What is Intelligence

>Play board game
>Finally run into someone that's smarter than me
>Realize they can hold information better in their brain and retain it solidly enough to plan in advance and beat my future moves
>Realize intelligence isn't much more than working memory, and some people have more of it than others

I think IQ is just a measure of working memory and nothing more. Processing speed is probably just a part of it, but working memory is the bulk of it.

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Yeah because success in science and math is determined by working memory...

>success in science and math is determined by working memory

It is, to a great degree, determined by working memory. In order to get the right answer, you need to be able to hold a thought in your brain and see that it's the right path to take while crossing out other alternatives. Before your hand ever hits the paper, a thought is in your brain.

I fucking hate IQ threads but I'll bite.

You are comparing intelligence and competitive game strategy. The two aren't related in the least. I won't even go into the reason that intelligence is at all correlated with strategic ability in competitive games, but it's entirely sociological.

Have you ever even taken an IQ test? A person with short term memory loss could ace one. They are 100% pattern recognition. The reason these tests are used to describe "intelligence" is because pattern recognition is one of the most important fundamentals in problem solving. The ability to generalize - to draw abstract concepts from a set of examples or a set of more specific concepts or rules - is the skill that truly describes intelligence, because this skill is what is needed to develop, regurgitate, and revolutionize any objective field (as opposed to subjective fields like those of the arts).

Or more like working memory is a very important component of intelligence.
You can improve your memory with drugs. There's nothing that can improve intelligence.

>It's entirely sociological

I doubt it.
One person good at one game generally tends to be good at all of the games.

You can only see patterns when you can hold variables in your brain and connect them. The better you can retain information, the better you can manipulate it.

people who have great intelligence make connections between things in their working memory more quickly
you can see this in how memory strength is not a good predictor for success in mathematics, i.e. a good student of history or biology or some other fact-driven discipline often (maybe characteristically) has trouble dealing with layers of logical abstraction.

You mix up two things, kiddo. IQ and intelligence aren't the same thing.

>IQ is just a measure of working memory and nothing more
Ever seen Mensa's test? Or Raven's progressive matrices? They test IQ but don't test working memory at all.

That being said, working memory is surely a vital part of person's intelligence, and both things correlate to a great degree.

>not being redpilled

Working memory isn't crystallized intelligence.
It's literally "Right here, right now"

ah, the wikipedia article even mentions that some have characterized working memory as the ability to form these connections.
ultimately, it's not quite clear that it's possible to distinguish processing power from working memory in people to me. and working memory is certainly not something we experience as memory.

All the memory in the world wouldn't help if you can't think properly, which is shown by your post.


I think you'd hit better answers in existential intelligence if you can hold more information in your brain.

Interpersonal intelligence isn't really intelligence. It's empathy.

People with a higher IQ have better body co-ordination

Linguistic intelligence can be trained and exercised

I'm going to go back to weight lifting.
I miss being able to play Rainbow six and scoring 10 kills

Intelligence is how fast your brain can process and analyze information hence why idiots are called slow and smart people are called fast thinkers.

A genius can solve a complex math formula that would take me hours in a couple of seconds same as how you can solve an algebra problem but a 7 year old would just stare at the paper.

>Interpersonal intelligence isn't really intelligence. It's empathy.

I think intelligence is just the way we interact with others (human, idea, object)

>Linguistic intelligence can be trained and exercised
And i think every intelligence can be trained, even the " interpersonal " intelligence.

Human intelligence is mainly causal we are predators and resource gatherers so we categorize things and formulate plans to acquire them, the more complex you can make plans to acquire resources the smarter you are by definition. When multiple factors get in the way of acquiring resources you have to plan with these too leading to even higher intelligence.

Thank you for this

>implying that success in science and math means passing exams

My mom used to say there's many different kinds of intelligence. I didn't really understand it fully until my 30s. She was right.

Being all left brain won't getting you everything, neither will being entirely right brained. The autistic sperg lords doing theoretical physics typically can't talk their way out of a paper bag because rhetoric and reading people's emotions doesn't register with that thought process. Opposite of them are the cult leader types, who can sell ice to an Eskimo, just don't ask them to calculate the melting temperature at Alaskan Patm, they can't.

There are those guys who don't know anything past algebra, but can find true north at midnight in a snow storm with out getting disoriented.

There are those women who can glance at 5 kids and without thinking know which one is hungry, which one is tired, which one is sick, and which two need to use the bathroom.

There are many kinds of intelligence.

I think you're probably right.
Human beings evolved to think differently and to work within a group to achieve goals.

This is where the MBTI comes into the fold.
It's pretty obvious to me that half of the respondents can't keep a stable score because half of the respondents don't know how they think.

That's how different human brains are.

Talking about your work is a huge part of being a theoretical physicist, though. As an academic, I can tell you that people working in those fields can generally speak better than most people.

You talk about your work, but you don't emotionally manipulate people to present it.

Physicist: Apply math for Scientific progress.

Con man: Deceive and Steal from Brainlets

Nurse: Wipe Shit, Blood, urine and Vomit.

Who is loved by society? Nurse
Who gets more power and wealth? Con man
Who uses more the brain? Physicist

Do you use more the brain?

>Who uses more the brain?

This is entirely anecdotal, but the physicists I know (many of whom are quite brilliant) have nonexistent social skills and lack basic intuition concerning social interactions.

Working memory tests arent a construct. They measure something latent which isnt just about holding information but also integrating it efficiently. A person with wm deficits will still be alot slower and find it more difficult to do possibly.

Wm updating actually has high correlations with intelligence though doesnt explain all of it.
have ypu got citations? I dont find it unreasonable for intelligence to be trsnsienyly improved. Or maybe an aspect of ot. Feel like the short term effects are limited as intrlligence isnt necessarilt just raw processong speed but also about information we learn from the environment. Which takes a long time.

I alsi think creativity must be an aspect thats importany too though this might still in some sense be related to intelligence, who knows.

I have an IQ of 141 and shit working memory. Its bad to the point that i cant really do mental math outside of memorized multiplication tables and such. My long term memory is incredible though, to the point that it weirds out other people occasionally.

IQ is not how much you know or what amount of knowledge you have. It's about how much you can learn or your capacity to learn.

Not directly dependant on memory but on a lot of factors.

I think this is one thing. Our learning of environmental info over a long time allows us to do tasks very efficiently and effictively. This might be construes as intelligence and the efficiency and automaticity doing these tasks may put less stress on wm.

But maybe with a novel completely unfamiliar thing u wd have alot of trouble which also might contribute to intelligence especially in difficult processing things whih require us to explore transient contextual and relational bindongs which change relevance ovee time(in some ways thats the gist of a wm task).. this wd be mediated with the help of lateral prefronal areas where wm tasks generally are seen as working from.

I think it cd contribute to intelligence or atleast ability to do complex tasks but again probs not same and many possible purturbations could explain wm or intelligence differences and the relevant purturbations may not overlap though in certain contexts they do especially between. I wonder if ur iq is because ur brain can efficiently consolidate info very
Quickly or well over time so u can do alot of things that rely less on wm.

I kinda wonder if working memo
ry might differentoally contribute to intelligence test scores for different people. E.g. maybe more for low iq than high iq pepple. Would be interesting to see if thats atleast plausible this would be esp. Relevabt if iq tests are timed.

I wouldnt say that a wm task is intelligence but maybe latent processes in the cortex cause both so they have shared variance and hypotheticslly (if possible and highly debated due to poor transfer effect). Wm training wd train this same variable.

IQ actually has a definition already.

People have been studying this shit for a hundred years and you think anyone gives a shit about what you think IQ *should* mean?

>tfw only have spacial, existential and naturalistic intelligence at best and fucking retarded at everything else.
gondola mode is not as comfy as it sounds.

The autistic sperg lords doing theoretical physics typically can't talk their way out of a paper bag because rhetoric and reading people's emotions doesn't register with that thought process
No evidence for this. You're basing it on movies and tv shows like TBBT.
>Opposite of them are the cult leader types, who can sell ice to an Eskimo, just don't ask them to calculate the melting temperature at Alaskan Patm, they can't.
No evidence either. I'd guess cult leaders have very high verbal IQs on top of being extremely charismatic.
>There are those guys who don't know anything past algebra, but can find true north at midnight in a snow storm with out getting disoriented.
That's just experience.
>There are those women who can glance at 5 kids and without thinking know which one is hungry, which one is tired, which one is sick, and which two need to use the bathroom.
Not impressive at all. I can easily tell what mood people that I know very well are in just by their facial expression.

There is intelligence (verbal, spatial, numerical) and there is being good at things through practice.

Read the Neuroscience of Intelligence by Haier rather than just coming up with theories whilst playing board games.

It's not processing speed, it's also the quality of the thought. You can present two people with the same information and the less intelligent might remember it forever but he might not be able to draw correct conclusions or very limited ones. Just do a simple thought experiment with anyone who's not very bright and they might not even follow your reasoning when you explain it to them, much less come up with their own.
A good memory will obviously increase your information to draw conclusions from, and doing it quickly is just effective and doesn't really improve on quality at all, but low speed might hinder a conversation.


opinion discarded

>The autistic sperg lords doing theoretical physics typically can't talk their way out of a paper bag because rhetoric and reading people's emotions doesn't register with that thought process

Have you ever even met anyone who is a theoretical physicist?

The best mathematicians (not quite physicists but good enough) I'm around are closer to being chads than sperglords. They are talented at whatever it is they choose to do; they are inspiring, good presenters, good writers, and are even more athletic than most people I've met. Sure, some of us are sperglords, but sperglords are everywhere.

>off the charts in spatial reasoning
>it's only ever come in handy beating the shit out of tetris and helping people move

>Sperg-lords are everywhere
>Except in theoretical physics where everyone is a chad

I have reservations about this.
Shouldn't they all be chads?

ITT: people arguing over a vague term with no clear definition by using their own definition

I have reached the same conclusion about 8 years ago from my experience and from reading biographies.
If you read the biography of Leonhard Euler you will find that he had the habit of solving problems entirely in his head before writing it down on paper.
If you read the biography of John Von Neumann you will find that he had the habit of solving problems entirely in his head before writing it down on paper.
If you read the biography of Henri Poincaré you will find that he had the habit of solving problems entirely in his head before writing it down on paper.
That's how they figured things out.
It's all about working memory.

Mathematicians are the exception here. I'm a grad student and I interact with people from both mathematics and physics. Mathematicians seem as a rule well rounded and even chad-like. They like to go out drinking and partying for example, and are often outdoorsy and physically active. Physicists on the other hand tend to be very dry and weird and the stereotypical shut-in nerd.

It's surprising to me that people don't realize that pattern recognition is all about working memory.
If you can't hold the necessary information in your mind you will never see the pattern.
IQ tests are all about pattern recognition, therefore they are all about working memory.

you can be a savant with a great memory.
true genius requires creativity
mega genius requires boldness
>added that last one for fun

*idiot savant

If you think working memory is not a huge part of intelligence, get drunk and try to solve puzzles.

The brain is more complex than that, user. Think in DnD metaphors.

Working and short-term memory capacity.
Attention span and reaction time. Amphetamines enhance this, but reaction time is an excellent indicator of g in most cases.
Cortical minicolumn density. Loose association/creativity. (class builds: autist - schizophrenic)
Empathy, ability to understand the other person's inner state.

You can cut up part of peoples brains to separate some "stats" from one another. INT doesnt make sense as stat, it's the sum of your brain's abilities. Like a VO2MAX for grey matter.

Some scientists believe you can improve fluid intelligence with training on working memory.

i've done this.
it's harder, but i'm big brained enough to do it

There are multiple kinds of IQ.

Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.

Deal with it or turn into a self assured "genius" or a wannabe brainlet.

Most of life has nothing to do with IQ.

Can any of you brainlets explain why I can't remember names? Is it a long term or a short term memory problem?

It's confusing intelligence with applied intelligence, i.e. knowledge. Who the fuck is Mark Vital anyways. Fuck off.

Having a clear intuition for multiple areas that involve higher-level cognitive functions. Syllogisms, set theory, being able to follow poetry, etc. Time isn't really an issue as much as depth of understanding. People who can debate well usually have very high IQs. The rub though is it's generally hard to evaluate how well a person is expressing signs of intelligence, so unless you're trained in psychometrics you're probably going to be wrong.

so working memory can be improved?

It can't be improved, it can be optimized.
It's very easy to waste working memory if you are not careful.
Here are a few ways I know on how to optimize working memory:
1. Use pictures to think about things.
2. Don't spread your attention over many things.
3. Look up when you are thinking to save some memory space.

Basically, if you can improve your attention and you start using pictures (like Einstein did) to think about things you will optimize your use of working memory.

Notice that Veeky Forums already uses this principle of images, since image boards are much more memorable than pure text image boards.
So does operational systems graphical interfaces.

*pure text boards

This book is all about improving your working memory for stupid things like numbers, cards and names.
But if you are smart you can use the principle visual analogies of this book to improve your working memory in pretty much any intellectual area.

By the way, this other thread is basically about this guys attempt to improve his working memory for stupid things.

There are three types of intelligence: Intuitive, Industrial, and Intellectual.

Western society often worships the "Intellectual" species as being the "true" geniuses, while taking for granted the Industrialists and Intuitivists.

It seems to me that since the late 2000s/early 2010s, the West has been caught in a "brain training" craze. Brain games, puzzles, brain foods, etc. On YouTube, you have videos of people doing trivia questions/riddles, mostly of pop culture from 20+ years ago.
YouTube channels such as "Fine Bros" with their "Kids React" video series has brought out the subconscious arrogance of its audience. Anytime a child/teen gets a trivia question wrong, people flip the fuck out. It seems nowadays, thanks to the Internet, it's expected for adolescents to "know everything". People take for granted that there's so much info out there, that theres always a riddle that will stump you.

On a side note,
Industrial: the ability to troubleshoot a car, build a bike from a metal scrap, grow your own food, et.

Intuitive: The ability to read people's emotions or actions.

Intellectual: Read science books and write down complex formulas.

Unfortunately, society thinks that book smarts automatically make you prepaed for life. This is why adolescence is pushed to 26, because parents feel that kids don't need to learn how to cook, drive, build/fix things because "kids are too clumsy/immature so the state will raise them for me."

Working memory is no more a measure of intelligence than it is for your computer.

Actually meaningful is the processing power, architecture of your processing, and the software.

Imagine if you had infinite memory, infinite processing power, but no software- zero intelligence whatsoever.

This thread is either good or bad depending on interpretation. If OP is just boiling down intelligence per se to a retarded degree that's bad but if he's arguing against IQ being the sole factor for the mystical "true" intelligence then it's okay imo. Intelligence first of all requires some live experience with existence, the logistics of which can fairly accurately be modeled metaphorically as software and hardware and simply put, good hardware is nothing without proper software as well as optimization etc. Being able to score high on most tests demonstrates a high level of aptitude but not necessarily a creative brilliance.

But really he's still just a brainlet

Age can be independent of intelligence. there are elementary schoolers who an leave an entire high school class biting dust. Speaking of which: Did you know that "grade years" were a German invention. It was adopted in the US in the 1860s. Before then, children of all ages were taught the same difficulty of academics. You had ten-year olds who can recite Shakespeare and fourteen year-olds who ouldn't even write their first names.

t. RAMlet