proliferation of the paleskins, I'm sure there are some additional effects that make up for any perceived downsides.