This triggers the Veeky Forumstard

this triggers the Veeky Forumstard

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>I'm so hungry



He is right in condemning a vanity project that cost billions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money. If you actually had to worry about money, you wouldn't be so happy to have it stolen so some faggot can jump around on the moon for the sake of nothing but "humanity fuck yeah!!!"

What's the message of these?
>haha, there are no starving people, look how fat these individuals are!
Completely disingenuous.

this, nasa has been nothing but a solid waste of taxpayer money for half a century

this song is actually hilarious thanks op

>My tax dollars shouldn't be invested in a project that revolutionized medical, computational, and engineering fields, and may have been partially responsible for how advanced our society is today, that also gave America a foothold in science, and supported the citizens who paid into it.
>No, it actually should go to people in countries that don't pay taxes, who don't benefit me in any way, to give food so they can overpopulate, and have an even worse famine than before! and what doesn't go to people, ends up in the hands of local warlords, and crime organization! that is the fair good choice

Elon Musk will be the first African on Mars

>No, it actually should go to people in countries that don't pay taxes,
what you can't be this big of a brainlet, this guy is a us citizen and nasa has done nothing significant enough to justify the trillions of tax dollars wasted. from ISS and the space race to the archaic rocket it's spent 50 billion on

>My tax dollars shouldn't be invested in a project that revolutionized medical, computational, and engineering fields
holy blue pill dude

He's right, that money would've better spent on ensuring reproductive rights of underprivileged minorities (the government could provide free abortions for blacks, for instance).

*hundreds of billions
i think the total budget over the past half century was somewhere over half a trillion

if you want to make the argument that this figure is nowhere near the gargantuan, wasteful defense budget you'd be right. however it seems you think nasa has actually progressed society in some meaningful way with the half a trillion it's spent which is just brain-dead

Good one.

>Nasa hasn't advanced science

oops meant to reply to you there

wow you really proved my wrong

if you make your brainlet folder big enough you can win any argument

ur an idiot and is an idiot

no further explanation is required IDIOT

>NASA is the only space agency in the world

While US & Europe are feeding Africa.
China & Russia don't give a fuck to Africa.

Leftist SJWs and Right-Wing Flat Earthers are both retards who are hindering the progress.

>thinking the discussion of other space agencies has literally anything to do with what I said, or this thread

>the only way to progress science is to invest in space rockets

>the best way to progress science is to feed Africans

Memes aside it's a good album.

>thinking this thread is about a discussion outside of NASA and the politics of NASA

It's interesting that the Soviet Union space program routinely gets overshadowed by Americans going on about the repression and poverty there yet when someone mentions that the US space program also took place against a backdrop of oppression anad poverty they get butthurt.

>China & Russia don't give a fuck to Africa.

>muh progress

Nigeria is operating satellites now, more money for SpaceX

nothing you said has anything to do with this thread. the video is about a second class us citizen criticizing the fact that the government gave nasa billions to put a man on the moon, for what exactly? a space race, so we can jerk ourselves off

your retarded comment rambles on about giving money to africa and somehow you think those billions of dollars were anything but autofellatio

you also haven't replied to the other user yet because you have no proper answer

>cost billions of dollars of hard earned taxpayer money

NASA only gets 0.5% of the federal budget, retard


NASA hasn't gotten shit from the government for over 10 years. The 1960s peaked due to the space race, and then NASA was thrown to the backburner.

SpaceX's budget soon will become larger than the NASA's budget

Kill half of everybody in Africa and feed them to the hungry.

>Amount of poor people drops by 50%
>Amount of hungry people drops by 50%
>Amount of dollars needed to feed Africa drops by 50%

When people get hungry and poor again we simply repeat the process, until their is only one hungry poor person in Africa and we move him or her (i am not misogynistic) to a First world nation give him/her governmental financial aid.

yes, which amounts to over half a trillion dollars in total at least so far

also it's a good thing the video is talking about the amount of money the government wasted to jerk itself off getting a man on the moon

What could that "jerkoff money" have had a better use for?

SpaceX isn't getting taxpayer money.
The amount of money NASA is getting from the government is negligible compared to everything else the money is being spent on.
>money the government wasted to jerk itself off getting a man on the moon
Let's not talk about all of the things NASA invented that make our lives significantly better.

>SpaceX isn't getting taxpayer money.
Yet SJWs wanna stop Elon Musk

The Leftist journalist Nathan Robinson wrote
>Elon Musk fired a sports car into space
>but it’s important to have our priorities straight. >First, perhaps we could make it so that a child no longer dies of malaria every two minutes.
>Meanwhile, in Syria, where hundreds of thousands of refugees may be forced to return to unsafe homes amid “global anti-refugee backlash”
>Perhaps once violence, poverty and disease are solved, then we can head for the stars.

>Let's not talk about all of the things NASA invented that make our lives significantly better.

Like what?

>a project that revolutionized medical, computational, and engineering fields, and may have been partially responsible for how advanced our society is today, that also gave America a foothold in science,
Imagine how great it would have been if they had just directly funded useful projects instead of a big useless project that accidentally produced some useful things.

>No, it actually should go to people in countries that don't pay taxes, who don't benefit me in any way, to give food so they can overpopulate, and have an even worse famine than before! and what doesn't go to people, ends up in the hands of local warlords, and crime organization! that is the fair good choice
The singer in OP's video is clearly American so I don't know what you're on about.

Their innovations helped invent CAT scans, artificial limbs, the computer mouse, wireless headsets, home insulation, water purification systems, forms of harnessing solar energy, and so on.

I know he's American, the guy I replied to referenced starving people in third world countries when he replied to me, not the guy who made a song about getting free money.

Did you know that they figured out how to operate iPads?

Sure beats "investing" in Africa.

They haven't invented shit, they just paid other companies to do it for them.

Sometimes, yes, but if they never collaborated with other companies, some things wouldn't have been invented at all.

>they just paid other companies to do it for them

Option 1: Space Exploration
NASA funded. NASA pay other companies which created innovation, progress & new technologies. Leading humanity to an era of Technological prosperity.

Option 2: Feeding Africa
Africa starves. Feed Africa. African population doubles. Africa starves. Rinse and repeat.

Very poorly copied my plan and instead made it worse and immoral

Red Pill
Invest in Space Exploration. The advances in technology will benefit all Humanity who will colonize other planets.

Blue Pill
Feed Africans until Black Population depletes all natural Resources in Earth and we will all die here.

Racist much?

>Did you know that they figured out how to operate iPads?
Are you Implying that operating a iPad is hard?
Even 5 years old kids can do it.

Although most Africans can't do it, since they don't have Electricity.

the video has nothing to do with feeding africa

Red Pill
realize nasa is literally just the government breaking its own ribs so it can suck its own dick

blue pill
believe nasa has "advanced technology" and "innovated". use buzz words like "technological prosperity" like they mean anything

Africans can't into society
It's a song about a guy saying he needs gibs from the government, and "whitey" ain't giving it to them because they're too busy with science

My 2 year-old little cuz can do that, and he doesn't even speak yet.