Math: illogical and stupid?

I can understand that an apple may exist or a bunch of apples, few apples or many apples, but a (((mathematician))) wants to me attach his mystical labels to my apples (and probably steal them while I am confused by his talk). Suddenly, there are no longer lots of apples, there are 13 apples or 25 apples. If you have a basket with lots of apples and you put lots of apples into it, you still have lots of apples, but a (((mathematician))) says there were 13 apples, you added 25 apples and now you have 38 apples.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that numbers exist. They exist in no less than the realm of ideas, mind, and soul. But apples are material. Apples are out there and you can touch them. But 38 apples? Where is this strange realm of intersecting material and ideal worlds? This is pure unscientific nonsense. You can't empirically prove that you can assign a number to an apple, to make a strange eternal aeonian connection between the realm of matter and the realm of ideas, as if every number corresponds to every apple and their configuration in the world.

You can keep putting apples in a basket and perform your magic spell of counting "one, two, three, four...", but how do you know you will end up with one, two three and four apples? You don't and you can't prove scientifically that you do.

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Exactly this. Couldn't have put it better myself.

Mathematicians think they're so complicated with all their numbers and such but at the end of the day you only live once, there's no avoiding that

that's the motto

Take the dang Platonist pill already and stop being afraid of the Infinite.

Stupid people have trouble thinking of anything abstract, this isn't anything new.

You don't have to prove anything, dipshit. Numbers exist because we defined them. They could be named anything. One, two etc are just names.

True, numbers are a concept, but they're a useful one nonetheless.

If two people exchange things of roughly equal value, and both gave each other "lots"... Who's to say that their lots are equally many? How would they know they got a relatively fair trade?

That's right, you gotta count them, dipshit

Why is therethe need to exchange something for something? Can we not live in a commercial world?

So the mathfag finally admits that math is just a bunch of shit we made up to make solving problems easier. Good.


Just? The quantitative representation of physical phenomena is a TOWERING achievement of human kind. Can't imagine how anyone in this thread can patronize this - observable, material, qualitative attributes can be translated into a universal symbology of understanding and application. It's amazing.


I actually agree with you, I just hate mathfags pretending math is something that can't be described or explained.

If only you knew how stupid you sound.

As what you'd call a mathfag, "math is something that can't be described or explained." is a "what the actual fuck" tier statement. We can describe it, that's why notations exist, and it can be explained, it'd be useless if we couldn't.

What they're probably referring to is the consistency of the phenomena it describes, but I'd say that's describable and explainable too considering it, well, is the phenomena being described and explained.

If the mathematician wanted to steal your apples, he wouldn't have you count any ever. As far as you can tell, 25 looks a whole lot like 17, both appear to be a "bunch" of apples.

You count your apples simply so if somebody takes any, you know.

Math is more fundamental than the physical universe.

You are on par with someone from the middle ages seeing science as "magic".
Don't get me wrong. There is magic thrown in there somewhere but it is VERY hard to reach ACTUAL fireball wizard throwing status let alone rip open a hole in space and time level status.

butane + ball of cloth = fireball
as long as you don't touch the top you can hold it and juggle it and stuff

Thank you. I already knew. Guess I will finish the spell.
Add a core of timed explosive and you get the fire ball exploding effect when it hits.


Don't even get me started on the ol' wizard staff mortar trick. God I feel so damn old, then again, being 17,357 years old puts such a crick in your neck.

Alternatively a small LED accelerometer.


Abracadabra! *BOOM*

Or just a fire blast.


I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of imaginary numbers. What a crock of shit. If your equation can only be solved by inventing numbers that can't exist, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.

>He can't into practical application to imaginary numbers.


user, that pasta predates humanity

>Don't get me wrong, I agree that numbers exist. They exist in no less than the realm of ideas, mind, and soul. But apples are material. Apples are out there and you can touch them. But 38 apples? Where is this strange realm of intersecting material and ideal worlds? This is pure unscientific nonsense.
The map is not the terrain. The description of a thing isn't the same as the thing being described.