What's inside a black hole, really?

What's inside a black hole, really?

its just a singularity. the "black hole" part is just the extremely strong gravity around the singularity that doesnt allow light to escape

Is there anything really fun to learn about this crap? Science fiction makes it sound so cool with the time travel stories and all that jazz. In reality it seems space is fucking boring. You fall into a black hole and nothing happens. You don't travel to another universe, you don't time travel. There's nothing in there. You get pulled in and get stretched into a long noodle as thin as an atom only to become one with a boring aggregation of nondescript mass. My bunghole is more interesting than a black hole.

there's no singularity, general relativity predicts a singularity with infinite density because the theory breaks down at such small scales and high energies
there's only the event horizon and we really have no clue exactly what's behind that

The density is stated to be infinite because physicist have no way to measure the densities of black holes all they can do is assume the mass and say its infinite in density since the actual density of a black hole is a usually a number with 26 zeros.

If you don't like the search for knowledge you shouldn't go into science. There's nothing wrong with that not everyone has the same interests.
Also fyi, time travel isn't possible and there is no other universe.

Are physicists too retarded to use scientific notation?

that's assuming there's no singularity, black holes obviously have a huge density either way, but a singularity implies infinite density

>Also fyi, time travel isn't possible and there is no other universe.
Yeah that is my point. Fucking boring.

>there is no other universe
you don't know that, just assumptions

also time travel to the future, faster than the normal rate, is very possible

Who wants to travel to the future? The way things are going it's going to be a dystopia populated by diverse transniggers.

>and there is no other universe
we're reaching unprecedented levels of brainlet

I don't think it's boring at all, learning about God's creation is the most interesting thing.
I can time travel to the future by sitting on my couch, why would I spend effort trying to accelerate just so I can skip a few hundred years and find out that everything is shit?
Even if there are other universes I don't see any reason to waste my couch sitting time pondering them, we aren't ever getting to them so what's the point?

true, you should kill yourself right now on your couch since there's no point anyway

Multiverse interpretation is the most brainlet "theory" in the world you projector.

which multiverse? all of them? you don't know shit dismissing all of them without a single reason
hurr "brainlet"

>infinite time and space
>existing chance of a universe existing
>but that doesn't mean there are other universes, this one is the first and last one to exist ever

You're the one claiming there are other universes. Where's your evidence? Put up or shut up.

yeah, better to just dismiss them all, never think about it again and stick our heads in the ground

they're possible, some, like the universe being bigger than the observable part of it, are very probably

A black hole isn't a hole like a pit. It's literally a bunch of mass that becomes black because light cannot escape. It's just a nigger planet basically. Material does not escape the universe.

A lot of energy/matter.

No, the density of the black hole is always a finite number, it's the density of the singularity at the centre that's infinite. And it is always infinite for any black hole, because it's a point with zero volume, so its density is infinite for any mass.

My brother went into one to find out, but he's not out yet.
Still waiting.

The many worlds interpretation has nothing to do with the multiverse.

wish that was called the universal wavefunction, makes alot more sense thinking about it from that perspective

your mom


>implying black holes exist

I KNOW the density cannot be infinite (and the center of a black hole not a singularity) since that would recreate the conditions that spawned the big bang.

ramen noodles

>What's inside a black hole, really?

the shittiest math that humans have ever made.

Yes you can.
Autism run around your room very fast and you're now 1/99999999999 of a microsecond ahead of everyone else.

For instance, the time on the ISS goes faster than it does here, and that's accounted for

Isn't it about time you grew the fuck up ?

other black hole