Existentialist crisis

Any super genius here that has all the answers of the universe yet? Thanks.

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42 of course.



When Hypoc was through meditating with St. Gulik, he went there into the kitchen where he busied himself with preparing the feast and in his endeavor, he found that there was some old tea in a pan left standing from the night before, when he had in his weakness forgot about its making and had let it sit steeping for 24 hours. It was dark and murky and it was Hypoc's intention to use this old tea by diluting it with water. And again in his weakness, chose without further consideration and plunged into the physical labor of the preparations. It was then when deeply immersed in the pleasure of that trip, he had a sudden loud clear voice in his head saying "it is bitter tea that involves you so." Hypoc heard the voice, but the struggle inside intensified, and the pattern, previously established with the physical laboring and the muscle messages coordinated and unified or perhaps coded, continued to exert their influence and Hypoc succumbed to the pressure and he denied the voice.

And again he plunged into the physical orgy and completed the task, and Lo as the voice had predicted, the tea was bitter.

What is it you want to know?


no u

There's as many answers as there are people, "every head is a world", which if you read once you question what you do, takes a whole new meaning.

But this is not the end, so don't worry, luckily for you, there's a right way of thinking, the study of this is logic, start here. Read "Laws of truth" by Smith, this will put you in the right direction. Ethics also help, maybe try and reach Kant's critique of pure reason, that's what I'm doing right now. Or the metaphysics path.

There's a right way of thinking, but there's no universal truth, but there's a wrong way of thinking, so we can know when something is wrong, understanding this will lead you either accept you will not know, or make you choose your assumptions, your ideals, that you take as true, and work from it. it's a hard path and you never really reach an end, but at least you get a place to start, for me, it's absolutely worth it, best of luck.


Here ya go, user!

[spoiler](The answer to the universe is left as an exercise for the reader)[/spoiler]

get well in mind that your time is limited, you are expiring.
You can choose to take the more you can out of our world by satisfying your desires (pussy, money) or you can choose to give the more out of your world (your mind, from your eteric thoughts to the material world).
Once you die, you lose all you conquered (memories of pleasure, stuff etc) and you live to the rest of us all what you gave. (scientific research, wisdom or whatever).
What do you choose user.

You choose.

My interpretation of existence is painted in the pastel palette of my experiences. As yours will be when you find it.

First ask yourself not who you have been made into, ask instead how are you meant to be...

>how you are meant to be

meant to be by who? if you were born in somalia you are not meant to be like you would in america.


do as u will, the most high law

if you really think about it art is the most scientific disciple of all. Really think about it fellas, only art and our imagination allow us to break the laws of the universe

Lurk on Veeky Forums for a week and you'll see most of the important questions answered here.
Riemann Conjecture
Dark Energy
Quantum Gravity
FTL Travel
Mind Uploading
What happens inside Black Holes. (Alternately, "Why Black Holes do not exist")

So far, all the "answers" have been wrong.
Most, laughably so.
Certainly, I haven't noticed anyone from here showing up in Stockholm to accept an award.

>Any super genius here that has all the answers of the universe yet? Thanks.
that's easy
you can't have all the answers

don't tell me what i can have, dad

No right or wrong but hurtful and helpful

there isn't much we can actually know. know wholeness and be pragmatic. the most fundamental fact of the universe is: everything is a circle

I constantly have feelings of switching majors because I think I made the wrong choice. I fucking hate this feeling of constant indecision and stress.

explain more

I don't know if I made the right choice majoring in EE over MechE. I tell myself that by the time I get to 4th year when I can take some ECE electives that things will get better. It also doesn't help that if I switch majors, I''ll be restarting at 2nd year of my program, and I'd have to take some courses in the summer, that means I'd graduate a year later (already a year behind).

Forget the time factor, there's no rush to be anything.
>things get better
Whats wrong?

Other than my circuits course, and electrostatics I find it difficult to care about data structures/algorithms, and discrete math. I was looking forward to 4th year since I'd be able to take some courses in photonics and microwave engineering

I would switch back, but you know what.. Ask yourself and go with your literal gut feeling.

Where would you like me to start?

Everything you know is just information in your head, and it is impossible to define the universe as anything other than information. The universe still exists outside our heads, because if it didn't then we wouldn't be here to observe it. However, because the flow of information is bounded by the physics of the universe, there will often be limits on what information we can extract from the universe (like knowing the exact position and momentum of a particle at any point in time).

But what would happen if we could know everything? If we could plot the trajectory of every particle, then, hypothetically, could we not predict the future? And if we could predict the future (using extraordinarily complex computations) then what would happen if the machine told us exactly what we would do in the next five minutes? What if you chose to simply not do it?

Ive heard this joke since middle school but I never got it

whats the reference?


So, I take it from the image you recognize that what you're saying is nonsense?

All I'm saying is that no matter how far humanity progresses, it can never know everything, as knowing everything is a paradox.


No, I agree, but you arrived at this conclusion like a broken clock arrives at the right time. Or do you directly perceive data?

You literally just said what I said was nonsense. Why are you changing the goal posts? What are you afraid of?

I'm afraid you didn't answer the question

You've already contradicted yourself. Your obvious objective of making me feel self-conscious is no longer possible now that you've confirmed you're a brainlet. It's pathetic that the best you could come up with was "yeah but I didn't like how many sentences you wrote."

To whom do you think you are responding? When did I reference the number of sentences you wrote?

I just want an answer to a simple question: do you think that you directly perceive information?

Magic.... No wait. It's the nature of atomic forces. Start by noticing that it must somehow be more complicated than electrons in orbit. If it were that way, they'd spiral into the nucleus and be annihilated. The move in "orbitals" rather than orbits. If things were any other way, things would be different.


Sure, but what you should really be asking yourself is do you have the right question?


After decades of ruminating, I keep coming back to the same conclusion:

The universe is a mental construct.

You live inside your own dream; a dream created for you (but, what is "you?" that is a different, longer discussion on the dilemma of consciousness). A dream spoken in the language of qualia. Before words, before thoughts... are the feelings. Sentio ergo sum. I FEEL, therefore I am.

You literally cannot prove anything outside of your own mind exists. For all intents and purposes, without your mind, the universe would not exist. Light without eyes illuminates nothing.

Furthermore, I speculate that if time and space are actually just separate aspects of the same thing, then I believe we will one day learn that mind and universe are just different aspects of the same thing.

Here's your answer OP:

- We have evolved to experience emotions (just one more tool in the survival & replication toolbox)

- These emotions make us suffer, so we can:
a) Just suffer
b) Satisfy the emotions
c) Ignore the emotions (see. some Zen practices)

- So you can choose to maintain some emotions and to filter out other ones (e.g. overcome jealousy in order to have multiple partners). Of course, sometimes it gets difficult and that sucks.

you're welcome

But that's wrong. The outside objective universe exists. I'm part of it and I exist. You could use many rationalizations until I start stomping on your nuts until you admit I exist.

Yes but they won't talk to us because we're dumb and irresponsible.

That would just be a bad dream, and not proof of anything external to my mind.

>The outside objective universe exists.
You cannot prove that.
>You could use many rationalizations until I start stomping on your nuts until you admit I exist.
Come at me, dreamjumper. You are the one trying to rationalize a baseless assumption. It's presumptuous to assume that an objective universe exists.

>falling for the solipsism meme

>I exist
You do? What is "you," anyways? We've already scoured the brain for the origin of consciousness. The sum of all neural activity does not account for the sensation of being, the quality of fluid experience as a "mind."

I'm I'm I'm; i, i, i; me, me, me. Blah blah blah.

You don't even know what "you" are. None of "us" do.

Your life is a meme.

when the answer cannot be put into words, neither the questions can be put into words.
The riddle does not exist.

If a question can be framed at all, it is also possible to answer it.

Scepticism is not irrefutable, but obviously nonsensical, when it tried to rise doubts where no questions can be asked.

For doubt can exist only where a question can exist, a question where only an answer exists, and an answer only where something can be said.

We feel that when all possible scientific question have been answered, the problem of life remain completely untouched. Of course there are then no questions left, and this itself the answer.

The solution of problem of life is seen in the vanishing of the problem.

fuck a pregnant woman

it's a dream.

The mind has consciousness of time.
Consciousness of time is necessarily connected with the possibility of determination in time.
Determination in time is only possible through something permanent in perception.
This permanent thing cannot be within the mind. For if external determinations existed solely in the mind, there would be solely internal sense, and not even a representation of external sense, as in dreams.
Therefore there exists something permanent outside the mind, through which it determines its internal sense, time.

Its taken from Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy. Some people build an immense computer and ask it to compute the answer to the question "what is the meaning of life". After years of thinking, they all gather around, and it says "42", because the question never made any sense in the first place so it gave a nonsensical answer.

I respect your assertions, but they just sound like more layers of pure semantic masturbation. Determination in time and permanence in perception do not, in my opinion, provide a solid foundation for the idea of an objective reality. When I assert that the universe is a dream, don't get the semantics twisted; what i really mean is that all information you experience about the universe is something that your brain constructed for you prior to any individual thoughts taking place. You are not involved in the creation of qualia, the qualia is fed to you. And as you move forward and interact with "reality," it is further generated for you. We don't naturally think about it like this, but the universe consists of mostly emptiness. There is more emptiness between atoms than mass. For example, the idea of "cat" breaks down when you inspect individual atoms and particles. You cannot discern "cat" from a constituent. Therefore, "cat" is a mental construct of a system of constituents that our brain approximates and then labels. This act of labeling and approximating for practical purposes is the whole of our experience and the act of creating the universe itself. In fact, we had to create the word universe for there to be a universe to describe.

The only answer that mattters is that we exist in a permanent eugenics program called natural selection that has been present for millions of years. Life is your place in the dominance hierarchy, determined by IQ, inherited wealth, symmetry of your face, athleticism and body size, dick size, and other factors over which you have virtually no control. The ranking of which of these traits carries most importance in determining your rank depends on the cultural, natural, and geopolitical environment you find yourself in. You will struggle your whole life to go from your current ranking, to a ranking a little higher. It is in your genetic programming to do this. If you fail enough, your hormonal and chemical profile will change, as will your brain, into a less aggressive/ambitious profile that will make you permanently weak and submissive. This is an adaptation to keep you from hurting or killing yourself by continuing to try and advance yourself when you dont have the tools to win. If you find yourself in an advantageous enough position in the hierarchy, a woman may select you for mating and provisioning. If not, you will die sexless, loveless, humiliated and alone. This process will continue until the sun becomes and red giant and eliminates all life on earth. Life is meaningless, brutal and we have no free will. Any other questions?

I agree with most of what you're saying, but I think you're thinking of "objective reality" in the wrong way. Things as they exist in themselves cannot be perceived, for if they are perceived, they immediately fall under the heading of phenomena. This latter is the only objectively reality (i.e. things as they appear to the mind and senses), and can only be understand through the various forms of perception that antedate any "actual" (i.e. empirical) experience.

I don't think it makes sense to say the experience itself is constructed by the brain, that is, that the things which actually act on the sense are constructed by the brain, because that assertion contradicts itself on the basis of the above argument. I am not saying that determination in time and permanence in perception as matter provide a basis for an objective reality as it is in itself, but I believe they provide a firm basis for the only kind of objective reality there can be, which is objective reality as it relates to and is dependent on consciousness.

But I think it is absolutely correct to say that the forms of experience, or, the ways in which experience is presented (as particular instances of matter in space and time) are constructed by and have their seat nowhere else but in the mind.

>'The world is my idea:'- this is a truth that holds good for everything that lives and knows, though man alone can bring it into reflective and abstract consciousness. If he really does this, he has attained philosophical wisdom. It then becomes clear and certain to him that what he knows is not a sun and an earth, but only an eye that sees the sun, and a hand that feels the earth; that the world which surrounds him is there only as an idea, i.e. only in relation to something else, the consciousness, which is himself.

Bitchin quote, my dude.

>"Against that positivism which stops before phenomena, saying "there are only facts," I should say: no, it is precisely facts that do not exist, only interpretations."

thank you lads

>Any super genius here that has all the answers of the universe yet?



You're welcome.

There are no right or wrong answers only how we want to live our lives there isn't death... Just mare demenions until the body breaks... Then out energy become consciousness free to start fresh...a new life..Till that moment in my life I always thought this is me and that's somebody else and something else. But for the first time I did not know which is me and which is not me. Suddenly, what was me was just all over the place. The very rock on which I was sitting, the air that I breathe, the very atmosphere around me, I had just exploded into everything. That sounds like utter insanity. This, I thought it lasted for ten to fifteen minutes but when I came back to my normal consciousness, it was about four-and-a-half-hours I was sitting there, fully conscious, eyes open, but time had just flipped.

In other words we are all as one in this life the same mote of dust suspended in a sun beam need not to worry about if we are intelligent it won't matter after you leave this body you'll simply move on and feel completely free the only thing you need to do is fine yourself when you know who you are completely you'll understand the universe completely

Consciousness” is a highly abused word, used in many different ways. First of all, let me define what we refer to as consciousness. You are a combination of many things. As a piece of life, as a body, you are a certain amount of earth, water, air, fire, and akash or ether. And there is a fundamental intelligence that puts all these things together in a particular way to make life out of it. The same ingredients that are lying there as mud sit here as life – what an incredible transformation! There is a profound and unimaginable level of intelligence that can make simple things like air into life. If the air stops. Life goes.

The only reason why you experience life and aliveness is because you are conscious. If you are unconscious, you do not know whether you are alive or dead.

Consciousness” is a highly abused word, used in many different ways. First of all, let me define what we refer to as consciousness. You are a combination of many things. As a piece of life, as a body, you are a certain amount of earth, water, air, fire, and akash or ether. And there is a fundamental intelligence that puts all these things together in a particular way to make life out of it. The same ingredients that are lying there as mud sit here as life – what an incredible transformation! There is a profound and unimaginable level of intelligence that can make simple things like air into life. If the air stops. Life goes.

The only reason why you experience life and aliveness is because you are conscious. If you are unconscious, you do not know whether you are alive or dead.

There are no right or wrong answers only how we want to live our lives there isn't death... Just mare demenions until the body breaks... Then out energy become consciousness free to start fresh...a new life..Till that moment in my life I always thought this is me and that's somebody else and something else. But for the first time I did not know which is me and which is not me. Suddenly, what was me was just all over the place. The very rock on which I was sitting, the air that I breathe, the very atmosphere around me, I had just exploded into everything. That sounds like utter insanity. This, I thought it lasted for ten to fifteen minutes but when I came back to my normal consciousness, it was about four-and-a-half-hours I was sitting there, fully conscious, eyes open, but time had just flipped.

In other words we are all as one in this life the same mote of dust suspended in a sun beam need not to worry about if we are intelligent it won't matter after you leave this body you'll simply move on and feel completely free the only thing you need to do is fine yourself when you know who you are completely you'll understand the universe completely

We are not magicians._ we aren't laws of qauntum physics._.Those laws govern us we are pure energy.A peice of something bigger than our selfs. Learn who you are ._master that You'll understand everything in the universe.


All of existence is just the infinity of possible axiomatic systems.
We are one instantiation of those.
The instantiation where the laws of physics are like they are.
This is a logical necessity.
God bless.

We can not break the laws of the universe we can marely discover and adapt it seems we can bend then but with frequencies and magnetics art is a vision within your mind such things are useless after our energy leave the body

d) transcend

Least Action Principle.

life is what you make it

i do
but i'm not sharing :)

based mustacheman

Barba non facit philosophum.

>Do you know the meaning of life?


>may i hear it?

... no

I always felt like this was a refeference to the Golden Ratio or something

incomplete ;)

barba =/= mustache

Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.

t. solipsist
If postmodernism fucked narcissism and they had a retarded child it would say what you said. Information exists outside your memory. A great way to test if you're in a dream is to look at a complex object and then look away. When you look at it again, it'll be different because your dumb monkey-brain can only hold so much information at any given time. The universe can hold as much information as it has matter/energy to store it. As much as you might want to think you are, you are NOT the universe. I'm just kidding bro you're a cool guy.

has it right. Emotions are just vestigial remnants of your early mammalian brain. Some of them serve an important purpose but a lot of those purposes are no longer relevant. With birth control, condoms and abortion widely available in modern society, "jealousy" as it pertains to the survival of your genes is just pain without purpose, and pain without purpose is suffering and should be numbed.

Life has no purpose besides the purpose you make for yourself. You can be a hedonist and ride the highs of your limbic system, hijacking it for your own benefit, you can create a belief system and abide by its rules to make you feel good about yourself (smart people have a hard time deluding themselves in this way), you can use that newly evolved prefrontal cortex of yours to learn as much about the universe as possible and find pleasure in its beauty. Most people do a little bit of all three.

Just remember that everyone else here is in the same position as you are, so try not to be a dick to them. Help them when you can. Suffering sucks, so if you're ever in a position where you can stop someone from suffering without hurting yourself, please do it.

the point of life is to gather power and commit atrocities to shock the human collective into being nice to each other

Basically the meaning of life is 42 because the ascii value for 42 is the asterisk or "*". The asterisk is often used as a place holder for whatever you want. That's basically it. Whatever you think is meaningful is meaningful.

Yes the point is to meet the maximum level of pleasure
>Eating the best meal
>Smelling the best fragrance
>Hearing the best sound
>Touching the best material/fabric
>Having the most comfortable environment both externally and internally (mind)
>Fulfilling a release of all desires (love, sex, etc.)
>release of death
All of this occurring in a brief amount of time is the true answer to the universe and humanity

>With birth control, condoms and abortion widely available in modern society, "jealousy" as it pertains to the survival of your genes is just pain without purpose, therefore you should let this big black bull ram your wife while you're at work
Try harder next time, shlomo

I got all the answers of the universe. It seem it failed the test

Imagine being this deep in the mire of scientism

>make a valid point
>get called a jew.

Am I on Veeky Forums or /pol/ or has it become so bad that there really is no difference on Veeky Forums anymore?

I'm sorry that you don't like interracial cuck porn. Stop jacking off to it maybe???