How can we can scientifically stop people from having subconcius bias they're not aware off?
like people subcounciusly thinking women and blacks are inferior, how do we stop people from having bias they're not aware they have?
How can we can scientifically stop people from having subconcius bias they're not aware off?
like people subcounciusly thinking women and blacks are inferior, how do we stop people from having bias they're not aware they have?
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You fucking what
Our entire perception of reality is subjective, what you consider a sober state is literally a hallucination based on a convergence of species-typical behaviours and your cultural environment.
Hope that helps.
whites are born racists acording to studies.
The Center for Applied Rationality is looking for answers to those questions, maybe check them out?
subconscious bias is an intrinsic part of living. It doesn't apply just to people. It applies to objects, animals, videogames, literature, literally anything you might potentially value. Muh leftists just want to get rid of it as it applies in very specific social circumstances.
Don't mean to sound like a meme, but diversity legitimately helps with that.
>like people subcounciusly thinking women and blacks are inferior, how do we stop people from having bias they're not aware they have?
It is cultural though so can be changed...
Infact im sure alot of people would wna get rid of those biases personally
>can be change
most of the experiments when you try to change it actually make people more racist.
I mean long term. If you change the culture then the bias can change.
stereotypes are a biological function to store vast amounts of information of a group.
It has survival reasons why we tend to make steretotypes based on race, gender, religion, politics, etc.
We fit everyone with a lie detector. It's a brain scanner that you wear at all times that instantly detects if you lie. If you say "I'm not prejudiced.", it immediately informs everyone that you lied.
But long-term mixed-culture communities have very little racial tensions. That's how it is here (NYC).
you try to make them aware of it dumbass
>after 8 billion dollars anually wasted on hiring more niggers and spics from college and being unable to hire niggers and spics because they lack the IQ to finish college liberals say unconscius bias traning actually make people more raycist and mysogyny
wow, I love the left now.
>But long-term mixed-culture communities have very little racial tensions. That's how it is here (NYC).
>In the short run, however, immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital. New evidence from the US suggests that in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down’. Trust (even of one's own race) is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friends fewer. In the long run, however, successful immigrant societies have overcome such fragmentation by creating new, cross-cutting forms of social solidarity and more encompassing identities. Illustrations of becoming comfortable with diversity are drawn from the US military, religious institutions, and earlier waves of American immigration.
People born into homogeneity are the only ones who have problems with racial bias. Not their fault, it's biological. But enduring diversity makes the tension go away.
Yes making stereotypes is to a large extent unavoidable but we can limit the bad types we have. (Also stereotype isnt exactly the same as an implicit bias i.e. i can know about a stereotype and even joke about it without it affecting me on an implicit level. Implicit biases also may not imply specific stereotypes)
We do it all the time. Stereotypes and implicit biases have already changed alot, it can go further. Im sure you know some things attitudes have changed to alot in your life time e.g. gayness. And would guess the biases would change too. Even in your own life e.g. being uncomfortable with certain things at a younger age.
As someone who's lived in NYC his entire life, I seriously doubt you've left your university. Nearly every neighborhood here is determined by the near homogenous make up of its inhabitants
Lived in Queens the last decade.
>How can we can scientifically stop people from having subconcius bias they're not aware off?
stop defining everything you don't like people thinking as "bias" is a really good start
holy shit you're retarded. i was answering op's question, i didn't waste my fucking time clicking his retarded link.
>how do u stop people from doing something that they don't know they are doing hurr durr
uh, fucking tell them dumbass
Brainwashing. I guess a commie faggot like you would be on board with it though.
And how did that add to the thread? Here take my sympathy (you) user.
I gift them my consciousness to be their 'subconscious cricket of good conscience'. Like Jimmie Cricket.