When are we going to colonise Greenland interior?

When are we going to colonise Greenland interior?
>breathable atmosphere(!)
>abundant water
>safe levels of radiation
>super cheap transportation, you can literally fly there on a regular plane in hours

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Shits Cold man

Fuck that. The whole point of space colonization is to keep civilization going if everything goes to shit here on earth.

But who would want to actually live there, other than a handful of people in it for the badass points? Inner greenland and the Gobi desert are all much more habitable, and nobody lives there because it's still horrible and if you go outside you die. I agree that it would be strategically nice for people to live there, but I don't see why anyone would personally want to.

Fuck off retard. Space is just barely worse the the Greenlandic inland ice, and there's much more to gain from living in space.

>when the meme has taken full control
Wake up, son.

>when he switches the sahara for gobi because he knows what would happen if you made an improvement in Africa

OP points out some of the ways in which Greenland, for all its unhospitality, is still a far nicer habitat for humans than (say) Mars.

>and there's much more to gain from living in space.
There is a lot to be gained in *someone* living in space. But there is nothing to be gained, for ME, in *me personally* living there -- Greenland would be preferable.

I picked it for its brutal temperature conditions, actually. There is no other desert quite like it on earth.

You've already posted it on /pol/. What makes you think your shit post will be accepted here?

Go live there then, or go live in Svalbard if you want to live somewhere similar but where it's much easier to immigrate.

No, thank you, for the place where I am currently living is much more hospitable still than inner Greenland, or Svalbard.

I'm not saying that inland Greenland is a nice environment for people to live in. It isn't. I'm saying that it nonetheless is vastly nicer than Mars, which is why nobody will want to actually live on Mars any more than they want to live in inland Greenland.

>which is why nobody will want to actually live on Mars any more than they want to live in inland Greenland.
Well that's objectively incorrect.

Saying we need to go to Mars to secure the survival of our species is a pretty dumb argument, I agree. Unless the planet literally breaks apart, there is no place better suited than Earth no matter what happens. Even if a runaway greenhouse effect makes the average temp on earth 100°C, that would still be much better than living on Mars, or any other place in our solar system.

Thing about space colonization is that low gravity and little to no atmosphere gives you quite a lot of possibilities for building up a space infrastructure and an economy based on that. In the long distance future this would have all sorts of opportunities and advantages for mankind. In the short term, it will give us new technologies. Musk, while trying to reach Mars, has already managed to significantly drive down launch costs into LEO. This means we are saving millions everytime we launch a satellite, which is a good thing.

I would move to Mars in an instant to get away from all the fucking liberals on Earth.

And yet you could get away from all the fucking liberals on earth quite easily if you go live in Antarctica. What's stopping you?

Because this board is much dumber than /pol or /b?

On Mars your every mode would be observed and controlled by people on Earth tho. So it would be like prison, but with no walks outside.

>literal redneck tier joke

>there's much more to gain from living in space

So it's a meme is what you're saying.

>There is a lot to be gained in *someone* living in space.
What, though? If nuclear holocaust happens and everyone on earth dies and 10 people on mars survive, it's still only beneficial to those 10 people, while the other billions on earth are dead and will gain nothing from 10 fags living on.
I don't see why any dead person would care about something silly like "the survival of the human race"

Define, "meme".

>But who would want to actually live there, other than a handful of people in it for the badass points?
I would. Almost everyone who likes space exploration would if given the chance. You would find millions of volunteers no trouble at all. The difficult bit would be screening the applicants and selecting ones actually capable of building a civilization without turning it into some sort of free for all psycho cannibal fight to the death.

Believe it or not, the vast majority of people actually do care about things like that. Or will you deny the existence of things like war, where individuals literally sacrifice their own lives for their tribe?

>Or will you deny the existence of things like war, where individuals literally sacrifice their own lives for their tribe?
I don't deny war exists but I don't think it's due to such lofty ideals as you propose.


Not that cold, right now. Parts of the Arctic are above freezing.


>nuclear holocaust happens and everyone on earth dies
Wow, what a brainlet.

Too many walri.

Isn't pollution heavily regulated in such areas? I mean for Antarctica I'm 100% certain that if someone decides to start building cities with nuclear reactors and industries he will be blocked by international law or gunships long before he sends the first boat with supplies arrives. For Greenland it might be allowed but probably won't be much different and less regulated than trying it in any other plot of land you can buy.

If you're trying to make Reddit look bad you're not doing a good job.

No matter how shitty things on Earth will get it will still be better than on any planet we can reach. There's nothing that can make Earth less suitable for living than Mars

No muslims on Mars.

And no oxygen, don't know what's worse

It's legal to make oxygen but its not legal to unmake muslims.

But nothing stops Muslims from getting to Mars, maybe liberals will enforce racial quotas so that some of the astronauts will have to be Muslim. And on Mars there are no bricks to build the wall

Living inside a volcano is worse than Mars.

Also the bottom of marinas trench

Check mate.

Actually, both of those would probably still be better than Mars.

>colonize Greenland interior somejoq for some strange reason
>ice melts
>sea level rises, bad shit happens
>more offshore oil reserves in the arctic become feasible
>oil is extracted, global warming accelerates
>Venus 2.0
the end



Not him but you do remember that they're a religion and not a race right? So anybody can technically convert into being a Muslim. This isn't a thing that liberals magically have control over and isn't something you can mandate unless you straight ban people who practice religion and all religious items that could provide interest in converting.

>nothing stops Muslims from getting to Mars

Elon Musk's orbital autocannons will see to that.

>But nothing stops Muslims from getting to Mars
Other muslims you silly goose.

>yfw Musk holds earth to ransom with RKVs

>after receiving his ransom, he destroys Earth anyway

You're racist

Greenland would not be okay with that. Mars is open season.

How the fuck can someone type this? There's a fucking enormous light-lag between mars and earth, ranging from 4 to 24 minutes. How the FUCK could they "control" you? Why would they bother? the ISS isn't totally filled with surveillance cameras and it's right next to the earth ffs.

Oh yes, the (((ISS)))

So the ISs is jewish now? When did this get decided? Or is this a veiled way of saying it's fake?

>No matter how shitty things on Earth will get it will still be better than on any planet we can reach.

False in the long term. In less than a billion years Earth will become uninhabitable due to Sun transitioning into red giant phase. Future of humanity is either space or extinction.

>So the ISs is jewish now?
>Or is this a veiled way of saying it's fake?

Don't be so obtuse.

what exactly is wrong with the ISS?

>over $100 billion for a few tin cans in space

What isnt.

how else do you get to test things without having gravity pull everything down?

>too cheap to build an artificial gravity module
>"it's a microgravity testbed!"

>artificial gravity module
well if you have that tech why are you keeping it a secret?

>maybe liberals will enforce racial quotas

A catastrophic airlock accident happened to achmed on the way towards Mars. This is the 17th time it has happened to one of the muslim crew members, officials say that there is no correlation between accidents and religion.

Centrifuge you poltroon.

There's no evidence that that works.

how exactly do you get 0 gravity, continuous free fall, with a centrifuge on Earth?

>In less than a billion years
Somehow I don't think it's really urgent
For the record anyway the sun will became a red giant much later than that.
Earth will be uninhabitable because of growing luminosity, which is happening since the sun was born.

You could have part of the station zero g and the other part with gravity for habitation, and as a test bed for long term space habitats. But Nasa is too cheap to do that, so they pretend like they need every inch of the station to be zero g for their precious "micro-gravity research".

so you want to spend more money just to make a space station be more like the earth, and at the same time you're whining about how much money a space station costs.

>But Nasa is too cheap to do that

too inept to do that

NASA gets $12 billion per year for manned spaceflight, not a small sum at all

>we going to colonise
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>mfw part of the mars colonization supporters do it because achmed bullies them on class

But that will make Mars unhabitable too, it will only happen a couple of years later

There was module for that but iss went over budget and it was scrapped.

I doubt they will be islamophobes from pol who will go to Mars, and normal people won't kill Muslims

We can't do that with current technology, the colony would still have to rely on resupplies from Earth. What's far more likely is some minor global crisis would make those impossible and the colony would have to be evacuated.

One condition thats present on Greenland that won't be on hostile alien planets: direct economic and strategic competition from less crap locations on earth. if you take dominion over Greenland you're still subject to every earth power out there. On Mars you're top cunt and a seed of a whole planetary civilization.

Also consider that you can't just move into Greenland willy nilly. its not under open borders immigration policy. You really think Chinese and Indians from polluted overcrowded regions wouldn't haul ass over there if someone provided any venture capital for desperate people labor?

They don't need to.
Normal people don't let muslims in from the beginning.

I don't mind spending money, I mind wasting effort. They've put all this effort and have little to show for it.

Learning to colonize various inhospitable places on our own planet is easier, but the reward for doing so is one island or desert here or there, whose resources we can probably extract with our current tech. Learning how to live in space is way harder, but if we succeed, we gain access to more resources than the entirety of earth has, and we will be able to settle a good portion of our solar system. Doing so may well lay the foundations for expanding into the entire galaxy, as well as bring a bunch of spin off benefits like us surviving earth getting fucked up and so on. Learning to settle an unpleasant to live on island is way less appealing than expanding our species influence by an order of magnitude or several