Was Ramanujan the greatest math troll of all time?

"How did you come up with this formula"
"I cannot explain it. God gave it to me"
Or is god real? :o

Explore beyond limits

>do something worthy of fame
>promote your agendas at the same time

This checks out.

Heaviside was the greatest math troll of all time. Ramanujan was just an above-average shitposter.

>positive integers added together equal a negative fraction
He merely extended a shit retarded method of notation that existed before him to craft something even more shitty and retarded. Mathematicians do not understand infinity so they play with it in ways that are legitimately disingenuous. Infinity is to math as a toddler with crayons is to the sistine chapel.

To a religious person, "God gave me this idea" is similar to intuition. Descartes says a similar thing in his Philosophy, that all systems are reducible to axioms, which are only able to be known through God or intuition



Nigger Junior aka niglet


>Heaviside also reportedly started painting his fingernails pink and had granite blocks moved into his house for furniture.
>he delivered the manuscripts of his Electrician papers to a grocery store, where the editors picked them up

Truly a man unappreciated in his time

>Heaviside died by falling from a ladder

What did he mean by this? We still haven't solved his final riddle.

why the homophobia?

He lost his balance due to his heavy side and fell off the ladder

Get this man a Field's medal.

I'm an engineer.

>Descartes says a similar thing in his Philosophy, that all systems are reducible to axioms, which are only able to be known through God or intuition

Indeed. Scientists are essentially brainlets today because they don't recognize this.

But Ramanujan was likely getting his ideas from some kind of spirit (malevolent or otherwise).

lmao, can someone find that one video of that fat girl telling youtube she's actually God??

Temporal and parietal cortex might allow you to physically experience complex enough shapes as in partitions, if you have drugs that cause extrasensory hallucinations like salvia you might understand this.

People with certain pathologies like Temporal Lobe Epilepsy often experience religious spiritual awakenings. The God Helmet was designed by some nut and involves interfering with the right temporal cortex in order to induce a psychospiritual religious experience (unfortunately most of the poeple in the control condition also claimed to experience sensing God lol)

Apparently you have a gateway between complex informational patterns that are conveyed by your body (right) and the minds interpretation of them (left) which is computed separately across each hemisphere.

>haha yes. i will disregard this insight into the source and interpretation of human religion because i "think" it's silly

I regret posting anything you fucking slut

On the internet no-one knows you are a pseudo-dog.

god is real, dea with it

NJ Wild burger, the quintessential ultrafinitist retard.

pic-related made me chuckle
