Why does evolution make some people attractive and some people ugly...

Why does evolution make some people attractive and some people ugly? I thought evolution has no concept of “purpose”, and yet attractive people are more likely to survive and reproduce than ugly people as if it was predetermined

Why does the universe make some asteroids hit the earth and some pass harmlessly by? I thought gravity had no sense of "purpose". Yet asteroids that do hit make a big BOOM noise as if it was predetermined

Beauty is a factor of genetic similarity. The most beautiful people are the mean appearance of their local population, while the most beautiful to the individual is just slightly deviated from their own genetic material. This is why people universally want to fuck their gender-swapped image from FaceApp.

This isn't entirely accurate. If the local population exhibits distinct indicators of disability - such as subsaharan african apearance - the individuals might actually prefer traits exhibited by more objectively healthy populations.

Then why is there so much yellow fever around here despite this place being populated by americans and euros?

>this place being populated by americans and euros
Veeky Forums is mostly spics and eastern europeans

tons of people here find asians unattractive lol

human sick/weak => human dies

human heathy/strong => human survives

human likes and breeds with other humans who's sick/weak => offspring is weak and dies
offspring is dead and their preferences don't matter anymore

human likes and breeds with other humans heathy/strong => offspring is strong and survives
offspring inherits preference for healthy partners

===> people have preference for healthy partners

healty humans has particular cues that give away they are healthy (e.g. symmetric face)
===> people have preference for people with health/strengh cues

"beautiful" is just a term describing features universally (due to the selection evolution above) consided desirable

the notion of "beauty" depends on what works for the species to survive best

wasted trips desu

>as if it was predetermined

It looks predetermined to you in hindsight.

>alcoholic apple cider
would not date

For men it is quite obvious. Signs of attractiveness are typically tied to survival chances. Tall, wide shoulders, bis muscles guy has (or had) probably better chances to survive than short, skinny, weak guy. Also, for men status is important. High status = bigger chance of survival. Easy as that. For males, what makes male attractive is pretty consitent throughout all cultures and history.

Female attractiveness though is a different thing. It is very inconsistent, and what might be the beauty norm for females in your culture and time, might be completely different in another culture, or in another time. There is some correlation to survival chances, but that seems to be much less important than with male attractiveness.

Why do manlets exist?

>yet attractive people are more likely to survive and reproduce than ugly people
Unforunately that is a more recent byproduct. Also unforunately we don't have the ability to cull unattractive people from the population as there is no pressure on them, unattractive people can always find other unattractive people to mate with.

so that tall men can be see as tall, as opposed to normal

Ugly people only started to exist after civilization.

Ugly people exist to provide for the chads and stacies. Historically, only 1 in 17 men got to breed.

It's not, you're talking about man made measurements and metrics, we give it purpose but universally its just a genetic coding that you could say is better then other genetic's, doesn't make the other genetic's worse if its still functional. It's chaotic still who draws the card and what not and yes it can be changed with human choices and intervention.

Things can still be determined in the universe etc.. but on earth and out of all the stars we have little impact to that course, so for us it doesn't matter what we do, that will come down to our own choices not predetermination. We are a result of predetermination but not the a factor that has an effect or change, nor does predetermination have a significant impact on our everyday lives unless the universe has a set course for earth.

Either that or, it is how everything has been programmed to perceived by some engineers beyond us.

because subjective beauty is entirely relative.
if absolutely everyone was a 10/10 and someone was a 9 that person would be the ugliest person alive.

then why do i want to fuck cute 2d lolis? checkmate evolution

Everyone is ugly.
And Uglys like ta fuk.

cause you're an evolutionary dead end
checkmate neet

if we go by statistics, you are probably too, unless you have like 5 kids

God created manlets to laugh at

People want "healthy" mates to increase probability of survival of offspring (and genes).
But what constitutes "health" -- and therefore "beauty" is cultural. It can change with time.
"Fat" once meant your family was successful enough to eat regularly, and that's a desirable characteristic in a mate. Rubens painting of Venus, goddess of love and beauty.

Even Marilyn Monroe had a bit of "baby fat" by current aesthetic standards. (We now know that "fat" leads to coronary disease, so the pendulum has swung too far with runway models who look as cadaverous as Auschwitz inmates.)

>Fat was beautiful

False, now back to tumblr

Look up "Peter Paul Rubens" before opening your yap.

>I thought evolution has no concept of “purpose”
Exactly that's why. Evolution doesn't have a sense of ugly, only sense of successful to reproduce.

Why are attractive people more likely to survive and reproduce?

Ive always thought that secondary sexual charachteristics came through environments produced by the individuals phenotype, and so time determines who becomes sexiest depending on how the environment selects for who gets nutrition based on their genome, and develops sexiness to breed.

True, now go back to /pol/

(Same guy)
This would be reason as to why humans arent muscles gorrilas, or why all species dont reach the same traits. Organism divert genomically to find the most optimal environments to reproduce, and not to "become the strongest".

Thats araousing

prettyness = mediocrity = your genes are so average, that your face is perfectly symmetrical

that is not true for most people, for most it was 20-30%

Humans kinda broke their programming. We're not a good case study of evolution at all.

Oh my god.

I do want to do that.

makeup isn't genetic lmao

Ugly people and poor eyesight used to be complementary traits. The invention of glasses ruined that.

because they can live off very few calories. Basically they thrive during periods of starvation, but since we invented farming they've been pretty much dead weight and females are naturally selecting them out of the gene pool.

yeah and makeup technology has gotten to the point of face painting so a female can change her face entirely.

traits are passed down based on fitness. Not like athletic fitness. Scientific fitness is the likelihood of having offspring. The two main factors for fitness are ability to survive and ability to attract a mate. This means that yes, we are slowly moving towards a more attractive society. Physical attractiveness has now almost completely replaced physical strength/athletics. This is because we now work out to be more attractive, not to survive better.

The reason we don't have a super fit, super attractive world is that humans want to feel loves and want to reproduce, so often less desirable traits like wide eyes, etc. aren't selected against as harshly as you might expect.

tl;dr ugly isn't being selected against strongly enough

I do not feel that way at all. I'm pasty white, the faceapp version of myself is gross. I love latinas.

>we are slowly moving towards a more attractive society
No we aren't. The people that reproduce the most are quite hideous as it turns out. The whole world doesn't work like your suburb.

Makes no sense.

Being taller and bigger means you need more calories to not starve.

99% of time humans have walked the earth, we have been in a deficit of food.

Your logic makes no sense, you stupid brainlet.

>I thought
that is where you went wrong

Because sex feels good and ugly people fuck other ugly people. It would only be selected against if they got less sex but they dont, they just lower their standards. Plenty of uggos to procreate with.


beauty is only one of many factors that determine the likelihood of you reproducing.

>This is why people universally want to fuck their gender-swapped image from FaceApp.
Mine looks exactly like my sister. I do NOT want to fuck my sister.