For the Med Fags.
I need to start taking focus meds [mentats... or better known as Ritalin]
I have an appoitment with my family doctor, the guy is new to me and has only met me once.
What sort of shit should i say to get the prescription and gtfo.

Also for the other students that use it to focus and not on the regular, how do you take it ?

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Ritalin is an older drug compared to the new ones like concerta that are controlled release. They are also fairly expensive. Quit wasting time and study, don't need drugs pussy.

I cant focus any more i've gotten this far in life, with out them and now the time has come to use them...
I cant take it anymore. I have tried everything i my raw capabilities to not do drugs but ive plateaued

What country do you live in?

canada ? why do you ask

Bad luck pal, they don't hand shit out in Canada. They'll recommend you alternatives like "Relaxation" and "Yoga". (Serious BTW)

I pray to God every night and He gives me the strength to get up in the morning.

Thats why im asking, what I will need to do to gain his trust.
If there is a point i can start on is that we are both lebanese.
But all the kids at day cares are fucking fed that shit. Kids dont even move in daycares.

I used to do that, but then felt guilty bcs i only prayed when i needed him.

Maybe in Australia or the United States where kids are plowing them down, but at least recently from what I've heard it takes 6+ months for someone to get them in Canada and they must be percribed by a very high up doctor.

Great i guess i failed this semester

What are you studying?

This. I have a shrine dedicated to Grothendieck in my office and pray to him every morning.
Once a month i sacrifice a freshman's hymen and burn a physics book.
So far it has been working great, dissertation was on flat and locally very flat modules.

mechanical engineering.
Are you serious though ? 6 months

I'm the first guy that replied to you. Drugs such as Amphetamines (Adderall, Dexedrine) and other drugs like your preferred release pattern of methylphenidate, known as Ritalin are all Triplicate prescription drugs, in Alberta at least. Meaning they are harder to get due to being, at one point in the past commonly abused (still currently by the usual douche addicts that can't get real drugs). Also they'll (the doctor or pharmacist) will almost assuredly netcare your ass if you're new to see if you've ever used it or anything else similar before.

never used any sort of drug.
Go to an IVY league uni, Never had any problems or caused any trouble.

what are the random shit symptoms that i have to say i feel on the regular to get them ?

Then stop playing video games or watching anime and study.

What part of i've fucking done everything within my raw capabilities to do so and failed dont you fucking get.

I stopped playing video games a while back

You need a diagnosis of ADHD to get some

so basically just list those and ill be next on the list to get the drug ?

There is no list. They’ll either prescribe or they won’t. Maybe they’ll refer you.

does it actually take 6 months though to get the okay ?

Focalin is how I made it through grad school.

But dear god when I finally quit it that withdrawal was the worst three weeks of my life.

How much were you taking per day?

what was the withdrawl like ?
craving ? depression ?

10mg 3 times a day my

I would often abuse and horde it though.
Would use it to party as well crush it up and snort it, feels like coke if you take enough :p

The telltale sign of a stimulant withdrawal is the brain feeling as if it will never be able to function at full potential again unless it continues to take that much of the drug. For that first week, your brain is not going to function it's true. You'll start to browse /r9k/ and make soyboy threads. You'll stop doing anything and you'll crave any substance to make you high. You'll probably end up drinking a fuckton.

This ends in about a week and a half and settles to regular cravings and memories of all the pleasent times you spent stimmed out for a couple of months and then your body no longer cares.

Well you did do drugs and snort it so the effects might be exaggerated

Let me let you in on a well kept secret.
Every single person who uses these drugs in college is abusing them

why abuse them and how do you abuse them ?

You’d have to be batshit insane to start abusing the amphetamines. I’ve actually not seen a single normal person on them. All brainless rage zombies.

They abuse them by simply taking more than the recommended dose. One crazy bitch had her doctor prescribing her 8 Dexedrine for a single dose. Just recently the amphets are being tested for irreversible brain damage.

Its almost exactly like cocaine. Youll be fine if you stick with the right dosage

well im not palnning on abusing drugs.
just use them to focus when studying

Your brain isn't fully developed until you're at least 25. Just be patient with your brainlet self and stop trying to force your body to do things it shouldn't be doing just to get a piece of paper.

im 22 good enough. the system wont wait for me so ill go ahead and drug it

You're a greenhorn. Trust me, forcing your brain to do things it shouldn't do will wreak havoc on your health in the long run. So much for a doctor who gets sick all the time and is mentally unstable in the prime of his career.

here is a worthwhile read

No bullshit, just facts from a psychiatrist’s perspective

started reading till i noticed it fucking long as fuck.

>straight edge fags who think drugs are evil and instantly get you addicted

tell me please user i need to get as much info as possible before i do this shit

No one plans on becoming a drug addict.

I'm from Ontario and looked into this a year or so back. It will take you a few months at least from the initial family doctor appointment to a prescription. Just the wait time to see the psychiatrist could take a few months. The doctors will probably prescribe alternative methods like the other user mentioned until it's absolutely clear you need stimulants.

I was pretty sure I didn't actually have ADHD but I did find it difficult to focus. However in the end I decided not to even try to get a prescription. It's definitely circumstantial but what really helped me was gaining some motivation as to why I'm studying, and simple productivity tricks. Any productivity method too complicated didn't work so now the only thing I do is have a constantly updating checklist of the immediate things I have to do. The act of striking an item off is a good boost to keep it going. For motivation, try watching the video 'You and Your Research'

Despite all this, Alberta's doctors are under a different association and you may be able to get a prescription in a couple visits.

drug abuse is based on two things.
The emotinal need that needs to be satisfied.
so you abuse the drug to compensate for that.

Or a weak mind that actually needed to be calibrated in the 1st place.

at least thats how ive viewed the issue.

I plan on using it to study... both ways the more i read the symptoms of ADHD the more i notice i stand by most of them... the only reason why no one noticed was because im from eastern part of the world and families tend to see this as just an "active person" [live in canada]
both ways i need the drug to pass and get my degree.

ive lost every sense of motivation. Im flooded with fucking utter stupid theory as i study to become a mechanical engineer. The only reason why im still here is to not dissappoint my family and bcs im on a SAE team so i feel good applying the shit i learn. But 2 years of just pure theory without applying shit is fucking retarded.
Then i see the theory as too fucking easy, but its come to the point where i noticed how fucking flawed the system is that i dont even feel like doing the exams [its a really bad point of motivation loss that im at] Just today as im doing my thermo exam i fucking walked out half way.

part 2 of the above.
I have literarly passed 4 math courses the only basis to mechanical engineering with out knowing shit. Maybe 20% i actually understood and can apply.