Is Hawking a fraud?

Is Hawking a brainlet?

In 1970, Hawking postulated what became known as the second law of black hole dynamics, that the event horizon of a black hole can never get smaller.[84] With James M. Bardeen and Brandon Carter, he proposed the four laws of black hole mechanics, drawing an analogy with thermodynamics.[85] To Hawking's irritation, Jacob Bekenstein, a graduate student of John Wheeler, went further—and ultimately correctly—to apply thermodynamic concepts literally.[86][87]

Beginning in 1973, Hawking moved into the study of quantum gravity and quantum mechanics.[92][91] His work in this area was spurred by a visit to Moscow and discussions with Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich and Alexei Starobinsky, whose work showed that according to the uncertainty principle, rotating black holes emit particles.[93] To Hawking's annoyance, his much-checked calculations produced findings that contradicted his second law, which claimed black holes could never get smaller,[94] and supported Bekenstein's reasoning about their entropy.[95][93] His results, which Hawking presented from 1974, showed that black holes emit radiation, known today as Hawking radiation, which may continue until they exhaust their energy and evaporate.[96][97][98]

Hawking's work followed his visit to Moscow in 1973 where the Soviet scientists Yakov Zeldovich and Alexei Starobinsky showed him that, according to the quantum mechanical uncertainty principle, rotating black holes should create and emit particles.[4]

In the 1970s, Starobinsky worked on the theory of particle creation in the early universe and particle generation and radiation from rotating black holes (1973/74), a precursor of the theory of Hawking radiation.

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is OP a fraud?
>multiple copypasta from Wiki

Oh, you certainly settled it.
I'm asking why it's called Hawking radiation if Starobinsky already figured that out disproving Hawking's previous work.

He discovered that black holes emit radiation how does that make him a brain let.. because he didn’t think they did before he discovered it? What

Veeky Forums has the worst wikiposters

You didn't even read the OP.

Because Hawking not only confirmed it but described the nature of it. Starobrainletsky only predicted it — also nobody is trying to steal credit from him evidenced by the fact that Stephen Hawking’s Wikipedia page, as well as the wiki page on Hawking radiation, credits him

Yes I did, op is just a brainlet If he can’t understand the difference in contribution to Hawking radiation

Jacob Bekenstein, Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich and Alexei Starobinsky apparently did the original work.

How did he land such a pretty wife?

Anyway, being wrong in your predictions isn't a bad thing for a scientist. Making predictions and testing them is what you do. You're not going to be right all the time, if you were that would be suspicious itself, and the predictions you make can lead other scientists to make new discoveries either by confirming the predictions or proving them wrong.

Bekenstein's work was already confirmed by Russian scientists.
>Bekenstein also formulated the generalized second law of thermodynamics, black hole thermodynamics, for systems including black holes. Both contributions were affirmed when Stephen Hawking proposed the existence of Hawking radiation two years later. Hawking had initially opposed Bekenstein's idea on the grounds that a black hole could not radiate energy and therefore could not have entropy.[9][10] However, in 1974, Hawking performed a lengthy calculation that convinced him that particles do indeed emit from black holes. Today this is known as Bekenstein-Hawking radiation.

>Hawking–Zel'dovich radiation.

Because the Russians only thought that rotating holes would radiate. As they lost angular momentum, the radiation would cease.
When Hawking announced even non-rotating holes would radiate, the Russians "proved" they would not. Eventually they conceded Hawking was right.

Hawking's not always right. He's lost several bets, including the famous one about the relationship between a hole's surface area and its entropy.
Maybe it should be called Beckenstein Radiation.

are you trying to quote things to prove me right, or? all bekenstein did was prove that black holes have finite entropy, hawking was the one that provided the theoretical argument for hawking radiation

there's a fundamental difference between the contributions of all these people. why are brainlets all of a sudden reading wiki pages and rewriting history?

>Because the Russians only thought that rotating holes would radiate. As they lost angular momentum, the radiation would cease.
>When Hawking announced even non-rotating holes would radiate, the Russians "proved" they would not. Eventually they conceded Hawking was right.

Though it should be noted that sometimes he bets against himself.

>there's a fundamental difference between the contributions of all these people. why are brainlets all of a sudden reading wiki pages and rewriting history?
I did not rewrite anything.
I'm asking why Hawking is taking most of the credit since it is mostly known as Hawking radiation.
Isn't this his most important contribution?

Did anyone say Albert Einstein?

When the Russians conceded, they recognized the importance of saying so publicly. At the time, ALL research was classified by the authorities for at least 3 months -- so they'd have time to make sure nothing of military value got out.
The Russians felt this couldn't wait and slipped their paper to a Western scientist with a request that it be submitted to Nature.

That took guts. Stalin was dead and nothing on black holes could possibly threaten the USSR -- but they could have suffered for their action. They felt Science outweighed the risk.

That's ONE of his contributions.
Maybe the one he's most famous for, but hardly the only one.

so black holes are portals to other universes right?

>Starobrainletsky only predicted it

actually are portals to your momma's anus

Hawking is a sad little atheist

needs moar jesus

that's paul dano with a wig

how big of a brainet are you? there's a difference

Idk, I bet his vibrating robo peen could make your mother scream for Jesus.

>implying hawking is real
He is just a vegetable, all their work comes from stolen sources.

th real Hawking is dead