Which one is correct Veeky Forums?

I'm confused, thanks!

Other urls found in this thread:


Not sure if this is a bait thread but I think you can just solve for either one. Wolfram alpha is your friend.

you're welcome, glad i could help


It's not bait, I'm trying to learn math and I can't find anything online, I just want to know if there's a way to simplify that expression...

Is there a way to simplify that expression?

multiply by denominator

What should I multiply? According to wolphram the expression:

can't be simplified.

bad bait or absolute brainlet, i can't tell

Is it so hard to help someone that's trying to learn math?

Yes, it's hard.
Solving a task for him isn't helping.
Prodding him to ask specific questions, instead of begging for a blank check will make him think and dissect the problem.
That is teaching a man to fish for himself, instead of feeding a beggar each day.
So instead of bitching, you should be thankful that you aren't being totally ignored.
Get your fat ass off the couch and put a little effort in it.

You have to solve for x for each (cant be simplified further). Hint: One of the two has no real number solutions.

Everytime you have a fraction like left side treat it with parenthesis as follows:(something)/(something else) instead of (something/something else). Also you cant cancel out x^2 like that when its addition so like user said multiply denom to otherside whichll let you cancel it out from left.

Yeah, I'm asking an specific question I'm not trying you to solve my equation. So it's very different, I just want to know if that expression can be simplified live I've done in the original image (if so which one is correct) or not.


>that expression
which equation are you talking about?
#1 or #2 ?

It's supposed to be the same thing... I just wanted to know if after doing the simplification of the left side the answer would be positive or negative. I just realized that that "expression"


Can't be simplified.

>pos or neg
depends what x is of course
you can immediately see that x=sqrt(2) is problematic.
between -sqrt(2) < x

its square root 2 over log 1


2\cdot x^2=2-x^2\quad|+x^2\\
x=\pm \sqrt{{2\over3}}[/eqn]




fuck you, this is way better than
iq whining / lava ice sun / flat earth
bullshit threads, go scream at them

I agree, but that is a horrible justification for making this thread.

Lmao @ all the brainlets solving for x.
Op asked if x^2/(2-x^2) can be simplified (it can't).


It can't be simplified, but you don't just have x^2/(2-x^2), you have x^2/(2-x^2)=1/2 which can be rearranged for a more useful expression.

Thanks user.

Thanks for your help too user!

Sorry for this thread but I'm new to math (and this board too), I'm trying my best, is there a stupid question math thread or something like that so I avoid doing this next time?

>is there a stupid question math thread?
I think there is one that pops up from time to time, but don't let people on this board get through your skin, there's no such thing as a stupid question (unless you have a malicious intent).
It's a bit of a tradition to behave like a spastic here.

>from time to time
No. It's up pretty much 24/7. I have never been unable to find "SQT" somewhere in the catalog.