Scientific Flaw in Mars Colonization Discovered

NBC news is reporting a new serious flaw in elon musk's mars ambition. IS this the end of colonization efforts?

Think! God Feminist critical theory is so fucking amazing. Shut up and listen. Listen and Believe.

These people need to be banned from leaving Earth.


Each day that goes by these people gain more power in the most important educational and scientific institutions. You can actually look up things like NIH high ups twitter profiles and see word for word examples of similar views. It's not a declining movement and if anything has more power than ever plus spreading through private companies especially the largest ones.

Holy shit, it's really over.

She has institutional power.

Marcie Bianco is a writer and the Editorial and Communications Manager of the Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University.

not just institutional power.. I should elaborate. She has power at one of the leading elite universities in the world and is shaping the future in a real way along with many, many others who share her views.

What about the female astronauts who want to ride in those rockets to Mars? Are their dreams of colonizing Mars just internalized patriarchy?

Don't mansplain. She is bringing up valid points and it is a fact spaceX is led by a white straight man.

the horror

You faggots are memeing but these people are more dangerous to colonization than any engineering challenge. Just wait until the greens join the fray especially if its part of some behind the scenes political and corporate warfare.

Are you defending someone more privileged? Elon Musk is a white straight billionaire man.


Why are you attacking an important manager from Stanford?

What are your ivy league credentials?

it's alright, since they're anti-gun we can take them over when required

Women are too stupid to create anything so they spend all their time tearing down what they can. Educating women has just given them another means to do what they have done for eons: mindless nag, complain, and criticize without ever contributing anything of note.

Yeah, I know right? Cellular respiration is just a toxic male power fantasy. I mean...can they..just...ugh...

Isn't the COO of SpaceX a woman?

Internalized misogyny.

I regret wasting those few minutes of my life I spent reading this drivel.
its literally just muh feels, thought policing, men are evil, and green bullshit.

there's no science in any of it just feminist gospel.

these idiots are going to turn every institution they get their hands on into a mission for their insane cult were looking at the death of institutional science.

It's coming straight from Stanford PhD.

I don't buy into a lot of the /r9k/ type shit and think men and women are generally similar but I can say without a doubt that 99% of women completely lack vision

as in they don't understand the usefulness of things that may not have immediate, tangible benefits, and that's really dangerous in science as the majority of our big innovations weren't deliberate from the outset, kind of like how wars produce a ton of useful inventions

identity politics leads to the next dark age

look up nature journal publishing articles on "de-colonizing science"

>An argument from authority (Latin: argumentum ad verecundiam), also called an appeal to authority, is a logical fallacy that argues that a position is true or more likely to be true because an authority or authorities agree with it.
I know you're just meming but seriously.

Stay butthurt cuck, men shouldn't have oppressed women for so long the radical idea that women are people and should have the right to live as one... you are just angry because you can't control women like me anymore

Get a girlfriend you smelly loser, I have done more in my 28 years of life than pathetic neckbeards like you ever will

Haha so you are saying you are a nobody? Gotcha.. dont blabber then

racism and sexism is gonna bring the new dark age, especially racism and sexism of butthurt white manchilds

and you just committed the logical fallacy of appealing to authority.


>Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

I think we can all agree that historical evidence shows us white and Jewish men are and have been the biggest driving force behind the development of the human race so far, any movement that restricts and inhibits them for the benefit of another denomination should be treated as a crime against humanity and dealt with as quickly as possible.

>le fallacy fallacy

Back to pol pablo your retarded wiki posting isn't bringing any actual argument

women are large children and were treated as such because men knew it would always fall to them to fix whatever mess women always make when they're let off the leash this is no less true now than it has been for the entire history of civilized society.

like the grand total of none you've brought.

feminism has no arguments only pulls to emotion and blaming any of their numerous disasters they've failed to cover up on anyone but themselves.

>women completely lack vision as in they don't understand the usefulness of things that may not have immediate, tangible benefits, and that's really dangerous
>wars produce a ton of useful inventions
Male logic everybody.

>Each day that goes by these people gain more power in the most important educational and scientific institutions. You can actually look up things like NIH high ups twitter profiles and see word for word examples of similar views. It's not a declining movement and if anything has more power than ever plus spreading through private companies especially the largest ones.

At this point China and Russia sadly are the only hope for humanity to progress technologically and in space exploration

The thing is that she's not even really wrong about anything, it's just unclear what point she is trying to make. Yeah, masculine instincts to colonize, conquer, dominate and explore new environments, resources and peoples have caused all sorts of harm, but they're also what built human civilization. Without them we'd still be sitting on our asses in the savannah like bonobos jerking each other off or something.

So what is she actually suggesting? That this was all "toxic" and we should dismantle everything and go back to flinging shit at each other in the jungle? Or is her goal nothing more than to bask in all the benefits of modern civilization while absolving herself of all guilt and looking down her nose at the primitive apes who built it in the first place?

There's just no point engaging with these armchair critics of society who sit there pointing out all the bad things while never offering solutions or considering the overall context of why things are that way.

Although your point about her wanting to bask in society's benefits is spot on, she's most certainly incorrect in many parts of that article.
She equates the desire to expand humanity's horizons by colonizing Mars (where no complex beings live) to actual rape of a human. She goes on to also equate this desire to that of Columbus, who only sought to give himself a name through whatever means necessary, and that included slaughter of another culture and claiming that this "new" land already owned by someone is now his.

She doesn't stop there; she finishes this bombardment by stating that wanting to shoot *any* rocket into space is wrong because there is suffering on some other part of the world.

She is wrong on many levels and should be ashamed of herself. To even allow her to have a hint of being correct is wrong as well. Luckily, 92% of the readers of that article wholeheartedly disagree with her.

>The desire to colonize — to have unquestioned, unchallenged and automatic access to something, to any type of body, and to use it at will — is a patriarchal one.
>It is the same instinctual and cultural force that teaches men that everything — and everyone — in their line of vision is theirs for the taking. You know, just like walking up to a woman and grabbing her by the pussy.

this is brilliant

This thread doesn't belong on Veeky Forums.

Isnt NASA full of women?

critical theory is accepted at harvard, stanford, and every major institution

why do you think the future of space travel is in the hands of foreign countries and private enterprise now.

>The desire to colonize — to have unquestioned, unchallenged and automatic access to something, to any type of body, and to use it at will — is a patriarchal one.

"My body, my choice" is now the patriarchy.

But he's also an African immigrant.

Reminder that you can't pretend to support the continuation of science and space exploration without supporting the institution of a proper fascist government which would oust these postmodernist luddites from their places of power.

desu, should we really spread the human disease to other planets, when we could not fix it at home? Is it within our right to defecate on marts, and turn it into a shithole much like our motherland?

>ignore that the muslims showed da wey

>women would not wage wars
>women are peaceful
Women are cowards, put them around only women and they turn into violent beast.

>Fallacy fallacy
That in itself is a fallacy.

Do you see the big picture yet?